Specifications; Front Panel Connectors; Input; Output - Racal Instruments 5601 User Manual

Pxi single channel wideband amplifier
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35601 User's Manual


Front Panel



Racal Instruments Ó 2003
Artisan Technology Group - Quality Instrumentation ... Guaranteed | (888) 88-SOURCE | www.artisantg.com
Instrument specifications are listed in Appendix A. These
specifications are the performance standards or limits against
which the instrument is tested. Specifications apply only under
the following conditions:
1. Output terminated into matching impedance.
2. 30-minute minimum warm up.
3. Temperature range of 20°C to 30°C. Specifications outside
this range are degraded by 0.1% per °C.
Model 5601 has two BNC connectors on its front panel,
designated as Input and Output.
The Input connector accepts signals within the range of DC to
over 20MHz and amplifies them by a fixed gain. Input
impedance is factory configured at 50W or 1MW. 1MW input
impedance can be used for low frequency signals (up to
100KHz). However, higher frequencies require a 50W
termination at the input of the amplifier to eliminate standing
waves and reflections in the input cable, which can cause
excessive ringing and aberrations at the output.
The amplifier input cannot tolerate high
voltage if configured for 50W impedance.
Therefore, before connecting the cable to the
input connector, make sure your signal will
not exceed the input rating, as specified in
Appendix A.
Depending on the configuration, the amplifier may generate
inverted signals. Gain is fixed at 10 (or other gain factor
specified at time of purchase). Output source impedance is
configured as 50W, 75W, or 600W.
Overview 1-5


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