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Thames & Kosmos little labs Physics Manual Book

Thames & Kosmos little labs Physics Manual Book

Experiment kit about physics


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Are you curious about mechanical things, force, and motion? Then come
along! Let's do the experiments in this kit together to learn all about
In this guidebook, you will see a lot of things that you already recognize.
But there is so much left to discover about them! The pictures will guide
us in doing our experiments and projects. And whenever you see a Try It
box, you will see more ideas for other exciting experiments.
And now, let's begin!
Instructions for Parents and Adults
This experiment kit about physics is designed for children ages 5 and up.
For each experiment, first ask your child the question at the beginning of
the experiment. Then present the various pictures to him or her as possible
answers. In this way, your child can start to develop ideas about how to
explain everyday experiences. Next, your child can follow the pictures to
do the experiment mostly by him or herself, to test his or her ideas. That
will let your child discover firsthand the answer to the question posed at the
beginning. Finally, read your child the answer summary at the end of the
experiment to confirm or correct his or her own conclusions.
This guidebook is presented in English and Spanish to aid you in conduct-
ing the experiments, and also so that it may be used as a resource for
language learning.
Instrucciones Para Padres Y Adultos
Este equipo de experimentos de física está diseñado para niños mayores de 5 años de edad. Para
cada experimento, primero hágale a su niño(a) la pregunta que aparece al principio del experi-
mento. Después, preséntele los distintos dibujos como respuestas posibles. De esta manera, su
niño(a) podrá comenzar a desarrollar ideas sobre cómo explicar experiencias de la vida diaria.
Después, su niño(a) puede seguir los dibujos para hacer el experimento solo(a), para así probar
sus ideas. Eso hará que su niño(a) descubra, de primera mano, la respuesta a la pregunta que
se hizo al principio. Finalmente, léale a su niño(a) el sumario de respuestas que está al final del
experimento para confirmar o corregir sus propias conclusiones.
Esta guía está presentada en inglés y en español para poder ayudarlo a conducir estos experi-
mentos y también para que pueda ser un recurso de aprendizaje en la enseñanza de idiomas.



Summary of Contents for Thames & Kosmos little labs Physics

  • Page 1 Guidebook Guía Are you curious about mechanical things, force, and motion? Then come along! Let’s do the experiments in this kit together to learn all about them! In this guidebook, you will see a lot of things that you already recognize. But there is so much left to discover about them! The pictures will guide us in doing our experiments and projects.
  • Page 2 General Tips for Parents and Children Caution! Individual parts of this kit are designed with sharp points, corners, or edges. There is a danger of injury. We reserve the right to make technical changes. Keep the experiment kit out of the reach of small children. ¡Precaución! Hay partes específicas de este equipo que están diseñadas con puntas o esquinas o bordes afilados.
  • Page 3 Getting Started: What comes in your kit? Kit contents: The designations Anchor pin Long axle Perno del ancla Eje largo “short frame” and Joint pin Small gear wheel Perno de la juntura Pequeña rueda dentada “medium gear wheel” Shaft plug Medium gear wheel come from previously Tapón del árbol...
  • Page 4 Assembly Tips: How do you use these pieces? Here are some instructions for using the Part Separator Tool. Consejos para el ensamblado: Separador de piezas...
  • Page 5 To remove a joint pin, pull it out with your fingers or push it out from the rear with the anchor pin lever. Extráigalo con los dedos o empújelo por detrás con la palanca del perno del ancla. To make sure that the wheels do not slide off, axle clips are installed.
  • Page 6 Experiment 1: What does a lever do? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this:...
  • Page 7 large load carga grande (inserted plug) (tapón insertado) small force (finger pushes) pequeña fuerza load force (empujado por el dedo) lever arm lever arm palanca de palanca de fuerza carga action point punto de acción de fuerza of force action point punto de acción de la carga of load...
  • Page 8 Experiment 2: How does a balance scale work? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this:...
  • Page 9 2do Experimento: ¿Cómo Answer: funciona una balanza? Here you have two levers. They are connected in the middle, Respuesta: Aqui tienes dos palancas. Están unidas en el centro, en el punto de rotación, at the point of rotation, like two arms. If both sides are loaded como dos brazos.
  • Page 10 Experiment 3: What does a pulley do and where can you find them? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this: heavy books and a small toy for weights thick string libros pesados y un pequeño juguete para cordel grueso que actúen como pesas...
  • Page 11 Answer: Pulleys can be found everywhere. They are used in places where the direction of a force must change, for example on elevators, construction sites, or onboard sailboats. In the experiment, you were able to move your toy upwards by pulling down- wards on the string.
  • Page 12 Experiment 4: How can pulleys be put together to make lifting easier? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this: thick string cordel grueso...
  • Page 13 Answer: Two or more pulleys can be put together into a device called a block and tackle. The simplest version has a fixed pulley, like the one from the previous experiment, and a moving pulley at- tached to the load. When lifting the load, you will notice that you are changing the direction of the force.
  • Page 14 Experiment 5: How can you transmit power from one place to another? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this: 5to experimento: ¿Cómo puedes transmitir potencia de un lugar a otro? Respuesta: ¡Construye una transmisión de Answer: potencia! Esta transmisión usa ruedas denta- das.
  • Page 15 Experiment 6: How does force relate to motion? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this:...
  • Page 16 Tip: Squeeze the rubber band into the axle plug! Mete el elástico en el tapón del eje axle locks cerradura del eje wooden ball Tip: Build yourself a target goal or measure bola de which of your friends can shoot the farthest. madera Also, try out different angles of elevation! Consejo: Construye un blanco o mide cuál de tus amigos...
  • Page 17 Experiment 7: What is energy? Or do you have other ideas? Figure it out like this: Be careful when you are pushing the axles into the wheels!
  • Page 18 Tip: Before starting, check that the wheels can turn freely! Consejo: ¡Antes de comenzar asegúrate que las ruedas giran sin problema!
  • Page 19 Have an adult help you with the attachment of the long rubber band! It must be attached at the shaft plug and at the rear axle. ¡Permite que un adulto te ayude con el acoplamiento la liga o elás- tico largo! Se tiene que acoplar al tapón del árbol y al eje posterior.
  • Page 20 What are simple machines? Answer: Simple Machines are devices that just need a single force to do work. They are used to make work easier, because they can reduce the amount of force needed to do the work, such as move an object.