Toyota PASEO 1999 Owner's Manual page 102

Table of Contents


Push "FM" to switch the FM band. "FM1"
or "FM2" will appear on the display. This
system allows you to set twelve FM sta-
tions, two for each button.
If the audio system is off, you can turn
on the radio by pushing "FM". Also, push
"FM" to switch from cassette or compact
disc operation to radio operation.
PROG (Program)
Push "PROG" to select the other side of
a cassette tape. The display indicates
which side is currently selected ("
Auto−reverse feature: After the cassette
player reaches the end of a tape side, it
automatically reverses and begins to play
the other side. This is true whether the
cassette was playing or fast forwarding.
RAND (Random)
There are two random features—you can
either listen to the tracks on all the com-
pact discs in the magazine in random or-
der, or only listen to the tracks on a
specific compact disc in random order.
Random playing for the tracks on a disc:
Quickly push and release "RAND". "RAND"
will appear on the display. The disc you
are listening to will play in random order.
If you hear a beep, you held the button
too long, and the player will play all the
tracks in the magazine in random order.
" indi-
To turn off the random feature, push the
"RAND" a second time.
Compact disc auto changer only—
Random playing for all the tracks in the
Push and hold "RAND" until you hear a
beep. "D·RAND" will appear on the display
and the player will perform all the tracks
on all the discs in the magazine in ran-
dom order. To turn off the random feature,
push "RAND" a second time.
'99 MY PASEO (U)
RPT (Repeat)
There are two repeat features—you can
either replay a disc track or a whole com-
pact disc.
Repeating a track:
Quickly push and release "RPT" while the
track is playing. "RPT" will appear on the
display. If you hear a beep, you held the
button too long, and the player will repeat
the whole disc. When the track ends, it
will automatically be replayed. This pro-
cess will be continued until you push the
button again to turn off the repeat feature.
Compact disc auto changer only—
Repeating a disc:
Push and hold "RPT" until you hear a
beep. "D·RPT" will appear on the display.
The player will repeat all the tracks on the
disc you are listening to. When the disc
ends, the player will automatically go back
to the top track of the disc and replay.
This process will be continued until you
push the button again to turn off the re-
peat feature.


Table of Contents

Table of Contents