C Ru Ise C Ontrol - Mercedes-Benz 350 SDL TURBO 1991 Owner's Manual

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C ru ise C ontrol

A ny given speed above ap pro xim ately
40 km /h (25 m ph) can be m aintained
w ith the cruise control by operating
the lever.
A ccelera te and set:
Lift lever briefly to set speed. Hold
lever up to accelerate.
D ecelerate and set:
D epress lever briefly to set speed.
Hold lever dow n to decelerate.
N orm ally the veh icle is acce le rated to
the de sire d speed w ith the a c c e le ra ­
tor. Speed is set by briefly pushing the
lever to position 1 or 2. T he a c c e le ra ­
to r can then be released.
T he speed can be increased (e.g. for
passing) by using the acce le rator. As
soon as the a cce le rator is released,
th e pre vio usly set speed will be
resum ed au tom atica lly.
If a set speed is to be increased or
d e crea sed slightly, e.g. to ad ap t to the
tra ffic flow , hold lever in position 1 o r 2
until the desired speed is reached, or
briefly tip the control lever in the
a p pro pria te directio n fo r in crea ses or
d e cre a se s in 1 km /h (0.6 m ph)
increm ents. W hen the lever is re­
leased, the new ly set speed rem ains.
C anceling
To can cel the cru ise control,
briefly push lever to position 3.
W hen you ste p on the brake pedal
or the veh icle speed falls below
approx. 40 km /h (25 m ph), for
exa m ple w hen driving upgrade,
the cruise control w ill be canceled.
R esum e
If the lever is briefly pulled to
position 4 w hen driving at a speed
e xce ed ing ap pro xim ately 40 km /h
(25 m ph), the veh icle resum es the
speed w hich w as set prior to the
can cellatio n of the cruise control.
T he last m em orized speed is
c an celed w hen the key in the
steering lock is turne d to po si­
tion 1 or 0.

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This manual is also suitable for:

350 sd turbo 1991

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