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General Instructions - HAPPi Studio Whipped Cream Dispenser Instruction Manual



Prior to first use, please hand wash the dispenser
and accessories with mild detergent and warm water.
Allow to dry completely.
1. Chill whipped cream dispenser in the
refrigerator for a minimum of 3 hours
prior to use for best results.
2. Fill the base of the whipped cream
d i s p e n s e r w i t h p r e p a r e d c h i l l e d
ingredients. Mix ingredients in a separate
container to ensure all ingredients
dissolve before pouring into the
Do not fill the whipped cream dispenser with
more than 2 cups/ 500 mL of liquid. Use a measuring
cup for accuracy.
3. Ensure that the silicone gasket is
installed in the whipped cream dispenser
head. Screw the head of the whipped
cream dispenser on to the body. Screw
the head on carefully to avoid cross-
threading. If you cannot find the
threading, unscrew and try again. Head is
properly installed when the threads are
no longer visible. Do not over tighten.
4. Screw on desired decorative tip to the
disperser nozzle adapter. Always make
sure a tip is attached before charging the
whipped cream dispenser.
5. Insert a standard 8g N
the charger holder (narrow end of the
O charger facing the opening).
Only charge the whipped cream dispenser with
one 8g N
O charger unless otherwise specified in the
recipe. Do not charge more than twice per use.
6. Carefully screw the charger holder
clockwise on to the inlet valve located
on the dispenser head. Screw until the
charger is punctured and the charger
contents have flowed into the dispenser.
O charger into

