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General Maintenance - UK Jellyfish MEDUSA DESKTOP Care Manual


Before introducing jellyfish the water parameters need to be correct. Maturing the water is
essential before introducing the jellyfish. To do this there are two options...
Option 1: Once the aquarium is filled with saltwater wait for 2 weeks. Test the water
parameters, if these are all correct then introduce the jellyfish. This time lets the aquarium
water mature naturally.
Option 2: Speed up the water maturity! Purchase Prodibio StartUp, this is a bacteria which will
mature the aquarium water in only 12 hours! We recommend once Prodibio StartUp is added
wait for at least three days before introducing jellyfish.
When the jellyfish arrive from UK Jellyfish they will come with more detailed instructions for


The Medusa Desktop Aquarium needs to be cleaned frequently to insure the health and survival
of the jellyfish.
Perform a 20% water change every two weeks. To do this stop the pump and siphon 20% of
the aquarium water out into a bucket. Then replace the 20% with new clean salt water supplied
by UK Jellyfish.
Be sure to keep the aquarium walls free from algae by wiping the sides of the aquarium at least
once every month with a microfibre cloth.
Filtration will need to be rinsed under a tap every month to insure that the filtration is working

