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Pclix XT User Manual page 14


User Interval Programming Sequence (User Interval Registers 90-99):
Turn the Pclix XT OFF
set the dials to the interval register to be programmed 90 – 99
while pushing the red Fire button turn ON the Pclix XT to enter programming mode
after 3 RED LED flashes release FIRE button
the GREEN LED will flash once indicating to enter the interval hours
set the interval hours using the LEFT and RIGHT dials
push the FIRE button to enter the hours, the GREEN LED will flash 2 times
set the interval minutes using the LEFT and RIGHT dials
push the FIRE button to enter the minutes, the GREEN LED will flash 3 times
set the interval seconds using the LEFT and RIGHT dials
push the FIRE button to enter the seconds, the GREEN LED will flash 4 times
turn OFF Pclix XT to exit programming mode
You're done
NOTE: The Pclix XT has error checking built-in making it impossible to enter a number higher than 59
for either the minutes or the seconds. If you have the dials set to a number above 59 then the RED
LED will flash once to indicate an error. Change the dials to a number 59 or below and then push the
red FIRE button.
Now that you've got the hang of user interval programming and how easy it is, the rest of the Pclix XT
user functions are even easier. These encompass the Start Delay Option, Image Count Option, Bulb
Length Option, Split Second Mode, Interval Warning, Shutter Length and a few others which we'll get
to shortly. The first three of these options each have a number or length of time which can be
programmed into those functions; they also can be turned ON or OFF with out effecting the
programmed number or length of time; the forth being the Split Second Mode can only be turned ON
or OFF. The rest are custom user settings which effect the overall operation of the Pclix XT. In the next
few pages we will describe all of these functions starting with the Split Second Mode.
Split Second Mode (00, 01):
What this feature does is allow you to split a second of time into tenths and use those tenths in your
interval settings. Imagine the difference in results between a 1 second interval and a 2 second
interval. Basically everything is moving 100% faster in the 1 second interval vs. the 2 second interval.
With this mode you can have an interval anywhere from 0.1* to 9.9 seconds and all in tenths of a
second steps. This makes it possible to have an interval of 0.5 seconds or 1.5, 2.3, 4.5, 6.7 seconds
and so on. As with other interval settings on the Pclix XT this feature works with both the Image Count
Option and Start Delay Option. However if you have the Bulb Option turned ON the Pclix XT will shut it
OFF when you turn ON Split Second Mode. The two cannot be used at the same time. One other
limitation is you cannot save Split Second interval times into the User Interval registers.
In this mode ONLY the LEFT Dial sets the seconds and the RIGHT Dial sets the tenths of a second. Also
if your interval is anything above 1 second then the RED led will flash to indicate the passing of
seconds counting down to the next camera trigger.
You must take into account the speed at which your camera can take an image and then be ready to
take another when using this mode, this includes the time it takes to write the image to your memory
card if your camera does not buffer images. Also take into account the length of the shutter required
for a proper exposure. Some digital cameras are able to take many images a second others do not
offer this functionality. You will need to determine how fast your camera can take images over and
over again using the fastest interval. For this test turn on the Split Second Mode as described below
and set your camera to receive a remote trigger. The play around with the interval setting to
determine how fast your camera is able to repeatedly shoot with out missing shots when the Pclix XT
instructs the camera to take an image. Basically you need to experiment a little bit to see what
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