Half Pedaling; Sostenuto; Sostenuto; Soft Pedal - Kawai Nord Grand User Manual

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Nord GraNd User MaNUal os v1.0x

HalF PedalING

The sustain pedal on the Nord Triple Pedal can be used with half pedal-
ing techniques, meaning that the "virtual" dampers of the piano can be
held in positions that are not entirely lifted or lowered, resulting in a "half
dampened" sound.


When the sostenuto (middle) pedal is operated, notes held at the mo-
ment the pedal is pressed down will be sustained, while succeeding
notes will not.

soFT Pedal

To the left is the soft pedal, also known as the Una Corda. With this
pedal pressed, all played notes will be slightly lower in volume and also
have a more subdued tone quality.


Use the Piano TIMBRE settings to quickly alter the char-
acter of the selected piano sound – while keeping the
eQ unit of the effects section free for other tasks.


Unlike other Timbre options, the SOFT setting for acoustic pianos does
not apply filtering to the sound. Instead, the dynamic response is adjust-
ed to give the sound a more intimate and subdued quality.
The MID mode de-emphasizes both high and low frequency ranges,
making for a focused and cutting sound with a prominent mid-range.
The BRIGHT mode emphasizes the high frequency range, producing a
very bright and brilliant sound.


When an electric Piano is selected, all available Timbre settings are
tailored specifically to suit these sounds.
The SOFT setting reduces the treble and bell sound, while retaining a
focused and punchy sound.
The MID setting boosts the upper mid-range, adding "presence" and cut
to the sound.
The BRIGHT setting boosts the upper mid-range and adds brilliance/tre-
ble, giving both presence and clarity to the selected piano sound.
The DYNO 1 and DYNO 2 settings are both based on sounds produced
by a custom preamp and eQ, which was a common addition to tine
based electric pianos in the 70's and early 80's. Both settings greatly
enhance the inherent "bell" sound of the electric piano sound. The dyno
2 setting also boosts the bass register, resulting in a distinctly "mid
scooped" sound.
The selected electric piano needs to be of version 6.0 or higher for
the Dyno Timbre settings to be available. Version 6 electric piano
files (in .npno format) can be downloaded from www.nordkey-
Clav seTTINGs
an original Clavinet is equipped with 4 rocker switches which control the
onboard eQ. Most of the combinations produced by these switches are
available on the Nord stage 3.
Available settings are: Soft, Treble, Soft+Treble, Brilliant, Soft+Brilliant,
Treble+Brilliant, Soft+Treble+Brilliant.

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