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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions 7UDQVPLWWHU WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ GLDJUDP )LJXUH 7UDQVPLWWHU WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Transmitter troubleshooting diagram TX troubleshooting TX OK Check output signal level: Check Tune +32...+33dBm @897.4 MHz (GSM900) all power TX power +29...+30dBm @1747.8 MHz levels, levels, (GSM1800 &...
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation )LJXUH +(/*$ ,& WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ HELGA troubleshooting Check with oscilloscope: -TXI/TXQ signals Baseband - - VR1, VR2, VR4, VR5, VR6 = 2.8V troubleshooting -VrefRF01 = 1.35 V -HELGA serial interface -TXP & TXC signals OK ? Check with RF probe: -4G VCO out signal...
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions )LJXUH 3$ DQG $QWHQQD 6ZLWFK WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ PA & ant switch troubleshooting *(When 1kOhm passive probe is used, correct the measurement by +26dB Check with Check with RF probe oscilloscope: signal level on Replace -VANT_1 (GSM900) ant.
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation 3LFWXUHV RI WUDQVPLWWHU VLJQDOV )LJXUH 7UDQVPLWWHU VLJQDOV 93& 200mV/div 100us/div 200mV/div 100us/div TX I/Q at R516/517 power level high Random data VPCTRL _900 power level high at R703/C703 VPCTRL_1800/1900 power level high at R704/C704 500mV/div 100us/div 500mV/div...
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions )LJXUH 7; 287 VLJQDO G S M P O W T u e Se p 2 5 1 3 : 4 8 : 5 9 2 0 0 1 R E F 4 1 .
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation 6\QWKHVL]HU WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ GLDJUDP )LJXUH Synthesizer troubleshooting *(When 2.5kOhm passive probe is used, correct the measurement by +34 dB Set with RF controls: Active Unti = Rx Synthesizer Operation mode = Continuous Check with RF probe: -4G VCO out signal - 3589.6 MHz (GSM900)
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions 3LFWXUHV RI V\QWKHVL]HU VLJQDOV Figure 15: 26MHz at G501 pin out Figure 16: 26MHz RFCLK at R420/C420 Figure 17: 1800 TX, channel 512, burst mode 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ ,VVXH 3DJH ...
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation Figure 18: 1900 RX, channel 810, continuous mode )LJXUH 9&2 RXWSXW EDQG 5; RQ FRQWLQXRXV RXWSXW W ed A u g 21 21:23:21 2002 R EF 4. 0 dB m A TT 10 dB A _vi ewB _b lan k 10dB /...
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions %DVHEDQG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ 7KH IROORZLQJ GLDJUDPV GHVFULEH EDVHEDQG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ 0DLQ 7URXEOHVKRRWLQJ 'LDJUDP )LJXUH %DVHEDQG JHQHUDO WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Phone is Phone totally dead dead Flash programming doesnt work Flash faults Phone doesn’t start up Phone is or the phone is jammed...
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation 3KRQH LV GHDG )LJXUH 'HDG SKRQH WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Check X100 Is phone current (contacts, Change X100 0 mA? solderings). Is it Check L260 - L265 and C260 - Change defect C265. Are they ones Check all VBATT-lines...
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions )ODVK 3URJUDPPLQJ )DXOW )LJXUH )ODVK SURJUDPPLQJ WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Measure BSI-pulse Check BSI-line including Is the FBUS during Flash TX-line HIGH X100,C100,C240,R202 operation. Is it OK? after startup? and R206. Measure FBUSTX-line Check R104.
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation 3KRQH LV MDPPHG )LJXUH -DPPHG SKRQH WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Measure VIO, VCORE, Check VBATT1-6, VIO, Check L260-L265, VFLASH1,VANA, VR3 VCORE, VANA, VR3 C260-C265, BSI/BTEMP voltages. Are they OK? lines. Are they OK? -lines and VBATT-lines Check BSI/BTEMP-lines.
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions 6,0 FDUG IDXOW ,QVHUW 6,0 &DUG UHMHFWHG )LJXUH 6,0 FDUG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Insert SIMor Check BSI-line including Set phone to LOCAL X100,C100,C240,R202 and Card rejected mode. Is it OK? fault? R206.
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation .H\SDG )DXOW )LJXUH .H\SDG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Check Measure voltage Is the power key R306,C310,S30 from S302. Is it working? 2 and line. If OK, HIGH? change UEM Phone is Measure voltage dead from S302 when Check S302.
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions )LJXUH .H\SDG WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Continue Try to change UI Is the UI-module PWB. Are the Retest failing keys working? keys working UI-module now? Check X301 (solder Change X301 joints and spring contacts).
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation 'LVSOD\ )DXOW )LJXUH 'LVSOD\ WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Try to change Retest failing Does the display UI-module. Is UI-module start? the display working now? Check X302 (solder joints). Is Change X302 it OK? Check X302 and Measure VDD (2.7V) lines again.
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions ,OOXPLQDWLRQ IDXOW )LJXUH %DFNOLJKW WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Try to change display. Are the display Retest failing display Are the LED’s working LED’s working? now? Check X302 (solder Change X302 joints). Is it OK? Measure VLED+ and VLED-.
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation &KDUJHU )DXOW )LJXUH &KDUJLQJ WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Battery bars are Retest working (scroll) Measure voltage Check X102, F100, Change defect part (if over V100 L100, V100, C106, C110 any), re-calibrate charge (TVS). and line.
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Company confidential NHL-4/4U CCS Technical Documentation Troubleshooting Instructions $FFHVVRU\ )DXOW )LJXUH $FFHVVRU\ WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Check system Is accessory detected Repair solderings or check contact connector X101 when connected to (solder ings, contact plates if dirty. Retest. system connector? plates). Is it OK? ACI-Accessory Measure ACI-line Check ACI- line (L106,R103,R102,R109,C103).
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NHL-4/4U Company confidential Troubleshooting Instructions CCS Technical Documentation $XGLR )DXOW )LJXUH $XGLR WURXEOHVKRRWLQJ Start Try to change earpiece. Retest earpiece Is earpiece working? Is it working now? Set phone in LOCAL mode. Use Phoenix audio test. Set EXT IN, HP OUT, LOOP ON Measure DC offset Check L150, C155, R151, R152 and voltage from earpiece...
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87.5 and 108.0 MHz. Measure audio from C162 and C163. Both OK ? Change N356. Measure signal from J103 and J104. Is it OK ? E Nokia Corporation Change OK, RETEST IN FLALI radio module TB4 1RNLD &RUSRUDWLRQ ,VVXH 3DJH ...