and sharp edges. This appliance can be used by chil- Safety instructions ENGLISH (Original instructions) dren aged from 8 years and above (Original instructions) ENGLISH and persons with reduced physical, Warning! Read all safety Do not immerse the appliance in water. Intended use sensory or mental capabilities or warnings and all instructions.
ENGLISH (Original instructions) Even with the application of the relevant case of skin contact, immediately rinse safety regulations and the implementation with water. If redness, pain or irritation of safety devices, certain residual risks can occurs seek medical attention. In case of not be avoided.
ENGLISH (Original instructions) (Original instructions) ENGLISH Symbols on the charger Fix the mounting bracket to the wall using appropriate screws and plugs for the type of wall and weight of the Symbols on the charger Emptying and cleaning the product. appliance.
Page 6
ENGLISH (Original instructions) Products and batteries contain materials that can be recovered or recycled reducing the demand for raw materials.Please recycle electrical products and batteries according to local provisions. Further information is available at Service Information Black & Decker offers a full network of company-owned and authorized service locations throughtout Asia.
Do not immerse the appliance in water. Intended use Never pull the charger lead to discon- ( 正本指示 ) Your BLACK + DECKER Dustbuster® handheld vacuum 繁體中文 nect the charger from the socket. Keep cleaner has been designed for light wet and dry vacuum 年滿...
Page 9
ENGLISH (Original instructions) ( 正本指示 ) 繁體中文 Symbols on the charger Fix the mounting bracket to the wall using appropriate screws and plugs for the type of wall and weight of the 充電器上的符號 優化吸力 appliance. 為保持最佳吸力,在使用期間,必須定期清潔濾芯。 Hang the appliance on the wall by placing the opening Read all of this manual carefully 使用器具前,請仔細閱讀本手...
Page 11
繁體中文 設備名稱:吸塵器 型號(型式):NVB115J Equipment name Type designation (Type) 限用物質及其化學符號 Restricted substances and its chemical symbols 單元Unit 多溴聯苯 多溴二苯醚 六價鉻Hexava- Polybrominated Polybrominated 鉛Lead 汞Mercury 鎘Cadmium lent chromium (Pb) (Hg) (Cd) biphenyls diphenyl ethers (Cr+6) (PBB) (PBDE) 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇 〇...
Page 12
and sharp edges. ENGLISH (Original instructions) This appliance can be used by chil- Safety instructions dren aged from 8 years and above Do not immerse the appliance in water. Intended use ภาษาไทย (ค� า แนะน� า เดิ ม ) and persons with reduced physical, Warning! Read all safety Never pull the charger lead to discon- Your BLACK + DECKER Dustbuster®...
ENGLISH (Original instructions) Symbols on the charger Fix the mounting bracket to the wall using appropriate ภาษาไทย (ค� า แนะน� า เดิ ม ) screws and plugs for the type of wall and weight of the ส ั ญล ักษณ ์ ต ่ า งๆ บนเคร ื ่ องชาร ์จ appliance.
Page 16
and sharp edges. This appliance can be used by chil- ENGLISH (Original instructions) Safety instructions dren aged from 8 years and above BAHASA (Petunjuk asli) and persons with reduced physical, Do not immerse the appliance in water. Intended use INDONESIA Warning! Read all safety sensory or mental capabilities or Never pull the charger lead to discon-...
Page 17
BAHASA (Petunjuk asli) INDONESIA atau iritasi, hubungi dokter. Jika mengenai Cedera karena menyentuh bagian yang bergerak. mata, segera bilas dengan air bersih dan hubungi dokter. Cedera karena menyentuh bagian yang panas. Pengisi daya Cedera yang terjadi saat mengganti suku Lampu LED berwarna merah pada charger cadang atau aksesori.
Page 18
ENGLISH (Original instructions) BAHASA (Petunjuk asli) INDONESIA Symbols on the charger Fix the mounting bracket to the wall using appropriate screws and plugs for the type of wall and weight of the Simbol pada pengisi daya Mengosongkan dan membersihkan produk. appliance.
Page 19
BAHASA (Petunjuk asli) INDONESIA Produk dan baterai berisi bahan yang dapat digunakan kembali atau didaur ulang yang mengurangi permintaan kebutuhan bahan baku. Daur ulang produk listrik dan baterai sesuai dengan ketentuan setempat. Informasi selengkapnya tersedia di Informasi Servis Black & Decker menawarkan jaringan lengkap lokasi servis resmi milik perusahaan di seluruh Asia.
This appliance can be used by chil- Safety instructions dren aged from 8 years and above and persons with reduced physical, Warning! Read all safety TIẾNG VIỆT (Hướng dẫn gốc) ENGLISH (Original instructions) sensory or mental capabilities or warnings and all instructions. lack of experience and knowledge if Failure to follow the warnings xa nguồn nhiệt, dầu hoặc cạnh sắc.
Page 21
TIẾNG VIỆT (Hướng dẫn gốc) phận đang chuyển động nào. tìm kiếm trợ giúp y tế. Trong trường hợp Thương tích do chạm vào bất cứ bộ chất lỏng dính vào mắt, hãy lấy nước phận nóng nào. sạch rửa ngay và tìm kiếm trợ giúp y tế. Thương tích gây ra khi thay bất cứ...
Page 22
ENGLISH (Original instructions) TIẾNG VIỆT (Hướng dẫn gốc) Symbols on the charger Fix the mounting bracket to the wall using appropriate Các ký hiệu trên bộ sạc Đổ hết rác và vệ sinh thiết bị. screws and plugs for the type of wall and weight of the appliance.
TIẾNG VIỆT (Hướng dẫn gốc) Các sản phẩm và pin chứa vật liệu có thể được thu hồi hoặc tái chế nhằm giảm nhu cầu về vật liệu thô. Vui lòng tái chế sản phẩm điện và pin theo các quy định tại địa phương.
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