Securing The Cables; Emg Signal Validity - Noraxon TeleMyo DTS Operating Document

Direct transmission system for surface electromyography
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2. Use small electrodes to increase the selectivity of your measures (avoid cross-talk)
3. The recommendation for the inter-electrode distance is 2 cm
4. Apply electrodes in series to the muscle fiber direction
5. Use the dominant middle portion of the muscle belly for best selectivity
6. Take care that the electrode site remains on the active muscle mass during muscle
shortening (i.e. biceps brachii)
7. Use a map system with measured distances between the electrode site and dominant
anatomical landmarks (Fig. 4.1 and 4.2)
8. Ensure participant does not sit on or apply too much pressure to the electrode or
Knowledge of muscle origin and insertion is also important. For the standardized
electrode placement of the most common muscles recorded using sEMG, visit the
SENIAM Project ( Click the header 'Recommendations' ->
'Sensor Locations' and follow the links for each of the regions of the body and the muscles
that comprise them.

3.4 Securing the Cables

Finally, securing the electrodes and preamplifiers on the skin is sometimes
necessary. This point may be not as important for static or slow motion tests, but in
dynamic studies it helps to avoid cable movement artifacts and minimizes the risk of
separating the electrodes from the skin. Use regular tape, elastic straps or net bandages to
secure each electrode lead, however, avoid too much tension. It is recommended not to
directly tape over the electrodes to keep a constant application pressure for all electrodes
and thus reduce unwanted noise in recorded signals.

3.5 EMG signal validity

This checkpoint addresses the basic questions: "Did I measure the right muscle"
and "can I see valid signals at all?" There is a possibility of accidentally applying the wrong
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