
Operator's Manual
ADVANCE 2000 AM-18
English version /MI_USA 0250
Edition: 07/2017
Code: 825083
Máquinas Agrícolas Jacto
Rua Dr. Luiz Miranda, 1650
17580-000 - Pompéia - SP - Brasil
Tel.: +55 14 3405-2100
CNPJ: 55.064.562/0001-90


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Jacto Advance 2000 AM-18

  • Page 1 ADVANCE 2000 AM-18 ADVANCE 2000 VORTEX English version /MI_USA 0250 Edition: 07/2017 Code: 825083 Operator’s Manual Máquinas Agrícolas Jacto Rua Dr. Luiz Miranda, 1650 17580-000 - Pompéia - SP - Brasil Tel.: +55 14 3405-2100 CNPJ: 55.064.562/0001-90 e-mail:
  • Page 3 ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents Intro d u ct i o n ................ . 5 P rec a u t i o n s .
  • Page 5 The Advance 2000 equipment has been developed for the exclusive use of spraying chemicals. The Jacto Advance 2000 sprayer manual refers only to instructions for use and main- tenance of parts and components made by Jacto. Read it carefully and follow the recommendations contained herein. In case of doubt, please contact JACTO.
  • Page 7: Table Of Contents

    ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents In t r o duc tion ..............1 - 9 Op er a t or and o w ner ’s r e sp ons abilitie s ..
  • Page 9: Introduction

    ADVANCE 2000 Introduction Chapter ‘Precautions” is intended to guide the operator on the cautions to be taken dur- ing the operation, maintenance and storage of this equipment. It is important to remind that this equipment has been carefully developed to provide op- timum performance with cost savings, and ease of operation and safety.
  • Page 10: Op Er A T Or And O W Ner 'S R E Sp Ons Abilitie

    Operator and owner’s responsabilities ADVANCE 2000 According to the provisions in Directive NR31 – Owner’s responsabilities: Directive on Safety and Health in Farming Labor, the farm equipment owner and operator shall • The equipment owner shall keep the ins- contribute to the safe application of chemicals tructions manual at a place where the and other agro-chemicals, by observing the operator can have free access to it whe-...
  • Page 11: E Nv Ir Onmen T Al R E Sp Onsibilitie

    The sprayer owner or the person responsible shall provide information to operators on environmental risks and how to care for the environment. Jacto recommends wearing approved and proper PPEs whenever operating the sprayer. • It is responsibility of the sprayer owner •...
  • Page 12 Safety decals ADVANCE 2000 Safety and maintenance related decals have Keep them in good repair, clean and legible. been affixed all over the equipment indicating Replade them immediately in case of damage any hazardous conditions that could cause by ordering them through the part numbers damages or accidents affecting the operator specified below.
  • Page 13 ADVANCE 2000 Safety decals RG: 379057 ATTENTION: Risk of seri- ous injuries. Keep away and do not make any kind P/N: 379123 of maintenance while the fan is in motion and the ATTENTION: Obligatory use PTO is engaged. of hearing protector. P/N: 379008 ATTENTION: Risk of serious injuries.
  • Page 14: Safety Decals

    Safety decals ADVANCE 2000 P/N: 379024 P/N: 379032 ATTENTION: Read the ATTENTION: Read the operator’s manual of the operator’s manual of the sprayer before operating sprayer before operating the the steel cables. steel cables. P/N: 379172 ATTENTION: Be careful P/N: 378992 when opening the lid of ATTENTION: Risk of serious the main tank.
  • Page 15: General Safety Recommendations

    • Before starting any operation, it is very important to learn about all information contain in this manual. In case of doubt, refer to Jacto’s technical assistance. • Do not ingest alcoholic beverages, tran- quilizers or stimulating substances both before and during work.
  • Page 16 General safety recommendations ADVANCE 2000 • Use under adverse and not recommend- • Do not use the equipment if some critical ed conditions can compromise the integ- component needs to be repaired. Provide rity of the equipment and components, for the repair before. entailing loss of warranty and disclaimer by the manufacturer for any accident and •...
  • Page 17: S A F E T Y F Or Unlo Ading T He E Quip Men

    (e.g., safety boots, gloves, hardhats, etc.) and man- • Require from the JACTO representative dur- datory PPEs for chemical spraying (e.g., ing the technical delivery of the sprayer that masks, gloves, etc.) in order to reduce the the proper instructions on assembly, main- risk of contamination and accidents.
  • Page 18: C Au Tions Dur Ing C Omp Onen T As S Embl

    • The PTO shaft will be adjusted to its • Try to couple the PTO shaft to the tractor PTO. specific use on the Jacto BC 610 PEC If necessary to adjust the PTO shaft length, equipment. Use of the PTO shaft on any use the PPEs specific to this operation such other equipment is not recommended.
  • Page 19 • When uncoupling the machine, hold it mended by Jacto (limit of 30 km/h in the on firm and level ground; if the equip- routes inside the farm and 12 km/h when ment is provided with parking brake, ac- spraying).
  • Page 20: Warning When Using And Filling The Tank

    Warning when using and filling the tank ADVANCE 2000 Fresh water tank for hand wash • Abasteça o tanque de água limpa para la- • É extremamente importante que esse re- vagem das mãos apenas com água limpa. servatório seja mantido sempre cheio. A utilização de detergentes ou soluções é...
  • Page 21: Safety In Applying Chemicals

    ADVANCE 2000 Safety in applying chemicals • READ the sprayer instructions manual. For an efficient spraying operation, it is necessary to know the sprayer employed in detail. Only thus will we prevent wast- ing chemical or improper use of the equipment, and the desired result will be achieved.
  • Page 22 ADVANCE 2000 letting contaminated materials coming in (e.g.: PPEs), use immediately an approved and suitable breathing mask and contact Jacto’s Technical Assistance; • IF the manufacturer of the product to be used recommends using a breather mask during application, use it! •...
  • Page 23 ADVANCE 2000 Safety in applying chemicals • KEEP children away from the sprayed ar- eas. Remove children, domestic animals and unprotected people from the treat- ed areas. Do not allow children or other persons not necessary for the services to remain in the chemical handling and ap- plication areas.
  • Page 24 Safety in applying chemicals ADVANCE 2000 • NEVER fill the sprayer to the top. By do- ing so, you will prevent the mixture from overflowing and possible contamination of the operator and the environment. When supplying the reservoir, do it up to the maximum limit indicated in its grad- uated scale.
  • Page 25: S A F E T Y On Main T Enan C

    ADVANCE 2000 Safety on maintenance • Awareness of and compliance with the rec- • In case that no possibility exists of provid- ommendations contained in this manual ing maintenance service to the equipment will reduce the maintenance costs and ex- with the diesel engine shut down and out- tend the service life of the equipment.
  • Page 26: Tr Ansp Or T A Tion S Af E T

    Such charac- serious accidents. If in doubt, contact Jacto. teristics shall be carefully evaluated prior to transportation of the equipment. • For your and others’ safety, remove the sprayer booms before transporting the •...
  • Page 27 ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents Hit ching ................2- 3 0 C oupling .
  • Page 29 TDP para acionamento da bomba de equal to the sprayer gross weight. defensivo e o sistema hidráulico. Sprayer net weight (Advance 2000 AM-18) = Different working conditions lead us to 4034.45 lb adopt the following criterion for choosing Tanks capacity = 581.18 gallons (approxima-...
  • Page 30 Hitching ADVANCE 2000 Adjustment of the traction bar Insert the fork’s pin into the appropriate hole (1 or 2) to vary the distance between the power takeoff shaft and the connection point (figure A). ATTENTION! The tolerances indicated on the table (maximum load on the traction bar in relation to the Table 2: Distance between the power takeoff shaft...
  • Page 31 ADVANCE 2000 With the traction bar in the chosen position (please see the traction bar adjustment), start the coupling procedure as described below. • Corte as cintas plásticas utilizadas para fixar o garfo do engate. • Posicione o garfo do engate na hori- zontal e coloque o pino de engate no furo lateral.
  • Page 32 Acoplamento ADVANCE 2000 Assembly and adjustment of the conventional power takeoff shaft NOTE: Before using the equipment for the first time, clean and lubri- ca-te all the PTO shaft points with grease NLGI-2 lithium ba- sed as shown in the illustration be-side (for further informa- tion on recommended grease, refer to the lubrication table).
  • Page 33 ADVANCE 2000 Controller mounting • Mount the hydraulic control support to the tractor in a convenient position. • Place the actuation control unit (A) on the hydraulic control support. sticker ATTENTION! After installed, the hydraulic and spray circuit controls levers will be positioned close to the operator for easy operation.
  • Page 34 Assembling the controllers ADVANCE 2000 • The red colored cable must be connected ATTENTION! to the battery’s positive (+) pole and the black cable must be connected to the bat- The electrical cables and looms tery’s negative (-) pole. were designed and manufac- tured to be installed in the lo- •...
  • Page 35 ADVANCE 2000 Assembling the controllers ATTENTION! Before unhitching the equip- ment, power off the controller by means of the “ON/OFF” swi- tch and disconnect the male / female socket. If the controller remains powered on then there will be consumption of power from the battery, and may even totally drain it.
  • Page 36 Assembling the booms ADVANCE 2000 • Install the booms supporting crossbeam. • Install the booms supporting springs. OBSERVATION: Install the washers as shown in the picture. • Install the booms (A) on the frame. 2-36...
  • Page 37 ADVANCE 2000 Assembling the booms • Install the cylinder on the boom. • Install the stabilization cables (B) on the boom. OBSERVATION: Keep the clamps joining the boom sections I and II. 2-37...
  • Page 38 Assembling the booms ADVANCE 2000 • Install the safety cable. • Install the central boom. • nstall the hoses. OBSERVATION! The hoses have different sizes. The shorter one must be installed on the 1st in-line filter and the longer one on 2nd in-line filter. 2-38...
  • Page 39 ADVANCE 2000 Assembling the booms • Unfold and fold carefully the booms to make sure that the hoses are not entan- gled on the structure. cylinder fork • In case of problem when folding the booms, adjust the cylinder fork. 2-39...
  • Page 40 Assembling the booms ADVANCE 2000 Fixing the air assistance canvas tube (Advance Vortex) ATTENTION! air assistence Remove the boom when trans- canvas tube joint porting the sprayer on trailers, trucks or tows. The boom lock system is desig- ned for operations at low speeds. Lock the boom when moving the sprayer within the farm.
  • Page 41 ADVANCE 2000 Assembling the nozzles tubes and boom skid • Start to install the nozzle tubes on the central boom. OBSERVATION! The central boom branch is di- vided into two parts: the part which has three nozzle-holders must be assembled so that the furthest nozzle-holder from the chemical mixture inlet on the branch is aligned with the slid-...
  • Page 42 Mounting the nozzles into the nozzle holders ADVANCE 2000 Bijet The bijet nozzle holder leaves the factory al- ready mounted onto the spraying extensions. Nevertheless, it will be necessary for you to install the nozzles that you chose when pur- chasing the equipment.
  • Page 43 ADVANCE 2000 Mounting the nozzles into the nozzle holders Quadrijet (optional) The Quadrijet nozzle holder is an optional ATTENTION! item. Upon request on the purchase of the equipment, it will leave the factory with The fan nozzle is attached to these installed on the spray extensions.
  • Page 45 ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents P r e sen t a tion - A d v an c e 2 0 0 0 A M -18 ........3 - 4 7 Te chnic al sp e cif ic a tions A d v an c e 2 0 0 0 A M -18 .
  • Page 47 ADVANCE 2000 Presentation - Advance 2000 AM-18 1. Main reservoir 6. Power Takeoff Shaft 2. Booms 7. Jack 3. Frame 8. Clean water reservoir 4. Chemical container rinse 9. Hand washing reservoir 5. Masterflow control 10. Stair 3-47...
  • Page 48 Technical specifications Advance 2000 AM-18 ADVANCE 2000 Table 3: Technical specifications Advance 2000 AM-18 Weight Empty machine weight 4034 lb Dimensions Total length 216.92 in Width 124.01 in Maximum height 139.36 in Track (with 11,2 x 28 tires) 70.86 at 94.48 in Free space from the ground (with 11,2 x 28 tires) 25.98 in...
  • Page 49 ADVANCE 2000 Presentation - Advance 2000 Vortex 1. Main reservoir 6. Power Takeoff Shaft 2. Booms 7. Jack 3. Frame 8. Clean water reservoir 4. Chemical container rinse 9. Hand washing reservoir 5. Masterflow control 10. Stair 3-49...
  • Page 50 Technical specifications Advance 2000 Vortex ADVANCE 2000 Table 4: Technical specification Advance 2000 Vortex Weight Empty machine weight 4073 lb Dimensions Total length 224.80 in Width 124.01 in Maximum height 138.19 in Track 70.86 at 94.48 in Free space from the ground 25.98 in Application height 13.38 at 52.36 in...
  • Page 51 ADVANCE 2000 Options table Table 5: options Description Optional Agricultural chemical controls 4 Way lever 4 Way cable • 4 Way electrical • 4 Way electrical with computer • Hidraulic controls Lever Cable • Electrical • Pump JP-100 JP-150 • Tire 12,4 x36 16.9 x 30...
  • Page 53 ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents A djus ting t he t r ack............4 - 5 5 F illing t he r e s er v oir s .
  • Page 55: Adjusting The Track

    ADVANCE 2000 Adjusting the track Before starting to open or close the track on Table 6: track the ADVANCE 2000, drain the reservoirs so that Tires that the equipment becomes lighter, facilitating Track (in) may be in- the operation; it is also recommended that the stalled on the equipment be completely washed down, as minimum...
  • Page 56 Track width adjusting ADVANCE 2000 In farms with rugged topography, the semi- Table 8: Track width -axis position can be changed, thus providing Track width Declivity (maximum) greater equipment safety. Going over terraces and other obstacles at 70.86 high speed must be avoided. We recommend 74.80 slowing the speed while going over them.
  • Page 57 ADVANCE 2000 Filling the reservoirs Filling the main reservoir There are two ways of filling the sprayer’s • Put the filler unit (3) in the water source main reservoir: and the end of its discharge hose (4) at the tank opening. 1.
  • Page 58 Filling the reservoirs ADVANCE 2000 2ª. Through the quick fitting valve (optional) • After filling the tank, close the quick fit- ting valve (3) and then the filling hose • Connect the filling hose (2) with the quick valve (1). fitting valve (3).
  • Page 59: F Illing T He R E S Er V Oir

    ADVANCE 2000 Filling the reservoirs Filling the clean water tank With the purpose of maintaining the sprayer and discarding chemical containers with sa- fety, the Advance 2000 has a 200 liters clean water tank (A) that allows to clean the sprayer chemical circuit and the chemical containers.
  • Page 60 Chemicals mixer ADVANCE 2000 During this procedure, pay attention to the ATTENTION! amount of water that will be transported to the main tank. Pay attention to the amount Operate the chemical mixer red of chemical product that will be placed in the lever only after positioning the tank as the volume may increase significan- chemical container over the...
  • Page 61 ADVANCE 2000 Chemicals mixer Detail: Chemicals mixer valve • Black lever: Chemicals mixer inside cleaning • Red lever: Chemical container rinsing. 4-61...
  • Page 62 Instructions for triple washing ADVANCE 2000 he containers that have been washed under pressure with the solution and thereafter with clean water for 30 seconds (container of 10 liters) or for 60 seconds (with container of 20 liters), it will not be necessary to triple wash them.
  • Page 63: Instructions For Triple Washing

    ADVANCE 2000 Instructions for triple washing Additional information 1. In the case of medium or large sized con- tainers (50, 100 and 200 liters), after ha- ving been washed with 1/4 of the volume, replace the cap on the container and roll it on the ground for approximately 30 se- conds.
  • Page 64 Drainage of the main tank ADVANCE 2000 • After spraying, proceed to rinse inside the tank. • Spray the crop with the water of the main tank. • To drain the main tank, just pull the drain valve rope located close (A) to the tank filler opening.
  • Page 65: Folding And Unfolding The Booms

    ADVANCE 2000 Folding and unfolding the booms There are two ways to actuate the booms un- folding and folding: • Through electric switches; • Through cables. Plate fixed on the control (with actuation through cable) showing the sequence to unfold and fold the booms.
  • Page 66 Folding and unfolding the booms ADVANCE 2000 • Unfold the booms, both simultaneously or individually. • With the booms aligned (in the horizontal), set them about 50 cm above the target. ATTENTION! Only unfold and fold the booms in level areas away from trees and electricity supply cables.
  • Page 67: C Alibr A Ting T He Sp R Ay

    ADVANCE 2000 Calibrating the sprayer Before calibrating the sprayer be sure: • Pump is properly lubricated (oil level and grease) and has no leakage. • Suction filter is clean. • Nozzles are of the same model, not worn, • Hoses are not twisted or bored. with correct flow rate and with clean strainers.
  • Page 68 Calibrating the sprayer ADVANCE 2000 8. On irregular ground, repeat this opera- tion several times and take the average. 9. Stop the tractor with the acceleration used to move the 50 meters or 164.04 ft, open the nozzles and adjust the pressure according to directions for the different types of nozzles.
  • Page 69: C Alibr A Ting T He Mas T Er Flo W Spr Ay C On T R

    ADVANCE 2000 Calibrating the Masterflow spray control To calibrate the working pressure, proceed as follows: • Engage the PTO and accelerate gradu- ally until reaching 540 rpm. • Set the relief valve to the position P (pressure); • Turn the pressure regulator clockwise to increase the pressure;...
  • Page 70 Calibrating the Masterflow spray control ADVANCE 2000 • Once the boom section is calibrated, set the lever downward (open). • Repeat the same operation on the other boom sections in order to keep constant pressure along the entire boom, regard- less of the number of boom sections on.
  • Page 71: Spr Ay Ap Plic A Tion T E Chnolo G

    ADVANCE 2000 Spray application technology A successful spray application does not depend • Ideal time; only on a good sprayer or correct use of the chemicals but also on factors to be determined • Application rate; in the field under specialized orientation. •...
  • Page 73 ADVANCE 2000 Table of contents Gener al r e c ommenda tions ..........5 - 7 5 Main f ilt er and line f ilt er s ..........5 - 7 6 Bije t noz zle holder .
  • Page 75: General Recommendations

    ADVANCE 2000 General recommendations • After the first thirty hours of usage the These procedures will prevent problems dur- bolts, nuts and clamps, specially the nuts ing future applications, such as: blockage of on the wheels and axle fastening bolts the nozzles, filters, etc, as well as protecting must be checked for tightness.
  • Page 76 Main filter and line filters ADVANCE 2000 The cleaning interval for the filters depends on the quality of the water used as well as the type of chemical product. Clean the filters at every replenishment or when necessary. The main filter and line filters are mounted according to the illustrations below: (A) re- cord, filter elements (B), rings (C), filter cover (D), and nut housing (E).
  • Page 77: Bijet Nozzle Holder

    ADVANCE 2000 Bijet nozzle holder After the equipment has been used for an extended period of time the need will arise to do maintenance on the anti-drip valves on the nozzle holders. We present in the table below the problems that may arise as well as the indications, the causes and correction: Table 11: Problem, cause and correction - nondrip double nozzle holder...
  • Page 78: Quadrijet Nozzle Holder (Optional)

    Quadrijet nozzle holder (optional) ADVANCE 2000 After the equipment has been used for an extended period of time the need will arise to do maintenance on the anti-drip valves on the nozzle holders. We present in the table below the problems that may arise as well as the indications, the causes and correction: Table 12: Problem, cause and correction Quadrijet nondrip quadruple nozzle holder...
  • Page 79: Oil Level

    ADVANCE 2000 Oil level Hydraulic fluid level All of the hydraulic systems on this piece of Hydraulic oil reservoir ADVANCE-AM 18 equipment share the same reservoir. To make the best use of this system, some caution must be taken during certain operations so that the fluid does not become contaminated and neither does the operation of hydraulic components become prejudiced.
  • Page 80: L O C A Tion Of T He Lubr Ic A Ting P Oin T

    Location of the lubricating points ADVANCE 2000 • Power Takeoff Shaft; OBSERVATION: • Grease nipples for the booms and mov- The lubrication interval for each able frame; of the items below is described in the “OPERATIONS TABLE” as • Booms articulation; given in this chapter.
  • Page 81 ADVANCE 2000 Lubrication (grease nipples) During the lubrication (greasing up), one must take caution so that none of the grease nipples are forgotten, as each one of them has its importance in the system and are marked with a lubrication point sticker (A). Look at the components below for the lubri- cating points: NOTE:...
  • Page 82: L Ubric A Ting And Oil Changing Pr O C E Dur E

    Lubricating and Oil changing procedures ADVANCE 2000 Wheel hubs Every 500 hours of service, remove the wheel hubs (A) on the equipment, wash and exam- ine the parts. Changing the lubricating oil in the agricultural chemical pump In accordance with the information as laid down in the operations table, the first oil change for the pump must be carried out af- ter the first 30 hours of work, whilst all the...
  • Page 83 ADVANCE 2000 Table of operations Table 11: Operations Periodicity Table of operations 10 h or 30h or Every Every Every Every daily weekly 100 h 400 h 500 h 600 h Before using the equipment for the first time, clean and lubricate all the PTO shaft points. •...
  • Page 84: L Ubric An T S And R E C Ommende D F Ilt Er

    Lubricants and recommended filters ADVANCE 2000 Caution to be taken with the hydraulic system • Only use oil that is recommended by the • Take special caution so as not to conta- manufacturer (do not mix oils from di- minate the hydraulic fluid with water, fferent brands).
  • Page 85: P O W Er T Akeof F Sha F

    ADVANCE 2000 Power takeoff shaft ATTENTION! These operations must be carried out with the machine stopped and the tractor’s motor switched off. Any type of maintenance on the power takeoff shaft must be carried out with the use of IPE, such as: Protective gloves, Boots, Glasses, etc. Conventional PTO Shaft Disassembling: 1.
  • Page 86 Conventional PTO Shaft ADVANCE 2000 Assembling: 1. Clean and lubricate the male and fema- le tubes. 2. Install the sliding ring into the fitting with the grooves pointing toward the tube. 3. Install the protection guards. 4. Turn the guard cone until the indicated position.
  • Page 87 ADVANCE 2000 Conventional PTO Shaft ATTENTION! This procedure must be carried out by an experienced person with the machine empty and very well scotched on a leveled ground. Do not allow people or animals near the machine during this procedure. Operate equipment only with PTO shaft equipped with safety protection (plastic covers).
  • Page 88 Power takeoff shaft ADVANCE 2000 Disassembly of the power takeoff shaft for lubrication With the power takeoff shaft in the position as shown in fig. C, force the cover downwards by simultaneously pressing locks 2 and 3 in- wards with the aid of a punch or screw driver. With all 3 locks loosened, cover 1 will slide over cover 3, which may then be removed.
  • Page 89 ADVANCE 2000 Power takeoff shaft Assembly Grease the groove for the c-clip - figure G. Figure G Insert the cover 3 and attach it with a c-clip 4 -Figure H. Figure H With the power takeoff shaft in the position as indicated by figure I, slide cover 1.
  • Page 90: M E Chanic Al Agit A T

    Mechanical agitator At any sign of the drain leak (A), replace the mechanical seal.Contact your nearest Jacto dealer. 5-90...
  • Page 91: H Y Dr Aulic C On T R

    ADVANCE 2000 Hydraulic control Cable adjustment As the time goes by, it may be necessary to ad- just the booms hydraulic actuation cables, if the unfolding and folding operation is defective. To adjust proceed as follows: • Loosen the nut (1). •...
  • Page 92: S T Eel C Able S Diagr

    Steel cables diagram ADVANCE 2000 1º segmento 2º segmento Procedures: • Then, install the orange steel cable on the external pulley, also on the second boom • ith the booms unfolded, first install the section (pulley 1). steel cable of the first boom section. •...
  • Page 93: Winter Storage

    ADVANCE 2000 Winter storage NOTE: In areas where temperatures drop to 0° or less, the water accumulated in the spray pump can freeze and cause serious damage. Procedures: 4. Disconnect the inlet hose of the auxiliary tank bypass valve (C). 1.
  • Page 94 Trouble-shooting ADVANCE 2000 Components 1. Spray tank 7. In-line filter 2. Suction filter 8. Auxiliary tank 3. Spray control 9. Flow bypass valve 4. Spray pump 10. Chemicals mixer 5. Pressure hose 11. Auxiliary tank valve 6. Return hose 12. Nozzles 5-94...
  • Page 95: Trouble-Shooting

    ADVANCE 2000 Trouble-shooting Problems, causes and corrections Whenever Jacto sprayers equipped with pis- ton pumps present problems, try to classifiy them in one of the following four groups. a. Lack of suction and pumping capacity • No liquid flow through the nozzles.
  • Page 96 Problems, causes and corrections ADVANCE 2000 Table 9: Lack of suction and pressure (total lack of pressure) Probable causes Indications and corrections 1. No rotation of the agricultural The pump must be driven at 540 rpm. Visually chemical pump. check to see if the pump is being driven. For the agricultural chemical circuit to operate it is 2.
  • Page 97 ADVANCE 2000 Problems, causes and corrections Table 10: Insufficient pressure (partial lack of pressure) Probable causes Indications and corrections 1. Insufficient rotation in driving the ag- The rotation to drive the pump must be that of 540 rpm. ricultural chemical pump. Due to the design of the 3 way valve, even when it is in the closed position there will still be liquid flow- 2.
  • Page 98 Problems, causes and corrections ADVANCE 2000 Table 11: Oscillation in pressure Probable causes Indications and corrections Caused by a hole in the hose, damaged filter sealing 1. Entry of air into the inlet system. ring, etc. Check and repair any leaks if there are. Check the valve and valve seat to ensure yourself 2.
  • Page 99: Advance 2000 Am-18 - Circuit Hydraulic

    ADVANCE 2000 Advance 2000 AM-18 - Circuit hydraulic CAPACIDADE: 4,4 LITROS 1. Chemical pump 5. Right boom actuation hydraulic cylinder 2. Hydraulic pump 6. Frame actuation hydraulic cylinders 3. Boom angular adjustment cylinder 7. Hydraulic boom control 4. Left boom actuation hydraulic cylinder 8.
  • Page 100: Advance 2000 Vortex - Circuit Hydraulic

    Advance 2000 VORTEX - Circuit hydraulic ADVANCE 2000 Hydraulic circuit characteristics Working pressure ......2489 PSI² ATTENTION! Pump average rotation ....1570 rpm Pump flow rate .......2.11 gpm Use hydraulic oil with speci- fication ISO VG-68, as shown FAN: in the lubrication table. Working pressure ......
  • Page 101: C Hanging T He Tir E

    ADVANCE 2000 Changing the tires • The raising of the equipment to change the tires or to widen the track requires a lot of attention. • Keep the equipment hitched to the tractor and positioned on a firm and flat surface. To change the tires, proceed as follows: •...
  • Page 102 Cleaning and storage ADVANCE 2000 At the end of the work, put clean water into the tank (50% of its capacity) and operate the equipment until all the water is drained, with the purpose of cleaning out the agricultural chemical circuit. With the aid of a brush with nylon bristles, clean out the suction filter as well as the in line filters with clean water and neutral detergent.
  • Page 103 ADVANCE 2000 Tabel of contents War r an t y ................ 6 -10 5 Te chnic al deli ver y c er tif ic a t e ..
  • Page 105 Jacto’s Responsibilities JACTO through its representative network, • Maintenance; concedes to the first owner the right of a tech- nical delivery of the equipment, in which the •...
  • Page 106 Technical ditions present manufacturing or raw ma- Delivery Certificate. terial defects that are duly proven by Jacto, complying with the following rules. Applying the guarantee: Any parts re- placed under this coverage will be come the property of Jacto.
  • Page 107 Any eventual delays in carrying out the servic- It’s at Jacto’s criteria to review, modify, im- es does not give the owner any right to indem- prove, discontinue or change any machine nity, neither an extension to their guarantee;...
  • Page 109 ADVANCE Warranty Sprayer ADVANCE 2000 Invoice Nº:______________________________ Machine Nº:______________________ Batch:_______________________________________________________________________ Farm Name:_________________________________________________________________ Owner:______________________________________________________________________ Address:_____________________________________________________________________ Municipality______________________________________________ State:_______________ Technical delivery Jacto Representative:___________________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/______. Technician Signature 400 Hour Inspection Jacto Representative:___________________________________________________________ Date: ____/____/______. Technician Signature...
  • Page 111 Town:___________________________UF:______ Batch: :_____________________________ Date:____/____/___ CEP:____________________CxP:_________ Assinatura do proprietário I certify that the Technical Delivery was done Technician Signature Stamp / Retailer in accordance with the instructions in the product manual. Detach and send to the technical assistance department at Jacto.
  • Page 112 To ensure that you benefit from your guarantee it is necessary that the inspections be carried out within the established deadlines. It is necessary to send this duly filled out document to: MÁQUINAS AGRÍCOLAS JACTO S.A. - DEPARTAMENTO DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA Rua Dr. Luiz Miranda, 1650 17580-000 - Pompéia - SP - Brazil Phone.: +55 14 3405-2183/2228 - Fax: +55 14 3452-1012...
  • Page 113 Model:____________________Nº:_________ Nº:______ Batch:______________________________ Town:_______________________FU:______ Date:____/____/___ CEP:____________________CxP:_________ Technician Signature Stamp / Retailer Owner Signature I certify that the Technical Delivery was done in accordance with the instructions in the product manual. Detach and send to the technical assistance department at Jacto...
  • Page 114 To ensure that you benefit from your guarantee it is necessary that the inspections be carried out within the established deadlines. It is necessary to send this duly filled out document to: MÁQUINAS AGRÍCOLAS JACTO S.A. - DEPARTAMENTO DE ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA Rua Dr. Luiz Miranda, 1650 17580-000 - Pompéia - SP - Brazil Phone.: +55 14 3405-2183/2228 - Fax: +55 14 3452-1012...
  • Page 115 ADVANCE Technician visits record Date No. of Hours Problems Technician / Retailer 6-115...
  • Page 117 Table 2: Distance between the power takeoff shaft and the connection point ..... 2 - 3 0 Table 3: Technical specifications Advance 2000 AM-18 ..........3 - 4 8 Table 4: Technical specification Advance 2000 Vortex ............ 3 - 5 0 Table 5: Options ......................

This manual is also suitable for:

Advance 2000 vortex

Table of Contents