Safety instructions
Intended use
Warning! Read all safety
warnings and all instructions.
Tujuan penggunaan
Your BLACK + DECKER Dustbuster® handheld vacuum
cleaner has been designed for light wet and dry vacuum
Failure to follow the warnings
Pengisap debu genggam BLACK + DECKER NVB115JL
cleaning purposes
Dustbuster dirancang sebagai alat pembersih debu kering
and instructions listed below
This appliance is intended for household use only.
yang ringan. Peralatan ini hanya ditujukan untuk penggunaan
di rumah.
and/or serious injury.
Safety instructions
Petunjuk keselamatan
Warning! Read all safety
Warning! When using battery-
Peringatan! Baca semua petunjuk
warnings and all instructions.
powered appliances, basic
keselamatan dan instruksi.
Failure to follow the warnings
safety precautions, including the
Jika peringatan serta instruksi yang
and instructions listed below
following, should always be fol-
dicantumkan tidak dipatuhi, dapat
menimbulkan sengatan listrik,
and/or serious injury.
leaking batteries, personal injury
kebakaran, dan/atau cedera parah.
and material damage.
Warning! When using battery-
Peringatan! Bila menggunakan
Read all of this manual carefully be-
powered appliances, basic
peralatan bertenaga baterai, petunjuk
fore using the appliance.
safety precautions, including the
keselamatan dasar, termasuk yang
The intended use is described in this
following, should always be fol-
berikut, harus selalu dipatuhi untuk
manual. The use of any accessory
mengurangi risiko kebakaran,
or attachment or the performance
kebocoran baterai, cedera badan,
leaking batteries, personal injury
of any operation with this appliance
dan kerusakan materi.
and material damage.
other than those recommended in this
Baca seluruh panduan ini dengan cermat
instruction manual may present a risk
Read all of this manual carefully be-
sebelum menggunakan peralatan.
fore using the appliance.
of personal injury.
Tujuan penggunaan dijelaskan dalam
The intended use is described in this
Retain this manual for future refer-
panduan ini. Penggunaan aksesori atau
manual. The use of any accessory
peralatan tambahan atau pengoperasian
or attachment or the performance
peralatan selain yang disarankan dalam
Using your appliance
of any operation with this appliance
panduan ini dapat menimbulkan risiko
Do not use the appliance to pick up
other than those recommended in this
cedera badan.
liquids or any materials that could
instruction manual may present a risk
Simpan panduan ini untuk referensi di
masa mendatang.
of personal injury.
Do not use the appliance near water.
Retain this manual for future refer-
Menggunakan peralatan
Jangan gunakan peralatan untuk
Using your appliance
membersihkan cairan atau bahan yang
dapat terbakar.
Do not use the appliance to pick up
Jangan gunakan peralatan di dekat air.
liquids or any materials that could
Jangan masukkan peralatan ke dalam air.
Jangan tarik kepala pengisi daya untuk
Do not use the appliance near water.
melepas sambungan pengisi daya dari
soket. Jauhkan kepala pengisi daya dari
panas, minyak, dan tepi tajam.
(Original instructions)
and sharp edges.
This appliance can be used by chil-
dren aged from 8 years and above
(Petunjuk asli)
and persons with reduced physical,
Do not immerse the appliance in water.
sensory or mental capabilities or
Never pull the charger lead to discon-
Peralatan ini dapat digunakan oleh anak-
nect the charger from the socket. Keep
lack of experience and knowledge if
anak berusia 8 tahun ke atas, orang
they have been given supervision or
the charger lead away from heat, oil
dengan keterbatasan fisik, pancaindra,
and sharp edges.
instruction concerning use of the appli-
maupun mental, atau yang tidak memiliki
ance in a safe way and understand the
This appliance can be used by chil-
pengalaman dan pengetahuan memadai,
hazards involved. Children shall not
dren aged from 8 years and above
kecuali jika mereka telah mendapatkan
pengawasan atau petunjuk terkait
and persons with reduced physical,
play with the appliance. Cleaning and
penggunaan peralatan ini secara aman
sensory or mental capabilities or
user maintenance shall not be made
dan memahami kemungkinan bahaya
lack of experience and knowledge if
by children without supervision.
yang muncul. Peralatan ini tidak boleh
they have been given supervision or
Inspection and repairs
dimainkan anak-anak. Pembersihan dan
instruction concerning use of the appli-
pemeliharaan oleh pengguna tidak boleh
Before use, check the appliance for
ance in a safe way and understand the
dilakukan oleh anak-anak kecuali dalam
damaged or defective parts. Check for
hazards involved. Children shall not
breakage of parts, damage to switches
play with the appliance. Cleaning and
and any other conditions that may af-
user maintenance shall not be made
Pemeriksaan dan perbaikan
fect its operation.
by children without supervision.
Sebelum digunakan, periksa apakah ada
Do not use the appliance if any part is
bagian peralatan yang rusak atau cacat.
Inspection and repairs
damaged or defective.
Periksa apakah ada bagian yang pecah,
Before use, check the appliance for
Have any damaged or defective parts
kerusakan tombol, atau kondisi lainnya
damaged or defective parts. Check for
repaired or replaced by an authorized
yang dapat memengaruhi pengoperasian.
repair agent.
breakage of parts, damage to switches
Jangan gunakan peralatan jika ada bagian
Regularly check the charger lead for
and any other conditions that may af-
yang rusak atau cacat.
damage. Replace the charger if the
fect its operation.
Minta agen perbaikan resmi untuk
lead is damaged or defective.
Do not use the appliance if any part is
memperbaiki atau mengganti bagian yang
damaged or defective.
Never attempt to remove or replace
rusak atau cacat.
Have any damaged or defective parts
Periksa secara rutin kepala pengisi daya
repaired or replaced by an authorized
this manual.
untuk memastikan tidak ada kerusakan.
Ganti pengisi daya jika kepala rusak atau
repair agent.
Additional safety instructions
Regularly check the charger lead for
Jangan coba untuk melepas atau
damage. Replace the charger if the
Residual risks.
lead is damaged or defective.
mengganti bagian mana pun selain yang
Additional residual risks may arise when
Never attempt to remove or replace
disebutkan dalam panduan ini.
using the tool which may not be included
Petunjuk tambahan tentang
in the enclosed safety warnings. These
this manual.
risks can arise from misuse, prolonged
Additional safety instructions
use etc.
Risiko residu.
Risiko residu lain dapat timbul bila
Residual risks.
menggunakan alat yang tidak diberikan
Additional residual risks may arise when
bersama peringatan keselamatan yang
using the tool which may not be included
disertakan. Risiko tersebut dapat timbul
in the enclosed safety warnings. These
karena kesalahan penggunaan, penggunaan
risks can arise from misuse, prolonged
dalam waktu lama, dsb.
use etc.
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