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General Information - EM-Technik Macro Filter 7F900 Assembly And Operation Instructions Manual


1. General information

1.1 Introduction
• These instructions apply to series 7F900 Makro Filter,
also referred to below as fi ttings.
• Read the instructions completely before using our pro-
ducts to prevent injuries, material damage and mal-
• Save the instructions for later reference.
• All rights including copyright and industrial property
rights are explicitly reserved.
1.2 Warnings
• Warnings are always identifi ed by a signal word. The
following signal words or hazard levels are used:
Danger: Failure to follow instructions will
lead to serious injuries or death. High risk le-
vel of endangerment.
Warning: Failure to follow instructions may
lead to serious injuries or death. Moderate
risk level of endangerment.
Caution: May lead to slight or moderate inju-
ries. Low risk level of endangerment.
Note: Refers to an instruction that must ab-
solutely be followed.
Information: Gives useful tips and recom-
1.3 Special Hazards
• It must be ensured that the fi tting is resistant for the
media and temperatures that will be used. The resis-
tance of the fi tting with aggressive media depends in
individual cases on many variables (such as the tem-
perature, concentration ratio of the medium, material,
environment, tube material etc.). The person ordering
the fi tting is responsible for checking for the specifi c
application. In case of doubt install the fi tting on a trial
• Always comply with the safety data sheets or the safety
requirements for the media you are using!
• Before removing the fi tting it must be ensured that the-
re is no more medium in the fl exible tube/pipe system
and the pressure has completely dissipated. Exercise
caution for toxic, corrosive or hot media residue fl owing
out of the line or remaining in dead spaces.
EM-Technik GmbH - Industriestraße 2 - 67133 Maxdorf - Germany
1.4 General Safety Instructions
• The fi tting must be properly connected to the fl exible
tube/pipe system.
• Before installing the fi tting make certain that external
mechanical effects such as thrust and bending forces
are not acting on the fl exible tube/pipe system.
• Installation, commissioning, operation, installation,
maintenance, troubleshooting and disassembly must
only be performed by qualifi ed specialists with due con-
sideration of accident prevention regulations. Person-
nel must be capable based on their technical training
and experience of performing assembly tasks, follo-
wing technical specifi cations and recognizing possible
• Personnel with defi cient knowledge must be trained
and instructed.
• Areas of responsibility and responsibilities must be pre-
cisely regulated and personnel must be monitored.
These safety instructions do not take into consideration
• Coincidences and events that could occur at the cus-
tomer location during assembly, operation and mainte-
• Local safety requirements, for which the operating
company is responsible to ensure compliance, inclu-
ding assembly personnel who are used.
1.5 Designated Use
• The fi tting must only be operated within the permitted
usage ranges for pressure and temperature.
• Only the operating media named in the documentation
are permitted to fl ow through the fi tting.
• The fi tting must only be operated if it is in fl awless tech-
nical condition.
• The fi tting must not be operated if it is in partially as-
sembled condition.
• If other operating modes are not named in the docu-
mentation, they must be approved with the manufac-
1.6 Reasonably Foreseeable Misuse
• Any usage other than designated use.
• Do not make any modifi cations to the product by your-
• Components should only be retrofi tted after consulta-
tion with the manufacturer.

