Alarms; Instrument Settings - Linde G-TECTA SG Operating Manual

Premium single gas detection instrument
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SG has two instantaneous alarm level
settings, AL-1 and AL-2.
Alarm signals
The red and blue alarm LEDs will flash, the sounder
will emit a loud, fast series of beeps and the internal
vibrator alarm will activate. The display will show
the gas level and the alarm level alternatively.
Note: For any gas, there are normally 2 alarm levels
– these are indicated by the alarm icons:
SG is set to "latch" the alarm by
default. This means that the instrument will continue
to alarm until the operator presses the mode button.
Once you have evacuated the dangerous area,
press the mode button on the G-TECTA
instrument; this will reset your G-TECTA
to normal operating mode. If the G-TECTA
continues to alarm, i.e. you are still in a dangerous
area, pressing the button will have no effect.
TWA Alarms
For toxic gas sensors, there are also two time
weighted average alarms (TWA). The TWA alarm
for toxic gases will operate when the short-term
(15 minute) or long-term (8 hour) time weighted
average alarm levels are exceeded. The G-TECTA
will display "SWTA" (15 minutes) or "LTWA"
(8 hours) with toxic gas levels.
TWA alarms are functional for
toxic gas instruments only.
The 8 hour TWA alarm cannot
be cleared.
Flammable Over-range Alarm
If flammable gas levels exceed 100% LEL,
SG locks into alarm and displays "9999"
showing an over-range condition. G-TECTA
temporarily cut off power to the sensor to prevent
burn out, and display a progress bar for 200
seconds. When the power timeout is complete,
the mode button should be pressed to put the
instrument back into normal operating mode. The
SG can optionally be configured to force
the operator to switch the instrument off and
on to restart. This option is programmable with
PC Software.
Note: All alarm configurations can be set with
PC Software.
If the sensor power is
reconnected when the unit is exposed to an over-
range gas concentration there is a risk of damage
to the pellistor sensor.
Depleted oxygen levels can
reduce the flammable gas reading. If oxygen
levels are below safe breathing limits it should be
assumed that the flammable reading is low.

Instrument Settings

The following instrument settings can
be altered using G-TECTA
Alarm Levels for the Sensor
Level 1 and level 2 alarms can be set for
the gas sensor.
Alarm Trigger
The alarm trigger can be set for rising levels of
gas (toxic and flammable), or for falling levels of
gas (oxygen deficiency monitoring).
Alarm Latching
Latched alarms require the operator to press the
mode button to clear the alarm (default setting).
The alarm can be set to be latched or unlatched.
Unlatched alarms will clear automatically when
the gas hazard has passed.
SG will
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