Noraxon TeleMyo DTS Operating Document page 16

Direct transmission system for surface electromyography
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The left pane is the Muscle/Device Maps where you can review the recommended
EMG placement sites for muscles, select different peripheral devices, etc.
In the center is the Channels pane. Here, the user can select which channel they
desire to record, which side of the body they are recording (which changes depending on
muscle selection), the name of the channel (which also changes depending on selection),
the type of recording (default is EMG) the amplitude (default is 500), the units (default is
µV) and whether or not this channel will be recorded (default is set to record). These
options are all setup by default to record EMG but if users have different interfacing
peripherals, this is where the information would be changed.
On the right pane there are the Application, Configuration and Measurement
Options icons. The Application window displays the icons representing the Application
Group you are currently using. Measurement Configurations are sorted by their
applications, e.g. gait configurations are located in "Gait", clinical feedback protocols in
"Feedback Training" etc. This grouping helps you sort and manage the numerous
Measurement Configurations. MyoResearch XP is equipped with a set of predefined
Application Groups that cover a wide range of EMG applications. You may want to use,
modify or create your own Application Groups and Measurement Configurations.
The Measurement Options window contains various options which can be
customized for your collection, like acoustic beeper, real time processing, biofeedback
displays and synchronized video. For in depth information on all these options, refer to
pages 38-45 in the MyoResearch XP Master Edition User Manual located on the desktop.
Once you have selected the desired channels' muscles and have configured the
data collection trial to suit your needs, simply click on the Start button at the bottom left
of the window. This will bring you to the Measurement Monitor where a live trace of the
EMG channel will be displayed. Before recording, ensure that the baseline of the trace has
been zeroed by clicking on Zero Offset. You can also add manual event lines or time
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