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System - Lanzar VBXEQ4P User Manual

4 band adjustable parametric equalizer with subwoofer gain control


System Setup
Setting System Volume
After completing the system wiring, follow the steps below to properly adjust
the in-dash EQ.
1. Turn the master volume control on the in-dash EQ and the ampli er gain
controls to their minimum setting.
2. Turn the source unit on and increase the volume until distortion is heard, then
reduce the volume just below this point. This is the maximum usable musical
signal for this source unit. Turning the volume beyond this point will increase
distortion without an increase in musical signal. Once the source unit volume
has been set, it will no longer be used. Always use the volume control on the
in-dash EQ as the master (main) volume control. It has better electronics, a
higher SIN ratio, and is more linear than any source unit volume available.
Setting Equalizer Controls
1. Begin by setting all frequencies to the center or level position.
2. Play a favorite music track that you know well and adjust the individual EQ
controls as desired. Avoid extreme settings that can distort musical peaks.
3. Increase or decrease the EQ gain controls as necessary.
4. If your system includes a subwoofer, slowly increase the subwoofer control
until you hear solid bass.
5. If your system includes rear speakers, adjust the fader control to add rear sound.
Set it so most of the music comes from the front and only lls in the rear.

