A/V Slim MindSpa Instruction And Use Manual page 4

Personal development system
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The human brain contains billions of brain cells called neurons. Neurons use
electrochemical activity to individually communicate. Brainwaves are the composite
of the individual neuron electrical activity of the brain, which result in thoughts,
actions and behavior.
Brainwave frequencies are measured on two scales: cycles per second, also referred to
as Hertz (Hz), and amplitude, which is the intensity. For example, ocean waves serve
as a familiar model demonstrating cycles (wave frequency=cycles) and amplitude
(wave height=intensity).
Early in the 20
century scientists developed instruments sensitive enough to measure
minute patterns of electrical activity in the brain; brainwaves. Soon after discovery of
brainwaves, early experiments found that these patterns could be altered by strobes of
light blinking in the brainwave frequency range. These strobes created what is known
as frequency following response, also referred to as brainwave entrainment. In other
words, they learned that by introducing visual stimulus brainwave activity could be
Light and sound have a very powerful influence on brainwave activity. Think of how
relaxing it is to stare into a nice, flickering candle or fire. The mind naturally finds
certain patterns of flickering light very soothing. The auditory system responds very
much in a similar manner. Think of how calming certain musical compositions can be.
This is true in nature as well such as the sound of a gurgling brook, or waves lapping
at the shore. These are common examples of how brainwaves are influenced by
outside visual and auditory sources.
Over the years, working with psychologists, we have learned how to fine-tune these
frequencies to provide long-term benefit. MindSpa generates specific patterns of light
and sound to help naturally induce desirable brainwave activity known as the target
MindSpa includes led glasses (light emitting diodes) and headphones. MindSpa is
generally used with eyes closed sitting or lying in a comfortable position for 10 to 40
The eyelids are quite thin so the flicking light provided by the led glasses can easily
seen through closed eyelids. The light then reaches the brain in the form of electrical
impulses by way of the optic nerve. These pulses of light, along with sound, create a
subtle matching effect – brainwave entrainment.
MindSpa is a passive system meaning that no conscious effort on your part is required.
Just sit back, take a few slow, deep breaths and relax. The only requirement is to use
MindSpa in a place and time when you will remain undisturbed and on a consistent
basis to receive long-term benefit.
Brainwave Activity
Our brain operates primarily in four brainwave states. These states range from being
wide awake and active, the beta brainwave state, to the calm, focused alpha state, and
the creative, deeply meditative theta state, all the way down to low wave, deep,
dreamless sleep, known as the delta brainwave state.
As you continue to use MindSpa on a regular basis, with the exception of the deep
delta state, these states will become quite easily recognizable to you. You can use this
recognition to maintain your desired target state, such as alert and focused, to calm
and relaxed under pressure.


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