Warnings; Precautions - Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric alphafilcon A Patient Information Booklet

Visibility tinted contact lenses
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You should be aware of and fully discuss with your eye
care professional the following warnings pertaining to
contact lens wear:
• Problems with contact lenses and lens care
products could result in serious injury to your
eye. It is essential that you follow your eye care
professional' s direction and all labeling instructions
for proper use of lenses and lens care products,
including the lens case. Eye problems, including
corneal ulcers, can develop rapidly and lead to
loss of vision.
• Strict compliance with your care regimen including
cleaning of the lens case, wearing restrictions,
wearing schedule, and follow-up visit schedule must
be followed.
• Studies have shown that contact lens wearers who
are smokers have a higher incidence of adverse
reactions than nonsmokers.
• If you experiences eye discomfort, excessive
tearing, vision changes, or redness of the eye, you
should immediately remove lenses and promptly
contact your eye care professional.
eXTended Wear
• The risk of microbial keratitis has been shown to
be greater among users of extended wear contact
lenses than among users of daily wear contact
lenses. The risk among extended wear lens users
increases with the number of consecutive days that
the lenses are worn between removals, beginning
with the first overnight use. Some researchers
believe that these complications are caused by
one or more of the following: a weakening of
the cornea' s resistance to infections, particularly
during a closed-eye condition, as a result of
hypoxia; an eye environment which is somewhat
more conducive to the growth of bacteria and
other microorganisms, particularly when a regular
periodic lens removal and disinfecting or disposal
schedule has not been adhered to by the patient;
improper lens disinfection or cleaning by the
patient; contamination of lens care products;
poor personal hygiene by the patient; patient
unsuitability to the particular lens or wearing
schedule; accumulation of lens deposits; damage
to the lens; improper fitting; length of wearing time;
and the presence of ocular debris or environmental
contaminants. While the great majority of patients
successfully wear contact lenses, extended
wear of lenses also is reported to be associated
with a higher incidence and degree of epithelial
microcysts and infiltrates, and endothelial
polymegathism, which require consideration of
discontinuation or restriction of extended wear.
The epithelial conditions are reversible upon
discontinuation of extended wear.


You should be aware of and fully discuss with your eye
care professional the following lens care regimen and
safety precautions:
specific Precautions
• Always discard disposable lenses and lenses worn
on a frequent/planned replacement schedule after
the recommended wearing schedule prescribed by
the eye care professional.
Handling Precautions
• Always wash and rinse hands before handling
lenses. Do not get cosmetics, lotions, soaps,
creams, deodorants, or sprays in the eyes or on the
lenses. It is best to put on lenses before putting on
makeup. Water-base cosmetics are less likely to
damage lenses than oil-base products.
• Before leaving your eye care professional' s office
be certain that you are able to remove your lenses
promptly or have someone else available to remove
them for you.
• Be certain that the fingers or hands are free of
foreign materials before touching your lenses, as
microscopic scratches of the lenses may occur,
causing distorted vision and/or injury to the eye.
• Always handle your lenses carefully and avoid
dropping them.
• Do not touch the lens with your fingernails.
• Carefully follow the handling, insertion, removal,
cleaning disinfecting, storing and wearing
instructions in this booklet and those prescribed by
your eye care professional.
• Never use tweezers or other tools to remove your
lenses from the lens container unless specifically
indicated for that use. Pour the lens into the hand.
solution Precautions
• Always use fresh unexpired lens care solutions.
• Always follow directions in the package inserts for
the use of contact lens solutions.
• Sterile unpreserved solutions, when used, should
be discarded after the time specified in the labeling
• Always keep the lenses completely immersed in
the recommended storage solution when lenses
are not being worn (stored). Prolonged periods
of drying will damage lenses. Follow the lens care
directions for Care for a Dried Out (Dehydrated)
Lens if lens surface does become dried out.
• Do not use saliva or anything other than the
recommended solution for lubricating or wetting
• Tap water, distilled water or homemade saline
should not be used as a substitute for any
component in the lens care regimen since they
have been associated with an Acanthamoeba
keratitis infection.


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