Funct On And Use; Load Ng A Drywall Plate; Load Ng N Ncl Ned Pos T On For Work On Slop Ng Roofs; Load Ng N Ncl Ned Pos T On For Work On Ce L Ngs - Troy-Bilt T 90010 User Manual

Adjustable drywall lift
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8. Funct on and Use

8.1) Load ng a drywall plate

8.1.1) Load ng n ncl ned pos t on for work on slop ng roofs

1. Before load ng the plate l ft, make sure that the park ng brakes
connected to 2 sw vel rollers (1) are engaged so that the plate l ft
cannot roll back.
2. Hold the l ft ng platform handle (8) f rmly w th one hand and loosen
the lock ng lever (6.1) w th the other hand.
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury! As soon as the lock ng lever (6.1) s
released, the complete plate l ft ng un t w ll st ll front. When hold ng the
l ft ng platform handle (8), you must exert so much strength that plate
l ft ng un t can st ll be lowered at the front.
3. Place the drywall plate n the centre of the plate hold ng latch (9.1)
so that the drywall plate s on the plate l ft arms (9) (F gure 14).
4. Insert the p n of the l ft ng platform fuse (6.2) through the prov ded
open ngs (F gure 15).

8.1.2) Load ng n ncl ned pos t on for work on ce l ngs

1. Proceed as descr bed n Steps 1 – 3 n Chapter 8.1.1.
2. Use the l ft ng platform handle (8) to nsert the plate l ft ng un t nto
the hor zontal pos t on and secure the plate l ft ng un t by actuat ng the
lock ng lever (6.1).
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury!
Wh le the lock ng lever s engaged (6.1), hold the l ft ng platform
handle (8) well f xed. When hold ng the l ft ng platform handle (8),
you must exert so much strength that you can hold the loaded
plate l ft ng un t n the hor zontal pos t on. Do not release the l ft ng
platform handle (8) unt l you have made sure that the lock ng
lever (6.1) s engaged.
T p: Wh le hold ng the l ft ng platform handle and after the lock ng
lever (6.1) s locked n place, exert some pressure l ghtly n the
oppos te d rect on. The plate l ft ng un t must not t lt.
Depend ng on the type and nature nature of your ce l ng substructure and the strength
plates, t may be necessary to mount the plate hold ng latches at 180° to ensure
ensure that the drywall plate s d rectly under the ce l ng substructure and can be l fted w thout
the plate hold ng latch contact ng the drywall plate block ng the ce l ng substructure.
If th s s the case, load ng the plate l ft n hor zontal pos t on s recommended. For nformat on
about load ng n hor zontal pos t on, see Chapter 8.1.3.
Under these c rcumstances, f you st ll prefer to load n a t lted pos t on, proceed as descr bed n
po nt 3 and rotate the plate hold ng latch (9.1) before the next load aga n at 180° to place the
drywall plate n the m ddle of the plate hold ng latches (F gure 16).
When the ce l ng work s completed, .e. when the last drywall plate s assembled to the ce l ng,
the plate reta n ng latch must be rotated by 180°, otherw se the drywall plate cannot be l fted
d rectly under the ce l ng sub-structure.
3. Turn the plate hold ng latch (9.1) by 180°, loosen the w ng nut, remove the screw and pull out
the plate hold ng latch (9.1). Attach the plate hold ng latch as shown n F g. 17 and mount the
screw and w ng nut aga n. Turn the plate hold ng latch (9.1) aga n by 180° before the next load,
to be able to place the drywall plate n the m ddle of the plate hold ng latches.
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury!
The pos t on of the plate hold ng latches may only be changed f no drywall plate s on
the plate l ft.
8.1.3) Load n hor zontal pos t on for work on ce l ngs
1. Before load ng the plate l ft, make sure that the park ng brakes
on the sw vel rollers (1) are engaged so that the plate l ft can not
roll back.
2. Use the l ft ng platform handle (8) to nsert the plate l ft ng un t
nto the hor zontal pos t on and secure the plate l ft ng un t by
actuat ng the lock ng lever (6.1).
Attent on! There s a r sk of njury!
Wh le the lock ng lever s engaged (6.1), hold the l ft ng platform handle (8) well f xed. When
hold ng the l ft ng platform handle (8), you must exert so much strength that you can hold the
plate l ft ng un t n the hor zontal pos t on.
3. Turn the plate hold ng latch (9.1) by 180 ° n wh ch you loosen the w ng nut to remove the
screw and pull out the plate hold ng latch (9.1).
Attach the plate hold ng latch as shown n F g. 17 and mount the screw and w ng nut aga n.
4. Load the drywall plate n the plate l ft ensur ng the plate s
carefully centered on the plate l ft ng un t (see F gure 16).
8.2) L ft ng and lower ng
8.2.1) L ft ng
After you have set up the plate l ft n one of the prev ously
descr bed and su table pos t ons, proceed as follows to l ft the
plate l ft.
1. If you are mov ng the plate l ft ng l ft over a short d stance after
load ng, before l ft ng, make sure that the lock ng brakes of the
sw vel rollers are act vated.
2. Make sure that the rack fuse (2.3) has been folded upwards
so that t s of the rack.
Attent on! Dur ng the l ft ng, f you can not engage the
racks w th an aud ble cl ck on the teeth of the rod, the
rack fuse does not apply. Ensure that the fuse s
appl ed correctly (F gure 18)
3. W th one hand, hold the chass s frame handle (10) and w th
the other hand hold the plate l ft crank (2.1). And turn the crank
clockw se unt l you reach the des red he ght.


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