Beehive International B102 Service Manual page 91

B100 series
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H BLANK — Horizontal Blanking-Part of signal necessary for monitor display
H DRIVE — Horizontal Drive • Signal to monitor for horizontal deflection on CRT.
HOLD REG BZ — Holding Register Busy - Signal indicates the UART transmitter is holding a character to be transmitted
INCR CURL — Increment Cursor Line - Signal used to upcount cursor line register
INCR CURP — Increment Cursor Position - Signal used to upcount cursor position register
INCR ROLL — Increment Roll Register - This signal increments the roll counter for scroll feature; an upcount
of this counter will add of this counter will add 80 positions to display.
INS MODE — Insert Mode - Signal indicates to PLA program that the input at this time is to be inserted into
memory instead of overwritten in memory.
INTERNAL OPN - Internal Operation - This signal indicates the function under operation is internally controlled
and not necessarily transmitted to the I/O ports
KB AUX EN — Keyboard Auxiliary Enable - Signal off keyboard which will enable the Auxiliary port on the terminal
from the keyboard
KB AUX ONL — Keyboard Auxiliary On Line - Signal off keyboard which will enable the AUX port on line with
with the main I/O port and the terminal
KB BREAK EN - Keyboard Break Enable - Signal off keyboard which fires break function in terminal
KB DISABLE — Keyboard Disable - Locks out keyboard entry
KB LD ART — Keyboard Load UART - Signal loads UART with character input from keyboard; similar to
Keyboard Strobe
KB NO XMIT - Keyboard No Transmit - Signal flags an internal operation being done from keyboard and is not
to be transmitted over the I/O ports.
KB OUT EN — Keyboard Output Enable - Timing signal used to unable keybaord input to display
KB RESET — Keyboard Reset-Signal is an output actuated by Control Home/Clear Command from keyboard;
signal will reset all functions of terminal
KEY STROBE — Keyboard Strobe - Signal which tells unit a key is depressed on keyboard
LD ART EN - Load Asynchronous Receiver Transmitter Enable
- Signal used to load UART buffers with char
acters from bus to be transmitted
LD BCUR — Load Buffered Cursor • Signals loads value of cursor location to cursor line and positon buffers for block
send operation
LD BUS SEL — Load Bus Select - Signal will load which bus input device will be on the bus at a qiven time
interval (Input Buffer, Memory, Literal PROM, Insert/Delete Register, Keyboard, etc.)
LD INP BFR — Load Input Buffer - Signal used to load the receiver bus input buffer with character to be placed
on the bus
LD CPN- Load Operation - Command used to load the operation counter to specific operation; done by PLA.
There are 15 that can be loaded.
LD SEQ — Load Sequence - Command used to load the sequence counter to a specific sequence within any
operation or Mode 0. There are 15 sequences that can be loaded in Mode 0 or any of 15 operations.
LOAD CURL — Load Cursor Line - Signal will load cursor line register with bus value at time of command.
— Load Cursor Position - Signal will load cursor position registers with bus value at time of command.
LD LIT ADR — Load Literal Address - Command used to instruct the load of the address of the literal PROM
(Block Send Delimiter ROM)


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