Egnater Renegade 112 Owner's Manual page 11

Egnater renegade 112: user guide
Table of Contents


output is great for getting a consistent record-
ing or live output from your rig regardless of
what mics are available and how competent
the person setting up your gear is. Often
setups on stage are done in a hurry and the
mic is just hung from the top of the cabinet or
stuck right in the middle of the speaker (the
worst location) or even forgotten. By supply-
ing a predictable, consistent output to the PA
or recorder, you are never at the mercy of any
of these issues.
16, 17) EFFECTS LOOP: Basically a
series insert patch point between the preamp
and power amp. When an external effects
gadget is patched into these jacks, the path
is interrupted and 100% of your signal is
routed through the effects. This puts some
special demands on the effects unit. First is
must be essentially transparent, meaning at
can't mess with your tone. Second, the input
and output levels (if there are any) must be
properly set for lowest noise and maximum
headroom. Proper setting of these controls can
be achieved using the following method:
a) Set your amp/preamp volume levels
for normal playing levels. Connect a high
quality shielded cable from the series send
jack to the effect input.
b) Adjust the effects unit input level to
"just peak" while playing your most aggres-
sive licks.
c) Now connect another high quality
shielded cable from the effect output to the
return jack.
d) Adjust the effects unit output level to
match the volume you heard before con-
necting the return cable. You can check this
by pulling the cable in and out of the return
jack while playing and verifying there is no
substantial volume difference. This is called
"unity gain". A cool "techie" phrase for "you
get out what you put in". If your effects gad-
get does not have level controls, it can be as-
sumed you will get unity gain when plugged
NOTE: Depending on how loud you
play, the level at the loop may be higher than
normal guitar level. Though many floor type
and tabletop effects may work, some may
tend to overload. You will know an effect is
not made for higher levels if, when you plug it
the effect into the loop, you notice distortion
and/or a loss of volume. Most modern effects
(including many pedals) can operate just fine
in an effects loop. We have gone to great
lengths to make the Renegade loop compat-
ible with as many different effects gadgets as
possible. Of course, you still may occasional-
ly encounter a device that simply won't work
properly in a loop. This is one of the reasons
we discourage players from using pedals in a
loop. You just spent a considerable amount of
your hard earned dollars to get this awesome
sounding amp. Sticking a mediocre pedal in
the loop of your amp seems to be "counter-
tone". Remember what we said about the ef-
fect being transparent. Most pedals color your
sound and not always in a good way.


Table of Contents

This manual is also suitable for:

Renegade 212Renegade 410Renegade head

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