GE 235 System Manual page 19

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Potential u s e r s of the GE-235 who have the IBM-650 computer can make a smooth transition to the
GE system through the use of simulators provided by General Electric.
The simulator program achieves the following objectives without l o s s of accuracy o r flexibility:
Simulates the basic IBM-650 System, with 2000 words of drum memory, one 533 card
reader, and punch with alphabetic device. An extended version provides the capability of
core storage, index registers, floating point, and magnetic tapes. The simulator program
runs on the GE-235, with a t l e a s t 8192words of memory, card reader and card punch, and
Control cards preceding the IBM-650 program deck define the IBM-650 plugboard wiring
and console switch settings.
Can be modified to include other IBM-650 configurations o r features with a minimum of
programming effort. Documentation is detailed and complete s o that features peculiar to
certain applications may be readily incorporated.
L G P - 3 0 S i m u l a t o r
The LGP-30 Simulator executes the Royal McBee LGP-30 system instructions in the GE-235 and
produces essentially the same results and outputs a s that computer.
Special needs of computer u s e r s a r e filledby specialized programs such a s the text searching sys-
tem and the G E - 2 3 5 / c P ~ program. Other programs a r e tailored to needs of a specific industry
o r user.
T h e T e x t S e a r c h i n g S y s t e m
The Text Searching System permits retrieval of information from texts. The System consists of
three principal programs.
One converts texts (written in a natural o r artificial language) into a
form suitable for searching.
A second program compiles programs to search the texts f o r
requested symbol occurrences.
The third program executes the compiled programs to search
converted texts and announce the search results.
The G E - 2 3 5 / C p ~ program adapts a major network analysis technique to the GE-235. Complex
projects (such a s new product introduction, large constructionprojects, and assembly-line planning)
consisting of a s many a s 2100 activities and 1000 events can be analyzed by the GE-235 in minutes.
Alternate schedules with optimum time and cost data, o r other major project parameters, a r e
produced a s a printed output. The G E - 2 3 5 / ~ ~ ~
program can be used with GE systems having a t
least an 8K memory, 4 magnetic tape handlers, a card reader, and a printer.


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