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Making Fettuccine Or Spaghetti; Tips And Hints - Cuisinart SPECIALTY Collection Instruction And Recipe Booklet

Pasta maker



1 . Attach the desired pasta cutter to the pasta
maker by sliding it into the brackets located on
the front of the pasta roller (figure 4) . Transfer
the handle from the roller to the cutter .
2 . Insert the dusted pasta sheet into the cutter
and rotate the handle clockwise to cut the
pasta (figure 5) . Transfer the cut pasta to a tray
dusted with semolina flour . Sprinkle the pasta
with more semolina flour to prevent sticking;
excess will fall off during cooking .
3 . After all pasta is cut, cook or store in refrigerator
for up to 3 days . Alternatively, cut pasta may be
dried and stored for up to 3 months .


• The key to making fresh pasta is to have the right feel of the dough .
It is important that the dough is not too moist or too dry . The dough
should be pliable and come together in one ball . It should not be
sticky to the touch .
• It may be necessary to experiment with the fresh egg pasta recipe a
few times to get the feel of the dough and the pasta-making
process .
• The humidity of the day can greatly affect the pasta dough . If the
day is very humid, watch and feel the dough when you are finished
kneading . If it is still sticky, knead in one tablespoon of flour at a
time until the stickiness disappears .
• When making fettuccini or spaghetti, separate pasta as soon as it is
cut from the pasta maker . Toss freshly cut pasta with semolina flour
to prevent sticking . Pile semolina-dusted noodles together in loose



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