Adjusting The Me-Sbc; Figure 3-1, Battery Combining Setpoints - Magnum Energy ME-SBC Owner's Manual

Smart battery combiner
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3.0 Adjusting the ME-SBC

H igh V oltage
D is c onnec t
C onnec t V oltage
D is c onnec t
Low V oltage
D is c onnec t

Figure 3-1, Battery combining setpoints

The above diagram represents a typical three-stage charging profi le. The fi rst
of the three stages is Bulk Charge. This is where up to 80% of the charging
is accomplished. During this stage the battery voltage increases signifi cantly
and the current that the charging source is providing to the Main Battery
is at a maximum. The second stage is Absorption, during this stage the bat-
tery voltage is held at the Absorption voltage for a period of time. By the end
of this process the charge on the battery bank is about 95% complete. The
third and fi nal stage is Float. In this stage, the remainder of the charging
is accomplished. As long as the Main Battery voltage is between the Low
Voltage Disconnect and the High Voltage Disconnect, and the Main bat-
tery voltage is above the Connect Voltage, the ME-SBC
current through to the Auxiliary Battery.
combining setpoints as follows:
Connect Voltage: (Settable: 12.8-13.8 VDC) adjusts the point at which the ME-
passes the charge from the Main Battery bank to the Auxiliary Battery bank
or vice versa. This setting is not active until a charging source is applied to one of the
batteries and the voltage begins to increase. Once this setpoint has been reached, the
will automatically start to pass the charge current through to the other bat-
tery. Default = 12.8 / 25.6 VDC (12V /24 V system)
Low Voltage Disconnect: (Settable: 12.5-13.5 VDC) once the charging process has
begun and the battery voltage has exceeded the Connect Voltage setpoint, the Low
Voltage Disconnect becomes active. If the voltage begins to decrease, this is the
point at which the ME-SBC
the other battery. Default = 12.5 / 25.0 VDC (12V /24 V system)
High Voltage Disconnect: (Settable: 14.0-15.0 VDC) This setting should be used to
prevent the ME-SBC
from passing through too high of a voltage from one battery to
other. If this voltage is reached, the ME-SBC
the high voltage from affecting the other battery. Default = 14.0 / 28.0 VDC (12V /24
V system)
B ulk
A bs orption
B a tte ry V o lta g e
disconnects and stops passing charge current through to
disconnects the batteries and prevents
©2009 Magnum Energy Inc.
F loat
- C onnec ted
will pass charging

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