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Technical Specifications; Applications; Battery Replacement - Fervi C043/500 Use And Maintenance Manual

Stainless steel electronic digital caliper


1.2 Technical specifications

1) Resolution: 0.01 mm
2) Repeatability: 0.01 mm
3) Accuracy: ±(0.02+0.00005 x L). "L" is the length measured in millimetres.
4) Maximum speed of measurement: 1m/s
5) Power: SR44 cell battery, 1.55 V.

1.3 Applications

1) Keep the measuring surface of the caliper clean, and all the contact parts.
2) Loosen the locking screw and move the cursor. Check if the screen and the buttons are
working properly.
3) Adjust the starting point of measurement:
The closed measurement jaws are usually taken as the absolute zero point for external
measurements (without the characters "INC" displayed on the screen, the displayed value
must be zero, otherwise repeat the adjustment. When measuring the diameter of a hole, the
value of "K" has to be inserted. If the preset value is zero, the measurement plus "K" is the
diameter of the hole. If you frequently measure the diameter of holes, insert the value "K" as
the preset value. See paragraph 3 Operation Keys under the heading SET
4) Relative measurement:
To check the accuracy of pieces in series, measure the sample, press the ABS/zero button
(the screen is cleared and the word INC appears in the upper right corner), measure the
pieces, the screen will display the deviation between the sample and the measured piece
(negative measurement if the measured piece is smaller than the sample, positive
measurement if the measured piece is larger than the sample piece). Pressing the ABS/zero
button again will return the device to absolute measurement.

1.4 Battery replacement

When the screen flashes, or does not even turn on, open the cover and replace the battery.
If the battery purchased does not work satisfactorily, contact the supplier.
1) The positive pole of the battery needs to facing upwards.
2) After replacing the battery it is necessary to repeat the adjustment of the starting point.
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