Key Focus 6 - Responding To Sound - TTS InO-Bot Scratch Teachers Manual

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Key Focus 6 – Responding to sound
Just behind the pen tube is a sound sensor (a
microphone reporting values 0 - 100). InO-Bot can
be programmed to respond to sound. It might
move, stop moving or light up different lights.
An example is shown on the right. 'If' the sound
level rises above 12 'then' light the front two LEDs
'else' turn them off. 'If' it rises above 20 'then' turn
the next row of LEDs on 'else' turn them off.
Because both conditional checks are in the same
loop both can be true at the same time and
therefore the first two rows of lights come on at the
same time.
Note the commands used in the 'else' section. These
are used to ensure the lights switch off again rather
than switching on and staying on.
A further challenge could be to light another row of
lights or make something else happen, e.g. at
different sound levels change the colour of LEDs 4 and 5 only.


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