External Scale; Internal Scale; Soap, Scum And Skin Effects; Typical User Experiences - Scalewatcher 3 Star Instruction Manual

Hard water treatment system for indoor use
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What does a water softener do that a SCALEWATCHER™ System does not?
1. The water softener softens hard water by replacing the calcium and magnesium
with sodium.
2. The water softener adds salt in your water and drains damaging chlorides into
the environment.
3. The water softener requires that you purchase salt periodically.
4. The softener gives you a silky feeling that you cannot get rid of soap from your
5. The water softener makes your skin dry.
6. The water softener requires that you waste water for regeneration.
External Scale Indicators: It is good to use external scale as a tracking reference to
determine that the system is working. Areas to identify are:
1. Scale around taps, sinks, etc. will begin to soften, provided that the newly treated
water is in regular contact with the area. Once softened, the deposits will
disappear on their own, or they can be easily removed using a stiff scouring pad.
2. Surfaces in contact or splashed with water become easier to clean.
3. Scale on showerheads softens and disappears, periodic showerhead cleaning or
replacement becomes unnecessary.


1. As the heating element inside your hot water system is descaling, water heating
will become progressively more efficient. Water will then heat faster saving up to
30% in energy use. You may save additional energy by reducing thermostat
settings while still having sufficient hot water.
2. If the water system was severely scaled, an improvement in water flow also may
be noticed.
You will usually notice:
1. A reduction of around 20% in soap detergents needed.
2. Less scum forms on the bathtub and there is improved soap lather.
3. A great improvement in skin condition for anyone suffering from dry or itchy skin.
Even those with normal skin can expect improvements and reduction in the use
of hand creams.



The treated water is immediately altered and will start dissolving scale buildup in the
pipes. The hard scale dissolves one particle at a time, so there are no problems with
clogging filters or screens in the plumbing system. If you have never used a water
softener before, you will experience a dramatic difference in the "feel" of the water. The
water will have a softer feeling and you will notice that your hair is "squeaky clean" after
a shampoo. You will experience that SCALEWATCHER™ treated water cleans better.


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