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Jebao MDC 2000 User Manual

Jebao MDC 2000 User Manual

Wi-fi dc pump


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●Please use the adapter and related accessories.
●Do not put the pump in the flammable, explosive and corrosive
●Do not use the pump in the water temperature above 35℃.
●Maximum water depth 1.5M.
●Please refer to the reference table to use this product
●Do not immerse the plug into water or other liquid.
●Do not allow children, or the inexperienced to operate and play
with the product alone without safety guarantee.
Please refer to actual products and APP.



Summary of Contents for Jebao MDC 2000

  • Page 1 WI-FI DC PUMP USER’S MANUAL WARNING : ●Please use the adapter and related accessories. ●Do not put the pump in the flammable, explosive and corrosive liquid. ●Do not use the pump in the water temperature above 35℃. ●Maximum water depth 1.5M. ●Please refer to the reference table to use this product ●Do not immerse the plug into water or other liquid.
  • Page 2: Pump Features

    Introduction JEBAO DC pump is a inspected and tested to ensure the safety and operating performance product. Please read this manual carefully, before operating correctly. In case of the improper usage, or maintenance to cause the pump damage. Pump Features :...
  • Page 3 connector is designed with standard size thread, which can be connected to the common fountain heads and water pipes. ② Used as dry-use pump: the pump should be placed lower than the horizontal level to ensure water flowing into the pump. Meanwhile, remove the front filter cover to connect the water pipe with inlet and outlet to ensure water into the pump and pipe before plug on.
  • Page 4: Controller Features

    CAUTION: ●Always disconnect the pump from the power supply before cleaning, maintenance and handling. ●Try to avoid the pump dry working. ●Do not lift the pump by holding the power cord only. In case of the cable connection off inside of the pump ●Do not use the pump in the heating liquid.
  • Page 5 the same parameter. 3, Operation Function: 1, Controller LCD Display After connecting with pump, the control is set per last operation, LCD shows normal locking panel. PXXX is shown in LCD, P is short for power, there are 70 (F30-F100) state for flow rate. When touch “...
  • Page 6 2, The key Lock Function: The pump is under working, press the“FEED button for three seconds until the LED light flashes for 3 times, the controller is locked; Similarly, press the “FEED” button for 3 seconds again, LED indicator light flashes for 3 times, the controller unlocked. 3, The LED protection mode: Controller is connected with power, more than 17 seconds no touch the control button, the LED will change to the micro bright, the...
  • Page 7 Wi-Fi Indication Light Wi-Fi Button A. Wi-Fi indication light blinking alternately in green and red while the Pump is on smart configuration mode. B. Wi-Fi indication light is flashing simultaneous in green and red while the Pump is on AP configuration mode. C.
  • Page 8 The APP name “Jebao Aqua”, is available to download in App Store for Apple users, or Google Play for Android system users. The User can search “Jebao Aqua” in either App Store or Google Play to download the application. Alternative, the user may scan the barcode on the package or user manual to download the application.
  • Page 9 4.2 User registration, login and password reset: 1. Account registration: A> Open Jebao Aqua App and tap Create new account. B> Choose email way to register, fill the information as required and tap Create account; C> After registration, return back to the login page. enter the...
  • Page 10 account and password to log in. Note: Phone number registration is valid for mainland China only. 2. Reset Password: Tap Forget Password on the log-in page. Enter your email address and tap Send link. Check your email and follow the instructions to reset your password.
  • Page 11 Add new devices. Add new devices. Go to My Group. Go to Setting. 5.2 Add new pump: Tap My Devices.
  • Page 12 Tap “Add Now “ or tap the top right “ +” icon to add your device, tap the “Aqua Pump” Icon. Configuration mode: Make sure your phone is connected to 2.4G band Wi-Fi before configuration.There configuration modes,Smart configuration and AP configuration modes. Choose one mode to link your device.
  • Page 13 Choose the confirmation” Device is in smart configuration mode” then tap “Next”, start to smart configuration. Follow the instructions. Enter Wi-Fi password and tap Next.
  • Page 14 Make sure your device, phone, and router are as close as possible during the configuration progress. The page will display all the devices. Choose the request add device, tap on the device name, then tap ‘Confirm to add” Tap “Start” to start using your device. ②...
  • Page 15 Tap “AP Network “ in the upper right corner on APP device page to enter into AP configuration. Choos the confirmation “ Device is in AP configuration mode” and tap “Next”...
  • Page 16 Enter the correct Wi-Fi password and tap “Next” PS: Due to different operating system, IOS and Android will operate differently in the following details. A. IOS System: After entering the Wi-Fi password, you need to switch manually the Wi-Fi of the phone to "Jebao_WiFi-xxxx", the specific operation as below:...
  • Page 17 Tap Go to settings. Tap “Settings” in the upper left corner to enter the mobile phone settings page, then enter the WIFI setting page as below.
  • Page 18 Go to Settings > Wi-Fi and choose the Jebao_WiFi-xxxx” with password 123456789. Connecting the Jebao -WiFi 123456789 After connection successfully, tap “Jebao Aqua “ return back to the APP.
  • Page 19 The configuration starts automatically. Tap “Start” to control the device after the device has been added successfully. B. Android : After input the Wi-Fi password, tap “Next” and choose the device to start configuration. If the device cannot be found, go to Settings>Wireless & networks > WLAN to turn off and turn on the WLAN switch.
  • Page 20: Pump Control

    Tap Start to control the device after the device has been added successfully. Remarks: 1. You may be asked to restart configuration process again if the Wi-Fi password is input incorrect. 2. Try to put the device, mobile phone and router are placed as close as possible.
  • Page 21 Manual control bar Current tap value Long press the icon for 2 seconds On/off button Program icon Feed icon Manual feeding mode: the pump will stop working immediately according to the setting feeding time. Click the "feed" icon 2 seconds to enter the feeding Settings.
  • Page 22: Program Mode

    Set the feeding pause time, turn on the feeding switch, then click save and return. Program mode Long press the "plan" icon 2 seconds to enter the setting page and set the working mode of the pump at various time every day, including the pump stop, automatic and feeding.
  • Page 23 Click circle twice Choose the mode Click the "Stop, Auto, Feed" icon or click the circle twice to edit, each time period.
  • Page 24 Adjust the time slider Time switch button End time setting Start time setting Mode selection setting Flow stage ① double-click the circle blank area to add the plan time period or use the time switch button to switch to the circle blank area to automatically add the plan time period.
  • Page 25 ④ ① ④ ③ ② ④ ⑤ After the setup is completed, return back to the main page and click the “plan” icon to open the plan mode. PS: The plan mode will be closed if you manual to set the flow stage (Plan mode effect after ending the manual mode).
  • Page 26 Click the upper right corner of the device as above picture"...” The device can be renamed and deleted. 5.5 Failure indicaton:...
  • Page 27 LED Error code and APP Error description: When the controller work unnormal, the controller will show the Error code and warning flashing, when enter the APP will pop-up the mention box. the code explanation as below: APP mention and error code: Controller over current, Er01: Abnomal Working current;...
  • Page 28: Maintenance

    MAINTENANCE If the pump not work, check as following: ●Connect with another power to check if the circuit is connected, disconnect the power before operation; ●Check the pump inlet and outlet, check the connecting pipe for any dirt block; ●Remove the pump inlet to access the impeller. Turn around the rotor to check if broken or jammed.
  • Page 29 Jebao Co.,Ltd. Add:Tongmao Industrial Park, Dongsheng Town, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China. Tel:+86-760-28136708, 28136720 Website:
  • Page 30 Jebao - MDC Pumpen Bedienungsanleitung MCD-2000, MDC-3500, MCD-5000, MDC 6000, MCD 8000, MDC 10000 Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Warnung: Schutz Verletzungen sollten grundlegende Vorsichtsmaßnahmen folgendeSicherheitshinweise beachtet werden. 1) Sicherheitshinweise Lesen und befolgen 2) Gefahr: Zur Vermeidung eines elektrischen Schlages sollte Aquarium verwendete...
  • Page 31 sollte eine Reparatur vom Kunden durchgeführt werden. Die Pumpe muss zu einem autorisierten Kundendienst gebracht werden. a) Wenn an der Pumpe ein abnormaler Wasseraustritt beobachtet wird, muss sie sofort ausgesteckt werden. b) Nach der Installation sollte die Pumpe sorgfältig überprüft werden.
  • Page 32 durchhängt (Bild). Auf diese Weise tropft das Wasser unter der Steckdose vom Kabel ab und kann nicht mit dieser in Berührung kommen. Wenn der Stecker oder die Steckdose nass wird, NICHT das Kabel herausziehen, sondern die Stromversorgung Sicherung bzw. Leistungsschalter trennen.
  • Page 33 ausgesteckt werden. Nicht am Kabel ziehen. Zum Herausziehen des Kabels immer den Stecker greifen. 5) Die Pumpe darf nur für den vorgesehenen Zweck verwendet werden. Die Verwendung von Zubehör, das vom Hersteller nicht empfohlen oder verkauft wird, kann gefährliche Bedingungen verursachen. 6) Die Pumpe nicht an einer Stelle installieren oder lagern, wo sie der Witterung oder Temperaturen unter null Grad ausgesetzt ist.
  • Page 34 Wird der Stecker entfernt erlischt jeder Garantieanspruch! Jebao MDC 24V Sinuswellen Pumpen Jebao MDC Pumpen sind nach neuesten Erkenntnissen gefertigte elektronisch regelbare Aquarienpumpen mit extrem niedrigem Energieverbrauch. Besondere Merkmale: - soft Start - WiFi Steuerung über das Handy - Leistungsregelung, 10 Stufen...
  • Page 35 App aus dem App Store oder von Google play. Die Anleitung für die App Programmierung liegt von Jebao auf englisch bei. Wichtige Sicherheitshinweise Jebao MDC Pumpen werden nach neuesten technischen Standards und Sicherheitsvorschriften entwickelt und gefertigt. Trotzdem bleibt ein potentielles Restrisiko für Personen und Sachen, wenn die Sicherheitshinweise teilweise oder ganz missachtet werden.
  • Page 36 Bitte lesen Sie diese Anleitung sorgfältig durch bevor Sie mit der Installation beginnen. Sollten Sie trotzdem noch Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich bitte an Ihren Lieferanten oder direkt an Koi Garden Kg. Einbau der Pumpe - während der gesamten Installationsphase muss die Pumpe vom Netz getrennt sein.
  • Page 37 - die Stellfläche muss eben und fest sein - niemals kleinere Rohr- oder Schlauchdurchmesser wählen, als von den Pumpenanschlüssen vorgegeben. - Absperrhähne einen Durchmesser größer wählen und durch Reduzierungen wieder vorgegebene Maß bringen. innere Durchmesser der Absperrhähne wirkt wie eine Drossel und kann die Leistung der Pumpe erheblich reduzieren.
  • Page 38 und reduziert Geräusche - die Pumpe niemals trocken laufen lassen. - bei laufender Pumpe niemals die Finger in die Saug- oder Druckseite der Pumpe stecken. - bei Verwendung von Schläuchen prüfen, ob diese für die Leistung der Pumpe geeignet sind und keine unerwünschten Stoffe, z.B. Phenole, an das Wasser abgeben - bei Verwendung von Rückschlagventilen muss die...
  • Page 39 ansonsten kann es zu Kavitation in der Pumpe kommen - die Pumpe nicht mit einem teilweisen oder ganz geschlossenen Absperrhahn auf der Saugseite betreiben. Einbau des Controllers Der Controller muss an einem trockenen Platz angebracht werden, geschützt vor Sonneneinstrahlung, Beleuchtung anderen Wärmequellen.
  • Page 40 sodass die Pumpe mit Wasser versorgt wird. - stecken Sie den Netzstecker des Netzteils in eine geeignet Steckdose - nach kurzer Zeit erscheinen im Controller Display eine oder mehrere grüne LED ́ s . Durch drücken der + oder – Taste kann die Drehzahl und damit die Leistung verändert werden.
  • Page 41 dem Stromausfall/Netztrennung eingestellt war. Wartung Jecod DCP Pumpen benötigen keine spezielle oder aufwendige Wartung, jedoch sollte der Rotor in regelmäßigen Abständen auf Verunreinigungen oder Kalkablagerungen untersucht werden. Es ist empfehlenswert, besonders bei Verwendung Seewasser, Rotor einem handelsüblichen Entkalker oder Essig zu reinigen.
  • Page 42 Jebao - Pompe MDC Manuale d'istruzioni MCD-2000, MDC-3500, MCD-5000, MDC 6000, MCD 8000, MDC 10000 Importanti istruzioni di sicurezza Avvertenza: Per proteggersi da lesioni, si devono osservare le precauzioni di base e le seguenti istruzioni di sicurezza. 1) Leggere e seguire le istruzioni di sicurezza.
  • Page 43 di assistenza autorizzato. a) Se si osserva una perdita d'acqua anomala sulla pompa, questa deve essere immediatamente scollegata. b) Dopo l'installazione, la pompa deve essere controllata attentamente. Non deve essere collegata se c'è acqua su parti che devono rimanere asciutte. c) Una pompa con un cavo o una spina danneggiata non deve essere messa in funzione.
  • Page 44 acqua nella presa. 3) I bambini devono essere sorvegliati quando sono all'acquario o nelle sue vicinanze. 4) Scollegare sempre la pompa quando non è in uso, prima di montare/smontare le parti o prima della pulizia. Non tirare il cavo. Afferrare sempre la spina per estrarre il cavo. 5) La pompa deve essere usata solo per lo scopo previsto.
  • Page 45 Se la spina viene rimossa, tutti i diritti di garanzia saranno invalidate ! Jebao MDC 24V pompe a onda sinusoidale Le pompe Jebao MDC sono pompe per acquari controllabili elettronicamente e prodotte secondo le ultime scoperte con un consumo energetico estremamente basso.
  • Page 46 Jebao in inglese. Importanti istruzioni di sicurezza Jebao MDC pompe sono progettati e realizzati in conformità con le più recenti tecniche e le norme di sicurezza. Ciononostante, rimane un potenziale rischio residuo per persone e cose se le istruzioni di sicurezza vengono parzialmente o completamente ignorate.
  • Page 47 non sono in grado di comprendere e seguire le istruzioni di sicurezza non possono utilizzare la pompa o le pompe per motivi di sicurezza. Conservare queste istruzioni in un luogo sicuro e sempre accessibile! Si prega di leggere attentamente questo manuale prima di iniziare l'installazione.
  • Page 48 - il controller deve essere collocato in un luogo asciutto e ben ventilato. - la superficie di installazione deve essere piana e solida - non scegliere mai diametri di tubi più piccoli di quelli specificati per le connessioni della pompa. - Selezionare i rubinetti di un diametro più...
  • Page 49 - Non mettere mai le dita nel lato di aspirazione o di pressione della pompa quando è in funzione. - Se si utilizzano tubi flessibili, controllare che siano adatti alle prestazioni della pompa e non rilasciano sostanze indesiderate, ad esempio fenoli, nell'acqua. - Se si usano valvole di non ritorno, assicurarsi che funzionino correttamente, altrimenti c'è...
  • Page 50 Messa in funzione della pompa - assicurarsi che la tensione di rete disponibile corrisponda a quella indicata sulla targhetta del tipo di pompa -utilizzare una presa di corrente dotata di un interruttore differenziale (RCD) per far funzionare la pompa. - interruttore (interruttore di corrente residua) 30 mA. - avvitare la pompa alle tubazioni.
  • Page 51 Mancanza di corrente/riavvio Dopo un'interruzione di corrente o una disconnessione dalla rete, la pompa funziona di nuovo con la vecchia impostazione con cui era impostata prima dell'interruzione di corrente/disconnessione dalla rete. Manutenzione Le pompe Jecod DCP non richiedono alcuna manutenzione speciale o complessa, ma il rotore dovrebbe essere ispezionato a intervalli regolari per la contaminazione o i depositi di calcare.

This manual is also suitable for:

Mdc 3500Mdc 5000Mdc 6000Mdc 8000Mdc 10000