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2gig Technologies 2GIG-SHKDW1-345 Installation Instructions page 2

Shock/door/window contact sensor


Shock/Door/Window Contact | Installation Instructions
2 If utilizing the integrated Door/Window capability, ensure that
the magnet is lined up with the middle mark on the sensor. See
"Calibrating Magnet Detection" on page 3 (see Figure 1 Shock/
Door/Window Contact Sensor and Magnet).
NOTE: To utilize the Magnetic Contact, the sensor must be configured
(see "Configuring the Shock/Door/Window Sensor" section on page 2).
3 Use the pre-applied adhesive tape to secure the magnet in place.
IMPORTANT: The magnet must be no more than 2.0" away from the
sensor. If a wider Gap is required, use the optional DecoTrim Magnet
4 The sensor comes configured to mount on Glass with the Magnet
Detection disabled. If this is the desired operation, skip to "Finalizing
the Installation" section on page 3.
NOTE: If the shock sensor is being used on a door or wall, the
sensor's sensitivity must be configured (see "Configuring the Shock/
Door/Window Sensor" section on page 2).
The Sensor comes pre-configured to detect shock on a Glass door or
window. If the Sensor is to be mounted on a different surface or if the
integrated Magnetic Contact is to be used, it must be configured for
optimal performance. To configure the sensor:
Mount the sensor and magnet as described in this these
Installation Instructions.
If necessary, remove the cover by pressing in the Retaining Tab
and gently swinging the top of the Sensor off the base.
Remove the battery pull tab making sure that the battery stays
firmly in place.
NOTE: The LED should not be illuminated.
The program button may now be used to:
Review the Sensor Settings
Set the Shock Sensor Sensitivity
Enable/Disable Magnet Detection
Restore the Factory Default settings
Review Sensor Settings
Press and hold the program button for less than 2 seconds:
● The Red LED will flash indicating the current shock sensor setting.
○ One flash represents the low sensitivity setting
○ Two flashes represents the medium sensitivity setting
○ Three flashes represents the high sensitivity setting
○ Four flashes represents the very high sensitivity setting
○ Five flashes represents the glass mount setting (Default)
● The Green LED then flashes indicating the Magnet Detection
○ One flash represents magnet detection has been enabled
○ Two flashes represents magnet detection has been disabled
Initiated by these button presses:
Press and release.
Press and hold until the LED blinks
once in Orange.
Press and hold until the LED blinks
Twice in Orange.
Press and hold until the LED blinks
Three Time in Orange.
Setting the Shock Sensor Sensitivity
To accommodate different surface types and environmental situations
that may require more or less sensitivity in the detection of shock
events, five selectable settings are available. To change the sensitivity
level from the default Glass Mount to another setting, press and hold
the program button for 2 to 5 seconds:
● Release the program button when the Orange LED flashes once
indicating that the sensor has entered this programming mode.
● Press the program button to select the new shock sensor setting
○ One button press selects the low sensitivity setting
○ Two button presses selects the medium sensitivity setting
○ Three button presses selects the high sensitivity setting
○ Four button presses selects the very high sensitivity setting
○ Five button presses selects the glass mount setting (Default)
Each time the button is pressed the Red LED will illuminate until the
button is released.
NOTE: If the button is pressed six or more times such entries will
be ignored and the LED will remain off and the sensor will retain the
previous setting.
When the button has not been pressed for a period of five seconds,
the programming mode will be exited and the Red LED will flash
indicating the programmed Shock Sensitivity.
Enable / Disable the Magnet Detection
The 2GIG-SHKDW1-345 can be used as a Door / Window transmitter.
The sensor is shipped with Magnet Detection disabled so this function
must be enabled and calibrated if the sensor is to be used as a door/
window contact sensor.
Begin by pressing and holding the program button for 5 to 10 seconds:
● Release the program button after the Orange LED flashes twice.
● Press the program button to enable or disable the magnet
detection capability.
○ One button press enables magnetic detection
○ Two button presses disables magnetic detection (Default)
Each time the button is pressed the Green LED will illuminate until the
button is released.
NOTE: If the button is pressed three or more times such entries will be
ignored and the and magnet detection default to the previous setting.
When the button has not been pressed for a period of five seconds,
the programming mode will be exited and the Green LED will flash
indicating the programmed Shock Sensitivity.

