ABB M2302 Manual
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│ 28.04.2017
Pos: 2 /DinA4 - Anl eitun gen Online /Inh alt/KNX/Doo rEntry /832 20-AP- xxx/Tit elblat t - 832 20-AP-xxx - ABB @ 1 9\m od_ 132 3249 806 476 _15. docx @ 11 108 4 @ @ 1
=== E nde der Liste für Tex tma rke C over == =


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for ABB M2302

  • Page 1 ABB-Welcome Pos: 2 /DinA4 - Anl eitun gen Online /Inh alt/KNX/Doo rEntry /832 20-AP- xxx/Tit elblat t - 832 20-AP-xxx - ABB @ 1 9\m od_ 132 3249 806 476 _15. docx @ 11 108 4 @ @ 1 M2302 Gateway === E nde der Liste für Tex tma rke C over == =...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    Pos: 4 /Busc h-Ja ege r (N eust rukt ur)/ Mo dul-St ruktu r/Onli ne-D oku ment ation /Inh altsve rzeich nis ( --> Fü r alle Doku men te <-- )/In haltsve rzeic hnis @ 19\ mod _13 206 490 4438 6_1 5.d ocx @ 109 653 @ @ 1 Safety ....................... 3 Intended use ..................... 3 Environment ....................3 ABB devices ................3 Operation ....................5 Control elements ............... 5 Operating modes ..............6 4.2.1...
  • Page 3: Safety

    Therefore, dispose of the device at the appropriate recycling facility. Pos: 12 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/2 ./ABB Gera ete @ 19 \mo d_1 323 162 843 832_ 15. docx @ 11 087 5 @ 2 @ 1 ABB devices Pos: 13 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Umw elt ( -->...
  • Page 4 ABB-Welcome All packaging materials and devices from ABB bear the markings and test seals for proper disposal. Always dispose of the packaging material and electric devices and their components via an authorized recycling facilities or disposal companies. ABB products meet the legal requirements, in particular the laws governing electronic and electrical devices and the REACH ordinance.
  • Page 5: Operation

    ABB-Welcome Pos: 18 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/1 ./Bedie nun g @ 18\m od_ 130 261 392 416 5_15 .docx @ 1 033 65 @ 1 @ 1 Operation Pos: 19 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/2 ./Nor male r Bet rieb @ 18 \mo d_1 302 768 8209 65_ 15. docx @ 10 3540 @ 2 @ 1 Control elements Pos: 20 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/3 ./Bedie nele men te @ 20\ mod _13 232 6022 055 9_1 cx @ 1 116 47 @ 3 @ 1...
  • Page 6: Operating Modes

    ABB-Welcome Pos: 26 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/2 ./Bedie nakti onen @ 2 0\m od_ 1323 262 294 281 _15. docx @ 11 191 1 @ 2 @ 1 Operating modes Pos: 71 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/3 ./Abschl usswide rsta nd @ 19\ mod _13 219 5807 990 6_1 cx @ 1100 83 @ 3 @ 1 Pos: 72 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/KNX/Do orEnt ry/Bedie nun g/Abschl usswide rsta nd s etzen 83 220 -AP-xxx @ 19\ mod _13 1072 339 236 9_1 cx @ 1 078 41 @ @ 1...
  • Page 7 ABB-Welcome Enable one building as an independent sub-system (outdoor station(s)/guard unit(s) can be connected). Up to 60 such systems are supported within the whole system. The gateway address is equal to the riser number. Fig. 3: Building gateway Wiring diagram: Fig.
  • Page 8: Floor Gateway

    ABB-Welcome 4.2.2 Floor gateway Fig. 5: Floor gateway Functions 1->OFF, 2->OFF, 3->ON — 8 —...
  • Page 9 ABB-Welcome Enable a multi-apartment as an independent sub-system (another outdoor station can be connected, for example in front of the door of the floor with the multi-apartment). The gateway address is equal to the minimum address of the indoor station inside the sub-system.
  • Page 10 ABB-Welcome Wiring diagram: Fig. 7: Floor gateway If using pushbutton outdoor station as a gate station, floor gateway is available for this kind of use case. In following example, an outdoor station is mounted at the gate entrance with which all six apartments can be called.
  • Page 11 Apartment 01 A Apartment 02 B Apartment 02 B Apartment 03 C Apartment 03 C Apartment 04 D Apartment 04 A Apartment 05 E Apartment 05 B Apartment 06 F Apartment 06 C M2302 M2302 X10 X1 X10 X1 — 11 —...
  • Page 12: Apartment Gateway

    ABB-Welcome 4.2.3 Apartment gateway Fig. 8: Apartment gateway Functions 1->OFF, 2->ON, 3->OFF — 12 —...
  • Page 13 ABB-Welcome Enable one apartment as an independent sub-system (The 2nd confirmed outdoor station can be connected). Up to 99 such systems can be supported within the whole system. The gateway address is equal to the apartment number. Fig. 9: Apartment gateway...
  • Page 14 ABB-Welcome Wiring diagram: Fig. 10: Apartment gateway — 14 —...
  • Page 15: Additional Power Supply Mode

    ABB-Welcome 4.2.4 Additional power supply mode Fig. 11: Additional power supply mode Functions 1->OFF, 2->ON, 3->ON — 15 —...
  • Page 16 ABB-Welcome Enable an additional power source for systems with a system controller. ★ Using gateway + system controller as auxiliary power supply to ★ connect to other indoor stations in the same building, when one system controller can’t cover all consmer units.
  • Page 17 ABB-Welcome Wiring diagram: Fig. 13: Additional power supply mode — 17 —...
  • Page 18: Line Amplifier

    ABB-Welcome 4.2.5 Line amplifier Fig. 14: Line amplifier Functions 1->ON, 2->OFF, 3->OFF Strengthen the video signal and extend transmission. For increased distance please refer to ABB-W elcome system manual. Fig. 15: Line amplifier — 18 —...
  • Page 19 ABB-Welcome Wiring diagram: Fig. 16: Line amplifier Pos: 75 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dok ume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dok ume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eiten umb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_ 126 8898 668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @ 1...
  • Page 20: Technical Data

    ABB-Welcome Pos: 76 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/Ueb ersc hrift en/1 ./T echnisc he D aten @ 18 \mo d_1 302 615 863 001 _15. docx @ 10 341 6 @ 1 @ 1 Technical data Pos: 77 /Di nA4 - A nleitu ngen Onlin e/In halt/KNX/Do orEnt ry/83 220 -AP-xxx/ Tech nische Date n - 832 20-AP-x xx @ 1 8\m od_ 130 321 285 4559 _15 .docx @ 1 037 05 @ @ 1...
  • Page 21: Mounting/Installation

    ABB-Welcome Pos: 79 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Übe rsch rifte n ( --> Fü r alle Doku men te < -- )/1. E bene /M - O/ Mont age / Ins tallatio n @ 18\ mod _13 0261 396 611 1_1 cx @ 1 033 73 @ 1 @ 1 Mounting/Installation Pos: 80 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Siche rheit (- ->...
  • Page 22: General Installation Instructions

    Pos: 85. 1 /DinA4 - Anleit ung en O nline/I nhal t/KNX/DoorE ntry/ 832 20-AP-xxx /Mo nta ge - Mo dule/ Mon tag e - Mon tage dos e -- 83 220 -AP-xxx @ 19\ mod _132 325 040 684 8_1 5.doc x @ 1 110 98 @ @ 1 The device M2302 must only be installed on mounting rails according to DIN EN 500022.
  • Page 23 ABB-Welcome Pos: 83 /B usch-J aeg er (Neus truk tur )/M odul -Strukt ur/O nline -Doku me ntatio n/Steu er mod ule - Onlin e-Dok ume ntati on ( -- > F ür alle Dok ume nte <- -)/ +++ ++ ++ +++ ++ S eiten umb ruch + +++ ++ ++ +++ + @ 9\m od_ 126 8898 668 093 _0. docx @ 521 49 @ @ 1...
  • Page 24 W e reserve the right to make technical changes at any time as well as changes in the content of this document without prior notice. The detailed specifications agreed to at the time of ordering apply to all orders. ABB accepts no responsibility for possible errors or incompleteness in this document.

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