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ABB Battery cabinet for PowerValue 11-31T 10-20 kVA User Manual page 7


3. Extract the 6 plastic battery trays from the unit one by one. (fig. 3)
4. Take 8 batteries and place them inside the plastic battery tray by taking care of the correct side,
please refer to the figure 4.
5. Connect all the batteries on the plastic tray together
by using the provided links (short cables). (fig. 5)
6. Starting from the top left shelf [A3] of the back side of
the unit (fig. 8), connect the correct cables on the 2
connectors ends of the battery tray. (fig 6)
Each cable is labelled, refer to the electrical drawing in
chapter 3.
7. Repeat this cabling procedure for all the battery trays
by following the electrical drawing in chapter 3.
Modifications reserved
Page 7/12
Fig. 3
Fig. 5
Fig. 4
Fig. 6

