Preparing The Lens For Wearing - Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric alphafilcon A Patient Information Booklet

Visibility tinted contact lenses
Table of Contents


• Never use conventional hard contact lens solutions
that are not also recommended for use with
prescribed lenses.
• Do not mix or alternate lens care systems or
solutions unless indicated in the lens care system
• Do not use chemical disinfection solutions with heat
unless specifically indicated on product labeling for
use in both heat and chemical disinfection.
lens Wearing Precautions
• Never wear your lenses beyond the period
recommended by your eye care professional.
• If the lens sticks (stops moving) on the eye, follow
the recommended directions on Care for a Sticking
(Nonmoving) Lens. The lens should move freely
on the eye for the continued health of the eye. If
nonmovement of the lens continues, you should
immediately consult your eye care professional.
• Avoid, if possible, all harmful or irritating vapors and
fumes when wearing lenses.
• If aerosol products are used while wearing lenses,
exercise caution and keep eyes closed until the
spray has settled.
lens Case Precautions
• Contact lens cases can be a source of bacterial
growth. To prevent contamination and to help avoid
serious eye injury, always empty and rinse the lens
case with fresh, sterile rinsing solution and allow to
air dry.
• Lens cases should be replaced at regular intervals
as recommended by the lens case manufacturer or
eye care professional.
Topics to discuss with the
eye Care Professional
• As with any contact lens, follow-up visits are
necessary to assure the continuing health
of the eyes. You should be instructed as to a
recommended follow-up schedule.
• Patients should be advised about wearing lenses
during sporting and water related activities.
Exposure to water while wearing contact lenses
in activities such as swimming, water skiing and
hot tubs may increase the risk of ocular infection
including but not limited to Acanthamoeba keratitis.
• Always contact your eye care professional before
using any medicine in the eyes.
Who should Know That the Patient
is Wearing Contact lenses
Inform your doctor (health care professional) about
being a contact lens wearer.
• Always inform your employer of being a contact
lens wearer. Some jobs may require the use of eye
protection equipment or may require that you not
wear lenses.
Ask your eye care professional whether there are
any other wearing restrictions that apply to you. Write
those restrictions in the spaces provided below and
follow them carefully:


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