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PathRight Medical RestoreX Instructions For Use Manual page 6

Next generation penile traction therapy device


Part 1 – Selecting Extension Rod Length
To begin setting up RestoreX, complete the following measurement:
Compare your recorded stretched penile length to the following table:
Recorded Stretched Length
3.75 to 6.25
Longer than
Note: RestoreX cannot accommodate a stretched penile length less than 3.75 inches (10
centimeters). If less than 3.75 inches, please remeasure as detailed above being sure to push the
ruler into any fat pad which may exist near the base of the penis to get an accurate measurement.
Note: RestoreX may not provide sufficient traction for men with a stretched penile length
greater than 9 inches (23 centimeters).
Stretched Penile Length
- Hold the tip of the flaccid penis and pull it outward
from the body until maximally stretched.
- With a ruler, measure from the tip of the penis to
the base of the penis in the flaccid state.
Important: If you have a fat pad at the base of the penis
(very common), push the ruler into this pad to properly
measure the full penile length.
Standard rod length - Your device is currently
set-up with the correct rod length. Please
10 to 16
proceed to Part 2 (pg. 9).
Extended rod length* - Please see the
Longer than
instructions to exchange the rods.
*The extended rods are located in the RestoreX box
Extension Rod Length
Instructions for Use

