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US Robotics COURIER HST User'smanual page 19

Auto dial, auto answer modem 9600; 2400; 1200; 300 bps


continuous connection between two modems.
The connection is made without dialing.
• If the modem is installed in a Hewlett Packard system,
be sure to follow the instructions in Appendix E-5.
• If you're working with a computer rather than a ter-
minal, the computer must be in Terminal Mode. If
you're not familiar with this requirement, check the
Glossary and refer to your communications software
documentation for instructions.
• You'll need an RS-232C cable to connect the modem
to your computer or terminal. It should be a shielded
cable to ensure minimal interference with radio and
television reception.
For information on the RS-
232C interface, see Appendix B-1.)
The modem takes a DB-25P (25-pin plug) connector,
but computer equipment varies: check the serial port
at the rear of your machine. The port will be labeled
"Modem," "Communications," or "EIA," or with a
phone symbol. (Don't use the port marked "Printer"
or "Aux.") If the port is a plug, specify a DB-25S
(socket) connector to your dealer. If the port is a
socket, specify a DB-25P (plug) connector. If your
machine has other than a 25-pin port, check your
documentation to see what type of RS-232C con-
nector is required.
I. Turn off the computer or terminal and its peripheral
2. Examine the label on the bottom of the modem. In addi-
tion to the summaries and other information, the label
contains icons to aid in modem assembly. Then check
the interfaces at the back of the modem, shown in the
following photograph.

