Radio Playback; Setting The Radio Stations; Stereo/Mono; Station Memory - Teufel Columa 300 R Technical Description And Operating Instructions

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Radio playback

Select one of the two radio frequency modes (FM/AM) as
source (see page 12):
FM – Reception of stereo and mono stations in the range
of 87.5 to 108 MHz, RDS mode is possible.
AM – Reception of mono stations in the range of 522 to
1,629 kHz.

Setting the radio stations

Direct entry of the tuning frequency:
• Tip the button 31 "Presets/Frequ." twice so that the
tuning frequency appears in the display panel.
• Enter the frequency without any decimals or commas
using the number buttons 24 "0...9".
• Push the select button 27 "OK".
Station search:
Change the tuning frequency with the buttons 21 and/or
26 "◀/▶":
• Manually: The frequency is increased and/or de-
creased by one step each time the button is tipped
(FM: 0.05 MHz, AM: 9 kHz).
• Automatically: Holding down the button for a pro-
longed period of time starts station scanning in the
desired direction until a station with suffi ciently strong
signal is found.
The current tuning frequency is shown in the display 16.
If the station is received in stereo, the symbol "
shown. If the station is broadcasting an RDS signal, the
station name is displayed in alternation with the frequen-
cy after a short time.


With weak FM stereo stations interferences may be
heard. If this occurs, you can switch to mono (and back
to stereo) reception using the button 30 "Mode".

Station memory

The device can save 30 FM stations and 10 AM stations.
You can conveniently recall saved stations by RC control.

Automated program search

• Set the desired reception range (FM or AM).
• Push the button 25 "Test/Mem" for approximately three
The device will automatically save the fi rst 30 stations
for FM and/or 10 stations for AM. Memory slots that
are already occupied are overwritten in the process.

Saving stations manually

" is also
• Set the desired station as described above.
• Push the button 25 "Test/Mem".
The number of the selected memory slot blinks in the
display panel, e. g. "P01".
• With the number buttons 24 "0...9" you can enter
the desired memory slot number or select the desired
number with the set buttons 26 "◀/▶".
• Push the select button 27 "OK".
• If the memory slot is already occupied, the question
"Overwrite?" will appear.
If you want to select another memory slot, push the
function button 24 "0/Return" and enter another
• To save, press the select button 27 "OK". The notice
"SAVE OKAY" will appear briefl y in the display panel.
The station has now been saved. If no button is pushed
for fi ve seconds, the device switches back to normal

Selecting stations from the memory

• Push the button 31 "Presets/Frequ.".
The number of the last-used memory slot appears in the
display panel, e. g. "P03".
• Enter the two-digit number of the desired memory slot
with the number buttons 24 "0...9".
• Push the select button 27 "OK".
• Columa 300 R


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