Introduction - Bausch & Lomb SofLens Toric alphafilcon A Patient Information Booklet

Visibility tinted contact lenses
Table of Contents



The instructions in this booklet apply to the Bausch & Lomb SofLens® Toric (alphafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact
Lenses, when prescribed in a Frequent/Planned Replacement or Disposable Program. If you have received or
are considering another brand of contact lenses, do not use this booklet. Ask your eye care professional for the
patient booklet or instructions that apply to your brand or type of contact lenses. For Bausch & Lomb SofLens
Toric (alphafilcon A) Visibility Tinted Contact Lenses, it is essential to your safety that you read and understand the
information and instructions in this booklet, and have your eye care professional answer any questions, both before
and after you receive contact lenses.
Wearing contact lenses is different from wearing eyeglasses. Because they are worn directly on your eyes, contact
lenses affect the way in which your eyes function. These effects tend to increase with the length of time that the
lenses remain on your eyes between removals. Although the great majority of people successfully wear contact
lenses without problems, before you decide whether to begin or to continue wearing contact lenses for daily wear
or extended wear, you should discuss with your eye care professional the effects of contact lenses on your eyes
and the risks associated with wearing contact lenses, which are greater with extended wear contact lens use. You
also should read the sections of this booklet entitled "Warnings, " "Adverse Reactions, " "Precautions, " and "Wearing
Restrictions and Indications. " Ask your eye care professional to explain anything that you do not understand,
including any additional restrictions which may be given to you by your eye care professional.
You also need to remember that soft contact lenses, including those covered by this booklet, are made of a type of
plastic that absorbs liquids, vapors, and small particles, and, for some people, may collect deposits from your natural
eye fluids. Therefore, you should strictly follow the instructions contained in the sections of this booklet entitled
"Personal Cleanliness" and "Lens Handling", as well as the written information leaflets accompanying the lens care
products that you buy and any other instructions given to you by your eye care professional. Any failure to follow
these instructions and the wearing restrictions will increase the chances of contamination, damage to the lenses, or
a build-up of deposits on the lenses, which can lead to serious, sight-threatening eye infections and injuries.
Adherence to your prescribed wearing and replacement schedule, and regular check-up visits to your eye care
professional are also necessary for the proper and safe use of contact lenses. It is important not to wear your lenses
longer than recommended by your eye care professional since doing so increases the risk of adverse events.
Spaces are provided in the back of this booklet for you to record your personal wearing schedule and schedule of
follow-up visits. Soft contact lenses generally are comfortable from the beginning.
Therefore, be sure to follow the wearing schedule prescribed for you, and do not overwear your lenses simply
because they remain comfortable and you are not experiencing a problem. Only your eye care professional,
through a professional examination, can determine how your eyes are reacting to the contact lenses and whether
there are any early signs of possible problems.
If problems or symptoms should occur, immediately remove your lenses and follow the steps described in the
section of this booklet entitled "Warnings" and "Adverse Reactions. " Prompt attention to problems is essential and
may require immediate professional care.
Remember, when wearing soft contact lenses your eyes should look and feel good, and your vision should be clear.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents