GE 19 Series Use And Care Manual
GE 19 Series Use And Care Manual

GE 19 Series Use And Care Manual

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English Version
Appliance Registration
Automatic Icemaker
Behind the Refrigerator
Care and Cleaning
Consumer Services
Energy-Saving Tips
Food Storage Suggestions
Ice Service
Installation Requirements
Adapter Plug
Electrical Requirements
Extension Cord
Light Bulb Replacement
Model and Serial Numbers 2
Problem Solver
In the United States call the GE Answer Center" 8M.626.2W
In Canada consult your local telephone directory for the Cameo Service Center
the best horn
Rollers and Leveling Legs
Water Supply to Icemaker 13
11, 12
Vacation & Moving Tips 13
Safety Instruction
Storage Drawers
Drawer & Cover Removal 12
Temperature Controls
Under Refrigerator
Warranty U.S.
Warranty Canadian
Water Filter Accessory
Water Line Installation
Version franqaise
to get
and 27 Modek
Back Cover
15, 16
Side by Side


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for GE 19 Series

  • Page 1 Light Bulb Replacement Water Line Installation 15, 16 Model and Serial Numbers 2 Problem Solver 17-19 Preparation Version franqaise Clearances In the United States call the GE Answer Center” 8M.626.2W In Canada consult your local telephone directory for the Cameo Service Center...
  • Page 2 Write down the model Read this book carefully. If you received a damaged and serial numbers. refrigerator... It is intended to help you operate and maintain your new refrigerator properly. You’ll see them on a label on the wall beside Immediately contact the dealer the top drawer or at the bottom, just inside the (or builder) that sold you the refrigerator.
  • Page 3 completely. The United Stat~S D~part~~~t of always Agriculture in Home and Gden Bulletin including the fo~lowing: “., ,You may safely refreeze frown foods that cold—below 40°F. (4°C.). refrigerator must be properly ,. Thawed ground meats, poultry or fish that with the kstilation Instructions it is used.
  • Page 4: Automatic Energy Saver System

    Set the Temperature Controls (appearance ma vary) The temperature controls let you regulate the temperature in the fresh food and freezer compartments. The coldest settings are “E” and “9”. C INITIAL SETTING FREEZER FRESH FOOD E COLDEST COLDEST 9 At first, the Fresh Food control at “5” and the Freezer control at “C”. Allow 24 hours for the temperature to stabilize, whether you are setting the controls for the first time or adjusting them later.
  • Page 5: How They Work

    some models) How They Work The automatic icemaker makes ice continually. The dispenser Cubes fall through the chute in the door when the dispenser pad is pressed. dispenses water, ice cubes or crushed ice through the freezer compartment door. Here’s how they work. When CRUSHED is selected (on some models), a baffle channels cubes through the crusher and crushed ice falls through a chute into Water flows from the household supply through a...
  • Page 6 (continued) Once Your Icemaker and Dispenser are in Operation Throw away the first few batches of ice cubes (16 or 24 cubes). This To make sure the bin fills with ice, level the cubes occasionally. will flush away any impurities in the water line. Do the same thing When cubes fall into the bin they may pile up close to the icemaker after vacations or extended periods when ice isn’t used.
  • Page 7 To Remove Ice Storage Bin To Replace Ice Storage Bin Lift the left comer to free the bin from Slide the bin back until the tab on the bin ]ocks the shelf. Pull the bin straight out while into the slot in the shelf. supporting it at front and back.
  • Page 8: Fresh Food Storage Tips

    FOOD STOMGE SUGGESTIONS Suggested storage times for meat and poultry* Eating quality DAYS IN MONTHS IN DAYS IN Eating qualiw MONTHS IN drops after REFRIGERATOR FREEZER drops atter REFRIGERATOR FREEZER AT 35° to 40° F. AT 0° F. time shown AT 35°...
  • Page 9: Fruit & Vegetable Drawer

    Fruit & Vegetable Drawer Convertible Meat Drawer (on some models) (on some models) The Convertible Meat Drawer has its own cold air duct to allow a stream of cold air from the freezer compartment to flow around the drawer. The variable temperature control regulates the air flow from the freezer compartment.
  • Page 10 How to Rearrange Your Shelves Shelves in the fresh food compartment are adjustable, enabling To relocate shelves: you to make efficient to fit your family’s food shelf Engage storage needs. With shelf front raised hook ‘ “ slightly, engage the top To remove shelves: hooks in the tracks at the Tilt the shelf up at front,...
  • Page 11 Cleaning—Outside The water and ice dispenser spill shelf should be wiped dry Keep the finish clean. Wipe with a clean cloth lightly dampened with immediately to prevent spotting. Water left on the shelf may leave kitchen appliance wax or mild liquid dishwashing detergent. Dry and deposits that you can remove by soaking with undiluted vinegar.
  • Page 12: Drawer Removal

    (continued) Drawer Removal Drawers will stop before coming all the way out of the refrigerator to 7. Tilt and remove the cover. Avoid help prevent contents from spilling onto the floor. Drawers can easily cleaning the cold glass cover with be removed by tilting up slightly and pulling past the “stop”...
  • Page 13 Preparing for Vacation Preparing to Move For shorter vacations, remove perishable foods and leave controls Disconnect power cord from wall outlet, remove all food, and clean and dry the interior. at regular settings. However, if room temperature is expected to drop below 60°F.
  • Page 14 READ CAREWLLY How to Connect Electricity For personal safety, this Have the wall outlet and circuit checked by a qualified electrician to appliance must be make sure the outlet is properly grounded. properly grounded. Where a standard 2-prong wall outlet is encountered, it is your The power cord of this personal responsibility and obligation to have it replaced with a appliance is equipped with a...
  • Page 15: What You Will Need

    If you use your refrigerator before connecting water tie initiation is not warranted by the water line, make sure the icemaker feeler arm the refrigerator or icemaker manufacturer. is kept in the (up) position. the risk of expensive water damage. Do not install the icemaker tubing in areas where...
  • Page 16: Shutoff Valve

    ROUTE THE COPPER TUBING BETWEEN THE a. Remove the plastic flexible cap from the COLD ~TER LINE AND THE REFRIGERATOR. water valve. Tubing 1/4” (6 mm) b. Place the Route the tubing through a hole drilled in the clamp Copper tubing compression nut floor or wall behind the refrigerator or adjacent and ferrule...
  • Page 17 QUESTIONS? USE THIS PROBLEM SOLWR PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE REFRIGERATOR May be in defrost cycle when Temperature control in OFF position. If interior light is not on, refrigerator may not be plugged in at wall Qutiet. burned out fuse. MOTOR OPERATES Modern refrigerators with more storage space and a larger freezer FOR LONG PENODS compartment require more operating time,...
  • Page 18 PROBLEM SOLWR (continued) PROBLEM POSSIBLE CAUSE HOT AR FROM be expelled in the area under the refrigerator, Some floor coverings will discolor REFRIGERATOR at these norrn~ and safe operating temperatures. Your floor covering supplier should be consulted if you object to this discoloration. DOOR NOT CLOSING PROPERLY amount of petroleum jelly on face of gasket.
  • Page 19: Water Dispenser Does Not Work

    DOES NOT WORK needs replacing. See Care and Cleaning section. If you need more help... In the United States call, toll free: GE Answer Center” 800.626.2000 consumer information service In Canada: Manager Consumer Relations 2645 Skymark Ave., Mississauga (Ontario) Canada L4W 4H2...
  • Page 20 Whatever your question about your new major appliance, GE Answer Center@ information service is available to help. Your call–and your question– will be answered promptly and courteously. And you can call any time. GE Answer Center” service is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Page 21 CONSUMER WARRAN~ Canada) (for customers in FIRST YEAR warrants the replacement or repair of all pafls of this Refrigerator which prove to in material or workmanship, for one year from the date of purchase. Such parts will be defective repaired or replaced at the option of Cameo without charge, subject to the terms and conditions set out below.
  • Page 23 Economiser l’4nergie Emplacement 33,34 Replacement de l’ampoule 34 39-41 Guide de d6pannage Service h la clientble Installation 36-38 Service glagons Specifications 800.626.2000 communique avec Centre communications GE Au Canada v6rifier le numdro du Centre de service Cameo clans l’annuaire t416phonique...
  • Page 24 et de s4rie. 11 est conqu pour vous aider a faire 11s figurent sur l’6tiquette situ~e clans Ie Communique imm6diatement avec Ie nouveau r6frig6rateur. compartment r~frig~rateur, pr~s du bac carte d’enregistrement de l’appareil qui service de reparation... Consumer Affairs Appliance Park Louisville, KY 40225 Au Canada: clans toute correspondence concernant votre...
  • Page 25 vous “.. .11 n’y a pas de danger& r~ongeler les aliments encore d4pass44° C (40° ~. . . , . instructions d’installation avant . . * * Lorsque vow 610ignez Ie r&frig4rateur du vous pourriez de Ie nettoyer et de le r4parer, Avant de remplacer une ampoule @&, le tout contact avec un fil sous tension.
  • Page 26 (l’aspect peut vtier) Les commandes de temperature vous permettent de r~gler la temperature clans le r6frig6rateur et Ie cong61ateur. Les r6glages les C INITIAL SE~lNG FRESH FOOD E COLDEST COLDEST 9 plus froids sent “E” et “9.” Tout d’abord, la commande du clans I’un des compartments, rtglez les commandes une 6tape h la fois.
  • Page 27 La machine automatique h glaqons fait de la glace en continu. Le distributeur distribue de I’eau, des glagons ou de la glace concass~e par la porte du cong61ateur. 11s fonctionnent de la mani~re suivante. L’eau provenant de la canalisation domestique s’icoule clans: glace concass~e tombe par Ie conduit directement clans le verre.
  • Page 28 (suite) Jetez Ies premiers lots de glagons (16 ou 24 gla$ons). Vous ~liminerez Pour vous assurer que Ie bac se remplit de glaqons, nivelez ces Pour les mod?les munis d’un distributeur d’eau, jetez les 6 premiers Pour distribuer eau et glagons ICE (glace concass~e, sur certains distribution.
  • Page 29 bac de la clavette. Tirez droit vers vous bac s’engage clans la fente de la clayette. Si le en soutenant le bac h l’avant et h I’arriLre. bac ne va pas jusqu’au fond, retirez-le et place jusqu’~ ce que la Ianguette s’engage clans la fente de la clayette.
  • Page 30 LA CONSERVATION DES AL~NTS La qualit~ des NOMBRE DE JOURS NOMBRE OE MOIS La qualit6 des NOMBRE OE JOURS NOMBRE DE MOIS aliments diminue DE REFRIGERATION -18° C (O” F) (35” a 40” F) (O” F) Viande fralche Volaille fraTche Canard et oie (entiers) .,,,,,,,..,,,,,,,,,..., 1 a 2 ,,,,,.,..,,,,,..,.,,,,,,...,,,,,6 Viande hach6e et a ragoOt ....,1 a 2 ..,,,,,..,,..,,,,,..,,3 ~ 4 Volaille cuite...
  • Page 31 BACS Bac h viande adaptable Bac a fruits eta 16gumes (surcertains mod?les) (surcertains mod~les) conduit permettant l’entr6e d’un courant de temperature rbgle l’entr6e de I’air du compartment cong41ateur. Pour la conservation de la viande fraiche, plus froid. 11 est possible que du givre se forme h l’int6rieur du bac Legumes vetis Prunes plus froid pour ramener Ie bac h la temperature de r6frig6ration...
  • Page 32 La disposition de vos clayettes Les clayettes du r6frig6rateur sent r4glables, ce qui vous perrnet de les Pour remettre une disposer de fa$on h profiter au maximum de l’espace de rangement — Pour retirer une clayette: clayette, introduisez les pour verrouiller l’avant, puis soulevez-la en la tirant pour la lib~rer des Les clayettes m6talliques (sur certains mod~les) peuvent ~tre r~gl~es...
  • Page 33 Nettoyage extdrieur Pour maintenir Ie fini propre, frottez avec un chiffon propre pour 6viter les taches d’eau. et de @aqons Vous pouvez 61iminer les non di1u6. 11 est 6ga1ement possible d’utiliser un adoucisseur d’eau en chiffon doux propre. N’essuyez pas Ie r6frig4rateur avec un chiffon a en poudre, d’eau de javel ou autres produits similaires, car vous 3 minutes de trempage suffisent en g6n6ral.
  • Page 34: Replacement De L'ampoule

    (suite) Les bacs se bloquent avant de sortir compl~tement du r6frig4rateur 7. Inclinez et ~etirez Ie pour emp~cher Ieur contenu de se renverser sur le sol. Les bacs au-deli de la but~e. car Ies grandes variations Pour retirer Ies bacs Iorsque la porte du r6frig6rateur ne peut pas de temp~rature peuvent 1.
  • Page 35 r6frig6rateur et Iaissez-le r6g16 au r~glage habituel. Si la temperature r6frig6rateur, nettoyez et s6chez 1’ int~rieur. section R6glage des commandes de temperature. vous vous r6frig6rateur, rdglez la commande de temperature du compartment son transport et clans le camion. 11 doit ~tre attach6 ~ l’int~rieur du pour 1 Iitre d’eau).
  • Page 36 Branchement ilectrique Pour votre propre pour v6rifier que la prise est correctement mise h la terre. doit @tre correctement mis a la terre. — de cet appareil est 6quip6 ., .! d’une fiche h 3 broches (mise k la terre) qui se Verifier la mise ~ la terre avant Ie pour limiter les risques de...
  • Page 37 ATTENTION: bras regulateur de la ~achine a glagons reste en position “~OP” (~–relevee). L’instigation de la canalisation d’eau n’est de faqon a eviter tout risque d’electrocution. pas garantie par le fabri-t du r4frig6rateur la reglementation locale en matiere de plomberie. minimiser le risque de d6@ts codteux machine a glaqons doit, pour pouvoir pour vider la canalisation d’eau.
  • Page 38 c. Fixez le robinet susceptible de colmater l’ecran du robinet d’eau d’eau froide a l’aide des brides. sur la canafisation pres du retigerateur, d. Serrez les vis de la bride jusqu’a ce que le a. Retirez le Tuyau en cuivre joint commence a en exces, ce qui pourrait ecraser le tuyau.
  • Page 39 CAUSE POSSIBLE de d6givrage est peut-&tre en marche: le moteur cesse alors de NE FONCTIONNE PAS La commande de tem@rature est sur “0~’ (fteint). pas, branchez une lampe ou un petit appareti 61ectrom4nager clans la prise de courant pour qu’il refroidisse compl?ternent, 11 y a beaucoup d’aliments plac4s clans le r6fig4rateur ou le cong41ateur, Une porte est rest4e ouverte.
  • Page 40 (suite) CAUSE POSSIBLE est normal que de la chdenr soit expuls~e ~ la base du r6frig6rateur. Certains LA PORTE NE SE HRME PAS ENT~REMENT La commaude de tem~rature n’a pas 6t4 ~gl~e h un niveau assez bas. Reportez-vous Porte maintenue ouverte par un paquet. Les diments ne sent pas couverts ou embA16s de fagon appropri~, ou leur La porte peut avoir tit~ laisste entrouverte, ou un paquet l’em~che de ferrner.
  • Page 41 NE FONCTfONNE PAS Pour de plus amples renseignements... Aux Etats-Unis appelez saris frais au: Centre de r6ponse GE@, 800-626-2000 Service d’information h la client~le Au Canada: Communique avec: Directeur, Relations avec les consommateurs, 2645 Skymark Avenue, Mississauga (Ontario) Canada L4W 4H2...
  • Page 42 VOUS Centre derkponseG~AuxEta&4niS:80~62&2000 Lorsque vous avez des questions au sujet de votre nouvel 61ectrom6nager, le Centre de r6ponse GE On r~pondra rapidement et avec courtoisie Avotre appel et ~vos questions. Vous pouvez t616phoneren tout temps. Le Centre de Au Canada: bmmuniqueravecle Dincteu~ Relations aveclesconsommateu~,...
  • Page 43: Garantie Du Client

    GARANTIE DU CLIENT (pour la clientele au Canada) PREMIERE ANNEE garantit Ie replacement refrigerateur pieces seront reparees ou remplacees gratuitement au choix de Cameo aux de I’achat. Ces termes et conditions indiques ci-apres. replacement de toutes Ies pieces de ce refrigerateur qui se revelent defectueuses en termes de et la charge de Ces pieces seront reparees ou remplacees gratuitement au choix de Cameo aux termes et conditions indiques ci-apres.
  • Page 45: Your Refrigerator

    The drawers technician’s travel costs to your home. FULL FIVE-YEAR WARRANTY can be exchanged at a GE Service and Parts Center, or by writing to the We have designated GE CONSUMEF For five years from date of original address below.

This manual is also suitable for:

20 series22 series24 series27 series

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