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Specifications - General SAM990DW User Manual

Digital psychrometer


The SAM990DW automatically tracks the maximum and
minimum (highest and lowest) RH values and
temperatures (ambient, Dew Point and Wet Bulb) sensed
over a measurement "session"—the time during which
you make measurements at multiple locations and/or
under different conditions. Each session begins when you
power on the unit; it typically ends 20 minutes later with
the activation of the APO function.
The value of being able to quickly determine the hottest or
coolest, or wettest or driest area of several possibilities
should be obvious.
To display the minimum RH level and temperature sensed
during a measurement session, press and hold the
MN/MX once. Doing so will cause both readings to appear
on the LCD, with the term MIN at the right of the RH%.
To switch to the maximum RH level and temperature
detected over the same period, press and hold the
MN/MX button again. This will change MIN to MAX.
To resume displaying real-time readings, press and hold
the MN/MX button again.
To clear the Min and Max session values from memory,
press and hold the RST button until the LCD briefly shows
all possible display indications, and then returns to
showing real-time, Min or Max readings.


Temperature Measurement Range:
-4° to 122°F (-20° to 50°C)
Temperature Measurement Accuracy: ±1.8°F (±1°C)
Temperature Measurement Resolution: 0.1°
RH Measurement Range: 0 to 100%

