Beehive International B102 Service Manual page 89

B100 series
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ART DATA 1, 2,3,4,5,6,7 - Asynchronous Receiver parallel output data lines bits 1 to 7.
ART IN —UART Receiver Serial Input Line - inputs come from l/D port AUX port and unit's own transmitter.
ART OUT - UART Serial Transmit Data line - transmits to lyO. AUX, and unit's own Receiver
ART XMIT CLK - XI6 Clock used to clock data out of the transmitter
AUX ART CLK —XI6 Clock used to clock data out of the transmitter when in an AUX mode
AUX CTS - AUX Clear to Send
AUX RTS - AUX port Request to Send
AUX SEND - Signal used to Enable AUX Port XMIT DATA Line
AUX TIMER - Timer used to Delay AUX Port CTS for Printer interface. This is a unit controlled delay
B CURL ILLEGAL — Buffered Cursor Line Illegal - Used to denote EOM line in Block Xmit.
B CURP ILLEGAL - Buffered Cursor Position Illegal - Used to denote EOM Position in Block Xmit.
BEEP ENABLE - Decode of Control "G" (0070)
BFR IN USE —Denotes Receiver Buffer is in use and cannot receive another character for transfer to the bus
BLINK CLK - Clock of Binary Counter that clocks the blink memory
BLINK EN - Output of Blink Memory bit - enables Blink Clock to input to video
BLINK FLOP CLK —Clock used to Enable Blink Flop —Clock to Start Blink - Clock to Stop Blink —D type Flop
CLR BCURL EN - Clear Buffered Cursor Line Enable--- signals clears the registers storing the cursor linecount in a block
CLR BFR EN - Clear Buffer Enable - signal clears input buffer of receiver to a null
CLR CURL - Clear cursor line; resets cursor line registers to zero
CLR CURP - Clear cursor position; resets cursor position registers to zero
CLR REG - Clear register - signal which clears insert/delete character registers at output of memory.
CLR SCRN —Clear screen —command used to Initiate screen blanking or video blanking for special operations
CLR SEQ —Clear Sequence - command used to clear sequence counter inputting PLA
CNTR CARRY - Counter Carry
CNTR CURSOR —Counter Cursor - final cursor compar output signal
CPC CARRY —Character position count carry-Counter Carry - Signal denoting 30ms time outhas been completed.
CPC 1- - Character position Count = 1
CURL ILLEGAL —Cursor line illegal - signal which flags cursor line position as off displayable screen
CURP ILLEGAL —Cursor position illegal - signal which flags cursor position as off displayable screen
CURSOR LINE BUFFER - Buffer that is loaded to store cursor character position for block send operations.


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