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CAMDEN CX-EPD 2850L Installation Instructions

Pre load electric strikes


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To   c hange   p osition   o f   k eeper,  
use   P hillips   s crewdriver   t o  
loosen   ( 3)   s crews,   m ove  
keeper   t o   d esired   l ocation,  
and   t hen   t ighten.  
Latch   m onitoring   s tandard   o n  
all   p re   l oad   m odels  
Jamb   P reparation  
Installation Instructions and Technical Support
CX-EPD 2850L
Pre Load Electric Strikes
Fail   S afe/Fail   S ecure   u se  
Phillips   s crewdriver   t o   s elect  
Pre-­‐load   f eature   o nly  
functional   w ith   f ail   s ecure  



Summary of Contents for CAMDEN CX-EPD 2850L

  • Page 1         CX-EPD 2850L     Pre Load Electric Strikes   Installation Instructions and Technical Support     Adjustment:   Selection:     To   c hange   p osition   o f   k eeper,  ...
  • Page 2 CX-EPD 2850L Pre-Load Electric Strikes Installation Instructions and Technical Support     Connection   Latch   M onitoring   O utput   Built-­‐in   l atch   m onitoring   f eature   w ired   t o   a ccess  ...
  • Page 3 CX-EPD 2850L Pre-Load Electric Strikes Installation Instructions and Technical Support       2) Adjust   t he   f aceplate   h orizontally   t o   k eep   t he   l atch   s nug   ( not   t ight)   b ehind   t he  ...
  • Page 4 CX-EPD 2850L Pre-Load Electric Strikes Installation Instructions and Technical Support     6) Check   t he   g ap   b etween   t he   d oor   a nd   t he   f rame   ( with   t he   d oor   i n   t he   c losed   p osition)   t o   e nsure   i t   i s   e qual   f rom  ...