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Welcome to the world of sophisticated, microprocessor controlled CB radio com- munications. YourUniden PRO 3 1De repre- sents the most advanced portable/mobile radio ever designed for use in the Citizens Band Radio Service. It will operate on any of the 4D AM frequencies authorized by the Department of Communications.
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MOBILE INSTALLATION local dealer is qualified to assist you in the selection an installation of a proper Plan the location of the radio and micro- antenna phone bracket before starting installation. requirements. Select a location that is convenient for op- eration and does not interfere with the Connecting driver or passenger in the vehicle.
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Battery Pack - Over communications. failure. The PRO 310e '7. Cord Holder cludes a special cord holder to pre- vent the Antenna cord and the Pow- for every vehi- er cord from getting loose.
OPERATING PROCEDURE TO RECEIVE 1. Besure that the power source, antenna microphone connected. 2. Turn the unit on by rotating the Volume control clockwise. 3. Set the channel selector switch to the desired channel. 4. Set the Volume control to a comfort- able listening level.
TROUBLE SHOOTING If your PRO 3 JDe is not performing up to your expectations, please try these simple steps. If you still cannot get satisfactory results after reading this manual and fol- lowing the troubleshooting steps, please call your local dealer. TROUBLE Unit will not turn on.
AUSTRALIA Princes Highway, Rockdale, "'UNIDEN"j. ELEMENTS OF WARRANTY. UNIDEN warrants, the duration of this warranty, its UNIDEN CB Product to be free from defects in materials and craftsmanship with only the limitation or exclusions set out below. WARRANTY DURATION. This Warranty...
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