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Safet Y - Pride 36 Owner's Manual

Travel scooter series


The symbols below are used on the Travel Scooter to identify warnings, mandatory actions, and prohibited actions.
It is very important for you to read and understand them completely.
NOTE: There are more warnings identifi ed and explained in the Consumer Safety Guide that is included
with your Travel Scooter. Please become familiar with all the warnings and safety information found in the
Consumer Safety Guide and refer to this resource often.
Re a d a nd follow t he infor m at ion in t he ow ne r's m a nua l.
Sc oot e r infor m at ion la be l
I ndic at e s t ie -dow n point s on t he Trave l Sc oot e r.
M a nufa c t ure d in
I . S A F E T Y
Fully cha rge bat t e rie s be fore ope rat ing.
Re m ove ke y from a n unat t e nde d Trave l Sc oot e r.
Doe s not m e e t I SO 7 1 7 6 -1 9 st a nda rds for oc c upie d t ra nspor t in a m ot or
ve hicle . Whe n t rave ling in a m ot or ve hicle , do not sit in your Trave l Sc oot e r.
Travel Scooter Series

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