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UK Jellyfish MEDUSA DESKTOP Care Manual page 5


To test the salinity purchase a Hydrometer or
Refractometer. These can be purchased
online at UK Jellyfish. The aquarium water
should be between 25-30 ppt (Or 25-30
grams per litre). If the salinity is too high
remove a small amount of water and add RO
water until the parameters are correct again.
If the salinity is too low add salt to a small
amount of RO water outside of the aquarium
and then add this to the tank, DO NOT add
salt directly to the aquarium water.
The aquarium water temperature must be
between 16-24 degrees centigrade. This is
commonly room temperature so there is no
need to add a heater or chiller if you are
keeping moon jellyfish. If the tank is set up
near a window you will get temperature
fluctuations and this will negatively affect the
Nitrates appear when when the tank has
been exposed to too much light or the fish
have been overfed and excess food has not
been removed. To avoid nitrate build-up turn
off the lights when the are not in use &
reduce the feeding dosage. A water
treatment chemical, Prodibio BioClean, must
be used every two weeks to remove
unwanted nitrates.
Ammonia is a product of Nitrate. Following
the steps above will reduce ammonia in your
aquarium. Purchase Prodibio BioClean
supplied by UK Jellyfish add it to the tank
every two weeks, this will reduce ammonia.
In some cases the ammonia levels can 'spike'
perform an emergency water change to
reduce the levels.

