Obihai OBi1032 User Manual

Obihai OBi1032 User Manual

Obi1000 series ip phones
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OBi1000   U ser   G uide  
User   G uide  
Version:   1 .0  
Rev.   2 014.08.21  
OBi1000   S eries   I P   P hones
OBi1032   /   O Bi1062
            C opyright   O bihai   T echnology  
Copyright   b y   O bihai   T echnology  
All   R ights   R eserved  


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Obihai OBi1032

  • Page 1             C opyright   O bihai   T echnology       OBi1000   S eries   I P   P hones   OBi1032   /   O Bi1062     User   G uide    ...
  • Page 2: Table Of Contents

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Table   o f   C ontents   1   Introduction  ........................   5  ...
  • Page 3 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Shared   L ine   A ppearance   ( SLA)   a nd   S hared   C all   A ppearance   ( SCA)  ............   3 3  ...
  • Page 4 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   7   Overview   o f   A dministrative   F eatures   ................   6 0  ...
  • Page 5: Introduction

      f or   e ach   O Bi,   w hile   f igures   1   t hrough   4   s how   t he   f ront   a nd   b ack   o f   e ach   O Bi   a s   w ell   a s   t he   p hone   w ith   a n   attached   O Bi1000e   S ide   C ar.     OBi1062   OBi1032   Specification   S ummary   LCD:   4.3"   C olor   T FT  ...
  • Page 6 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology           Figure   1 :   F ront   o f   t he   O Bi1032   I P   P hone    ...
  • Page 7 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology           Figure   3 :   R ear   o f   t he   O Bi1032   a nd   O Bi1062   I P   P hones      ...
  • Page 8: Accessories Available Separately From Obihai

                C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Accessories Available Separately from Obihai The   O Bi   s upports   t he   f ollowing   a ccessories:  ...
  • Page 9: Overview Of Phone Features

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Overview of Phone Features Core Features These   a re   f eatures   t hat   a re   s upported   n atively   b y   t he   p hone   w ith   l ittle   t o   n o   s pecific   r equirements   o n   t he   SOFTSWITCH.  ...
  • Page 10: 2 Using The Obi

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   2 Using the OBi The   O Bi   h as   l ogical   a reas   a ssigned   t o   d ifferent   p hone   f unctions,   h elping   t he   u ser   t o   e asily   a nd   i ntuitively   o perate   t he   device.  ...
  • Page 11: The Home Screen

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   The Home Screen The   H ome   A pp   l aunches   a utomatically   w hen   t he   p hone   s tarts   u p.   T he   H ome   A pp   o nly   h as   o ne   l evel   o f   s creen   c alled   the  ...
  • Page 12: Feature Keys

    (4)   g roups   o f   V irtual   L ine   K eys   ( VLKs)   p resented   o n   t he   s creen   w ithin   t abs.   T his   a llows   f or   a   t otal   o f   1 2   V LKs   o n   t he   OBi1032   a nd   2 4   o n   t he   O Bi1062.  ...
  • Page 13 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   There   a re   t wo   a pproaches   y ou   c an   t ake   t o   a ssigning   t he   n ext   t ab   f eature   k ey   –   a   V LK   m ay   b e   u sed   w ithin   e ach   t ab   t o   carry  ...
  • Page 14: Call Keys

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Every   f eature   k ey   h as   a   c orresponding   F eature   K ey   I tem   t hat   c an   b e   v iewed   o n   s creen.   T he   e asiest   w ay   t o   v iew   t he   feature  ...
  • Page 15: Programmable Keys (Pks)

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Programmable Keys (PKs) Programmable   k eys   a re   f eature   k eys   t hat   c an   b e   a ssigned   a n   a rray   o f   f unctions   b ut   c annot   b e   a ssigned   t he   c all   function.  ...
  • Page 16: List Of Feature Keys And Their Functions

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   List of Feature Keys and their functions Note,   t he   i cons   d isplayed   u nder   e ach   f eature   k ey   i tem   a re   o nly   a pplicable   w hen   t he   f eature   k ey   i s   m apped   a s   a   V LK.   Feature  ...
  • Page 17 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology           Feature   K ey   Description    ...
  • Page 18 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology             Feature   K ey   Description  ...
  • Page 19: 3 Making And Receiving Calls

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   3 Making and Receiving Calls Current Calls App The   C urrent   C alls   A pp   i s   f or   m anaging   c alls   c urrently   i n   p rogress   o n   t he   p hone.   T he   c alls   a pp   s tarts   a utomatically   when  ...
  • Page 20: Call States

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Call States As   a   c all   p rogresses   f rom   b eginning   t o   e nd,   i t   g oes   t hrough   a   n umber   o f   d efined   s tages   k nown   a s   C all   S tates.   T he   following  ...
  • Page 21: With The Speakerphone

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Figure   1 3:   G UI   s creen   s howing   a   D ial   D ialog   d uring   o ff-­‐hook   d ialing   w ith   t he   handset.  ...
  • Page 22: On-Hook Dialing (Predial)

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   On-hook Dialing (Predial) The   p revious   o ff   h ook   d ialing   m ethods   s tart   t he   d ial   t one   w hen   t he   u ser   l ifts   t he   h andset,   o r   a ctivates   t he   speakerphone  ...
  • Page 23: Additional Ways To Make Calls

      p hone.   T he   O Bi1000   i s   a   6 -­‐line   p hone,   w ith   6   ( OBi1062)   o r   3   ( OBi1032)  ...
  • Page 24: Receiving Calls

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   key   e xists   t hen   t he   c all   w ill   f ail.     F or   t his   r eason   i t   i s   i mportant   t o   e nsure   e nough   b ound   a nd   u nbound   c all   k eys   a re   defined  ...
  • Page 25: Holding Calls

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Holding Calls While   a   c all   i s   c onnected,   t he   u ser   c an   p lace   t he   c all   o n   h old   u sing   o ne   o f   t he   f ollowing   m ethods:   Pressing  ...
  • Page 26: 4 Advanced Call Scenarios

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   4 Advanced Call Scenarios Managing Multiple Calls with the Calls App The  ...
  • Page 27: Ending   C All  

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   transferrable   s tate,   w hich   i s   e ither   t he   C onnected   o r   H olding   s tate.   I f   t he   h ighlighted   c all   i s   t ransferrable,   t he   s oft   keys  ...
  • Page 28: Call Forwarding

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Call Forwarding OBi   p hones   s upport   t hree   s tyles   o f   c all   f orwarding:     Call  ...
  • Page 29: Conference Calls

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Conference Calls A   c onference   c all   i s   a   c onversation   i nvolving   2   o r   m ore   r emote   p arties.   I n   o rder   t o   s tart   a   c onference,   t here   m ust   b e   at  ...
  • Page 30: External Conference Bridge

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   External Conference Bridge When   u sing   a n   e xternal   c onference   b ridge,   t he   c onference   s ize   i s   n ot   l imited   b y   t he   p hone   b ut   b y   t he   c onference   bridge.  ...
  • Page 31: 5 Premium Features At A Glance

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   5 Premium Features at a Glance The   f eatures   i n   t his   s ection   h ave   s pecial   r equirements   o n   t he   s oft   s witch   o r   P ABX   t hat   p rovides   t he   s ervices.   T he   availability  ...
  • Page 32: Call Park And Call Pickup

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Call Park and Call Pickup Call   P ark   a nd   C all   P ickup   ( Call   R etrieval)   a re   c omplimentary   o perations   v ery   m uch   l ike   c all   h old   a nd   c all   r esume,   except  ...
  • Page 33: Shared Line Appearance (Sla) And Shared Call Appearance (Sca)

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Shared Line Appearance (SLA) and Shared Call Appearance (SCA) A   S hared   L ine   i s   a   s ervice   a ccount   o r   e xtension   t hat   i s   i nstalled   o n   a   g roup   o f   p hones,   s uch   t hat   i f   a ny   p hone   i s   u sing   that  ...
  • Page 34: Buddy List

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Buddy List A   B uddy   L ist   i s   a   c ontact   l ist   w ith   p resence   i nformation   i ncorporated.   T he   O Bi   s upports   B uddy   L ists   b ased   o n   t he   XMPP  ...
  • Page 35: Expanded Buddy List

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Figure   2 4:   S etting   m y   p resence   f rom   t he   G UI   The  ...
  • Page 36: Buddy List Management

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Buddy List Management Basic   B uddy   L ist   o perations   i nclude:     Add  ...
  • Page 37: Call Recording Controls

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Call Recording Controls Some   s oft   s witch   p latforms   ( such   a s   B roadSoft)   s upport   c all   r ecording   f eatures   d uring   a   c all.   W hen   t he   f eature   i s   available,  ...
  • Page 38: Customer Originated Call Trace

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Customer Originated Call Trace An   a gent   c an   s tart   a   c all   t race   u pon   r equest   b y   t he   c aller   d uring   t he   c all   b y   p ressing   t he   “ Trace”   s oft   k ey,   w hich   i s   available  ...
  • Page 39: User Settings Synchronization With The Service Provider

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   User Settings Synchronization with the Service Provider There   a re   s ome   s ervice   p rovider   f eatures   t hat   h ave   s ettings   c onfigurable   b y   t he   e nd-­‐user.   F or   e xample,   Call  ...
  • Page 40: Network Settings

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   The   f ollowing   i s   a   l ist   o f   a ll   s ettings   c ategories:    ...
  • Page 41: Wifi Setup

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   PPPoE   S erver   N ame       PPPoE   U ser   N ame    ...
  • Page 42 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   WiFi Scan Results Below   i s   a n   e xample   o f   t he   r esults   o f   a   W iFi   S can:    ...
  • Page 43: Bluetooth Setup

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Bluetooth Setup Bluetooth   S etup   a llows   a   u ser   t o   p air   t he   O Bi   P hone   w ith   a   m obile   p hone   o r   w ith   a   B luetooth   h eadset.   W hen   a   mobile  ...
  • Page 44: Storage

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Storage The   S torage   s ettings   a llow   u ser   t o   c opy   f iles   f rom   a   U SB   d rive   t o   t he   p hone’s   I nternal   s torage.   T his   c an   b e   u sed   t o   add  ...
  • Page 45: Voice Services

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Figure   3 4:   E xplore   f iles   o n   s torage   d evice    ...
  • Page 46 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Below   i s   a   s ample   s creen   o f   V oice   S ervices:    ...
  • Page 47 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Each   S P   S ervice   c onsists   o f   t he   f ollowing   l ist   o f   s ettings:    ...
  • Page 48: (Virtual) Line Keys

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   (Virtual) Line Keys     Figure   3 6:   C onfigure   l ine   k eys   s creen    ...
  • Page 49: Sidecar   1   A

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Sidecar 1 and 2 There   a re   1 6   i tems   p er   S idecar   l ist;   o ne   f or   e ach   S idecar   k ey.   T he   c ontent   f or   e ach   i s   s imilar   t o   t hose   i n   t he   L ine   Keys.  ...
  • Page 50: Lock/Unlock Admin Settings

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Lock/Unlock Admin Settings There   a re   n o   s ettings   u nder   t his   c ategory.   T his   i s   s olely   f or   l ocking/unlocking   t he   a dmin   l evel   s ettings.   T he   p adlock   icon  ...
  • Page 51: Contacts   A

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Figure   4 1:   A ll   c alls   s howing   o ptions   Contacts App Below  ...
  • Page 52 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology       Figure   4 3:   F ields   t ab   s howing   a vailable   u ser-­‐selectable   f ields    ...
  • Page 53: Preferences   A

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Preferences App     Figure   4 6:   M ain   s creen   o f   P references   A pp    ...
  • Page 54: Product   I Nformation   A

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Product Information App The   p roduct   i nformation   a pp   d isplays   r elevant   d ata   a bout   y our   O Bi   p hone.     T his   i ncludes   m odel   n umber,   O Bi   number,  ...
  • Page 55: Dial Dialog

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology     Figure   4 8:   A dd   n ame   d ialog    ...
  • Page 56: Notification/Warning Dialog

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Notification/Warning Dialog This   d ialog   p ops   u p   t o   s how   t he   u ser   a   s hort   n otification   m essage,   a s   s hown   i n   t he   e xample   b elow.   T he   u ser   c an   press  ...
  • Page 57: Audio Volume Settings

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Audio Volume Settings Audio   V olume   A djustment   i s   a   s pecial   a pp   t hat   i s   i nvoked   a utomatically   a nytime   t he   u ser   p resses   t he   V olume   U p   o r   Volume  ...
  • Page 58: Ringtone Picker

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Ringtone Picker This   a pp   a llows   t he   u ser   t o   s elect   a   r ingtone   f rom   a   l ist   o f   r ingtone   f iles   s tored   i n   a n   i nternal   f older.   T he   s oft   s ey   offers  ...
  • Page 59: Modifying The Value Of A Setting

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Modifying the Value of a Setting Many   o f   t he   i tems   s hown   o n   t he   G UI   a re   s ettings   w ith   v alues   t hat   m ay   b e   c hanged   b y   t he   u ser.   T he   d ifferent   s etting   value  ...
  • Page 60   i nterested   i n   u nderstanding   m ore   a re   e ncouraged   t o   s tudy   t he   a dmin   g uide,   a vailable   f rom­‐downloads/  ...
  • Page 61: Factory Reset

    OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   Adding an OBi Device to your OBiTALK User Account To   a dd   a n   O Bi   d evice   t o   y our   a ccount   f or   d evice   m anagement,   l ogin   t o   y our   O BiTALK   u ser   a ccount,   c lick   " Add   Device",  ...
  • Page 62 OBi1000   U ser   G uide                 C opyright   O bihai   T echnology   From the Phone Native Web Portal To   u se   t his   m ethod,   y ou   m ust   f irst   d ownload   t he   f irmware   f ile   f rom   O BITALK.COM   a nd   s tore   i t   o n   y our   c omputer.   Then  ...

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