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Use - Supra LYTHAM LIFT 2 Instructions For Installation And Use Manual




- This wood-burning stove is designed to operate with the door
closed. The door must remain closed at all times, except when
- To avoid any risk of burns, do not touch the appliance and use
the insulated glove to operate the different controls.
- The heat radiated through the glass front requires the removal
of any material that may be damaged by the heat (furniture,
wallpaper, woodwork,...). A distance of 2 m will avoid any risk.
3.1.1. Wood
Burn only firewood, in log form, air-dried (2 to 3 years storage in a well
ventilated, sheltered place) with 15 to 20 % humidity maximum.
- Choose hard deciduous woods if possible (birch, hornbeam, beech...),
- Avoid soft woods (lime, chestnut, willow, poplar)
- Never use coniferous woods (pine, fir,...) for permanent use, or treated
used woods (railway sleepers, joiners' cut-offs...) and domestic waste
(vegetable materials or plastics).
- Never make a blaze with bundles of kindling, crates, small logs or vine
shoots, which can cause sudden overheating.
3.1.2. Lignite
Used for nominal (daytime) operation or for slow burning (night), alone or
with logs, the lignite briquette is an economical fuel. Place the briquettes in
a layer on a bed of embers, covering only the surface of the grate.
ARNING! The use, even occasional, of coal or any coal
derivative is strictly prohibited. This appliance must not be used
to burn domestic waste!
The negative pressure in the smoke flue when hot must never exceed 20 Pa.
If the draught is greater, install a draught regulator. Consult your dealer in
order to have the draught measured when the appliance is installed.
The presence of a controlled mechanical ventilation system may have an effect
on the draught, and even reverse it. For this reason, the mechanical ventilation
must be in operation when the draught is measured.
Remove the self-adhesive labels (except for the manufacturer's details),
any packaging cardboard and ensure there is nothing left in the ashpan.
Start with a small fire, then, in stages, increase the load. The progressive
rise in temperature allows the materials to dilate slowly and stabilise.
A strong smell and smoke will be given off at first, due to the paint, but this
will fade in time. Proceed in this way for a few days before beginning normal
use. Open the windows the first few times you heat the stove.
During the first heating, check the draught against the table of characteristics.
3.4.1. Lighting
Spread some crumpled paper on the bottom of the fire, cover with kindling
and split logs. Position the controls as shown in table 3.A (lighting the fire).
Light and close the loading door. Wait for embers to form. When the fire
has started to burn well, load 2 logs and place the controls on the "nominal
speed" position (table 3.A). It is preferable to load in several goes, rather
than too much one at once.
On lighting, a "thermal plug" may form in the smoke flue. The latter must
be heated up gradually before obtaining a normal draught.
Never use petrol, alcohol or heating oil...
Glass air
Table 3.A
Lighting (cf. § 3.4.1)
Nominal speed (cf. § 3.4.3)
Reduced speed (cf. § 3.4.5)
Slow burning speed (cf. § 3.4.4)
3.4.2. Reloading
Reload the stove when there is nothing left but a bed of embers, no flames.
Open the door slowly (using the insulated glove) so as to avoid smoke
billowing into the room and embers falling out. Reload and close the door.
It is preferable to load in several goes, rather than too much one at once.
Place the wood towards the back of the firebox, to avoid embers falling out.
2 to 3 logs (about 1.6 kg per hour) are enough to reach nominal burning
3.4.3. Nominal speed
Set the controls as shown in table 3.A. The quantity of fuel determines the
intensity of the fire. The correct operation of the stove depends on there
being a sufficient supply of fresh air. To reduce maintenance, use the fire
at nominal speed whenever possible.
3.4.4. Slow burning speed
Spread the embers evenly, load 2 or 3 logs, let the fire start to burn, then
close all the controls so that the logs are consumed slowly. The length of
time the fire lasts will depend on the quality of the wood and the draught.
If possible, keep the glass air control open. After using the stove on slow
burning speed, make a strong fire to heat up the flue and dry out the conden-
sation caused by the slow combustion.
Avoid using the stove on slow burning speed for long periods. The tempe-
rature of the smoke is not high enough, and the latter cannot be evacuated
before it condenses in the flue. More creosote will then build up in the flue
and the appliance itself (inner walls, glass).
3.4.5. Adjusting reduced output
To adjust the output of the appliance, reduce the quantity of wood used
(2 logs; 1 to 1.5 kg/hour) rather than reducing/closing off the combustion air.
In the event of an incident in the house (chimney fire, a fire starting in the
house, very high winds,..), quickly close the loading door and all the controls
on the stove. Do not pour water on the stove. Call the fire service.
Combustion air
Combustion air
Glass air
to be adjusted

