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Product Safety - NJD Electronics NJ164 Instructions Manual

Led ip dmx bar, waterproof aluminium case long life leds low power consumption stand-alone operation or dmx control


Adjust the angle of the hanging bracket to obtain the
best display of the light beams.
If the luminaire it to be used DMX controlled or in
Master-slave mode, connect the DMX output from the
first luminaire to the DMX input of the second; connect
the DMX output from the second luminaire to the DMX
input of the third; continuing until all luminaires have
been connected. Up to 32 luminaires may be controlled
this way.
If the distance between luminaires is longer than the
length of the DMX input and output leads, waterproof
DMX extension leads are available, part numbers
NJ164B (2 m) and NJ164D (4 m). If the luminaires are
being used indoors, then the waterproof connectors may
be removed and replaced by standard XLR connectors.
The wire colours are as follows:
Green-yellow: ground (earth) (Pin 1)
The pin numbers refer to 5-pin XLR connectors wired to
the DMX standard. There is no standard for the use of
3-pin XLR connectors for DMX.
This luminaire is for professional use only. It is the
owner's responsibility to ensure that all users are given
adequate supervision and instruction concerning the use
of the appliance in a safe way and understand the
hazards involved.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they do
not play with the luminaire.
Do not stare into the beam.


(Pin 2)
(Pin 3)
Page 3

