Safety Instructions For Crm Substances; Safety At Work - ULT sasoo 2-00211 Operating Instructions Manual

Table of Contents


aircleaner •
Note that the filter materials are also flammable, and may emit
toxic gases and vapors if ignited.
Safety instruc-
Extraction and filtration of carcinogenic, mutagenic or repro-
tions for CRM
toxic substances (CMR substances ) is not permitted.

Safety at work

Before installing and starting up the unit, read the operating
instructions for the unit, especially the safety instructions, and
comply with them strictly!
The user must be instructed and trained by an authorized
person for initial start-up. Personnel must be instructed
regarding all necessary safety precautions, impermissible
types of operation and potential hazards.
The unit may be operated, maintained and repaired only by
personnel of minimum statutory age who have been autho-
rized, trained and instructed accordingly.
Work on the electrical and mechanical systems of the ma-
chine may only be performed by instructed personnel or under
the direction and supervision of a trained technician according
to the applicable electrotechnical and mechanical regulations.
Qualified technicians are persons possessing the technical
training, knowledge and experience and knowledge of the
currently applicable regulations necessary for assessing the
assigned tasks and associated potential hazards.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents