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Setup Instructions - General SAM990DW User Manual

Digital psychrometer



To open the battery compartment, turn the SAM990DW
over, place your thumb on the area of the battery
compartment cover marked OPEN, and slide the cover
down and away.
Install the two included "AAA" batteries in series in the
compartment. To do so, slide each battery into its half of
the compartment cathode (- side) first, so the cathode
contacts the coiled spring. If the batteries have been
installed correctly, when side by side they should face in
opposite directions.
To begin, grasp the sides of the sensor protection cap at
the top of the unit and pull the cap until it releases.
To power on the unit, press the ON/OFF button. After a
few seconds, the LCD will begin showing real-time RH
readings on the top line and real-time ambient
temperature readings on the bottom line.
The SAM990DW's default temperature unit is degrees
Fahrenheit. To switch to degrees Celsius, press and hold
the C/F button until the lower readout changes.
To display the real-time Dew Point temperature on
the lower readout, press and hold the td/WBT button until
td appears at the lower left of the LCD.
To display the real-time Wet Bulb temperature on the lower
readout, press and hold the td/WBT button a second time,
until WB appears at the lower left of the LCD.
To return to showing ambient temperature on the lower
readout, press and hold the td/WBT button a third time,
until WB disappears.

