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User manual
RCCB Tester
Nieaf-Smitt bv
Vrieslantlaan 6
3526 AA Utrecht Holland
P.O. box 7023 3502 KA Utrecht
Date: 1-12-2005
Number: 561144040
Ref.: 003


Table of Contents

Summary of Contents for Nieaf-Smitt RCT-S

  • Page 1 User manual RCCB Tester Supplier: Nieaf-Smitt bv Vrieslantlaan 6 3526 AA Utrecht Holland P.O. box 7023 3502 KA Utrecht RCT-S Specifications of the equipment: Specifications of the user manual: Date: 1-12-2005 Number: 561144040 Ref.: 003...
  • Page 2 Preface This manual describes the RCCB Tester. The information in this manual is important for proper and safe functioning of the machine. In case you are not familiar with the operation, the preventive maintenance, etc. of the RCCB Tester, then you read this user manual from the beginning to the end thoroughly. If you are familiar with these matters, you can use this manual for reference.
  • Page 3 Nieaf-Smitt bv. Nieaf-Smitt bv reserves the right to change parts at any given moment, without prior or direct notification to the client. The contents of this user manual may also be changed without prior warning.
  • Page 4 Warning pictograms on the tester There are a number of pictograms on the tester, meant to warn the user of remaining risks that may be present in spite of the safe design. Table 1: Pictograms on the tester Pictogram Description Location on the tester Warning: At the back side of the tester on the instruction...
  • Page 5: Table Of Contents

    CONTENTS 1. GENERAL SAFETY REGULATIONS ........................7 2. INTRODUCTION ..............................8 2.1 GENERAL ................................ 8 2.1.1 The intended use............................8 2.1.2 Target group ............................8 2.1.3 Working principle............................ 9 2.2 SPECIFICATIONS ............................11 2.3 CERTIFICATION ............................13 3. TESTER COMPOSITION ............................ 14 3.1 GENERAL ..............................
  • Page 6 Tables: Table 1: Pictograms on the tester Table 2: Switches Table 3: Admissible ranges of disconnection times according to IEC 1008-1 standard Table 4: Saving the results into the memory Table 5: Default values Table 6: General faults and warnings Figures: Figure 1: TT System connection Figure 2: Alternating fault current...
  • Page 7: General Safety Regulations

    Read, before you perform any action in connection with the tester, this user manual carefully. Nieaf-Smitt bv is not liable for injuries, (financial) damage and/or excessive wear resulting from incorrectly performed maintenance, incorrect use of or modifications to the instrument.
  • Page 8: Introduction

    The RCCB tester is intended to be used for judgement of the safety of electrical installations. The RCT-S is intended for execution of all tests concerning different protective switches with differential current protection. If the instrument is used in manner not specified in this user manual, the protection provided by the instrument may be impaired and the supplier is excluded from any responsibility.
  • Page 9: Working Principle

    Vc can appear across the grounding resistance R . Some RCD’s are sensitive only to positive or negative half periods. The RCT-S has the possibility to generate the fault current with a positive (0°) or a negative (180°) start phase, see figure 2 (a & b).
  • Page 10: Figure 2: Alternating Fault Current

    Figure 2: Alternating fault current. Structure The RCT-S is an electronic microprocessor controlled instrument intended for the execution of all tests concerning different protective switches with differential current protection (with or without switch-off delay) Select the test by means of the rotary switch. The user is able to prescribe the desired...
  • Page 11: Specifications

    2.2 SPECIFICATIONS General Power supply 4 x 1,5 V IEC LR14 alkaline batteries Battery life time approx. 2000 measurements (1 measurement per 5 minutes) Display 3 digit 7 segment LCD 19 mm with additional warnings Quality standard design, development and production according to ISO 9001 Mass approx.
  • Page 12 RMS values (10 ms) of fault currents Δ Δ Δ N (mA) N (mA) N (mA) 250 * 250 * 1500 1000 2500 Accuracy of fault current: +10%, -0% * For rated values I ΔN ≤ 30mA the five-fold test current is 0.25A. Contact voltage (V at the rated fault current (a standard RCD type) or at double rated fault current (selective RCD type)
  • Page 13: Certification

    Alternating voltage U L-PE Range U L-PE (V) Resolution (V) Accuracy ÷ ± (2% of reading +2V) Frequency Range f (Hz) Resolution (Hz) Accuracy ÷ 99,9 ÷ ± (0,1% of reading +1dig) Transport The tester is a portable test device which can be hand-held or lay down (solid foundation) during the tests.
  • Page 14: Tester Composition

    3.1 GENERAL The RCT-S is built in an enclosure of solid ABS plastic. The display is situated at the front side of the tester. The test results are displayed. The main parts (see figures in Chapter 5) are listed below: Front: 1.
  • Page 15: Installation; Starting Up And Adjustment

    3. Insert the batteries in the instrument. 4. Connect the test object according to the circuit diagrams with the RCT-S. 5. Carry out the selected test. Find a place to put the manual such that it is within reach during the use of the instrument.
  • Page 16: How To Use The Tester

    5. HOW TO USE THE TESTER? 5.1 OPERATION 1. On/off key 1. Instruction label 2. Rotary switch 2. Serial number 3. Increase key of memory location 3. Battery cover 4. Erase key of memory location 4. Fixing screw for battery cover 5.
  • Page 17: Table 2: Switches

    Keys Function key description. Table 2: Switches Selector position Description On/off - to switch on/off the tester; the tester will switch off automatically after it hasn’t been used for ten minutes or more; Recall result - to recall the saved results; Save result - to save the displayed measuring results;...
  • Page 18: Starting

    5.1.1 Starting Operating the instrument may only be done by competent persons. Never open the instrument during the testing. Check before every test: * cables and test cords on possible damages; * tester on possible damages and/or defects. 1. Check the instrument on visible damages and/or defects, for example the power plug, the line cord etc..
  • Page 19: Setting Of The Contact Voltage (Vc)

    5.2.1 Setting of the contact voltage (V Don’t remove the test cords during the measuring. Otherwise it’s able that the test object will contain live parts; - Don’t touch the test object nor the installation during the measuring; - Each result can be saved once only. In normal house installations the admissible value of the contact voltage is 50 V.
  • Page 20: Test 2: Tripping Time (T)

    Contact voltage. (If the result is higher than the preset limit contact voltage, then a general warning sign will appear). ⏐ DISPLAY ↓ The nominal leakage current (fault current) which holds the shown contact voltage. Figure 4: An example of a test result of the contact voltage 5.2.3 Test 2: Tripping time (t) How to carry out test 2: 1.
  • Page 21: Table 3: Admissible Ranges Of Disconnection Times According To Iec 1008-1 Standard

    Tripping time (t). (If the results are not according with the values in table 3, then the general warning sign will appear). ⏐ DISPLAY ↓ The nominal leakage current of the displayed tripping time. Figure 5: An example of a test result of the tripping time Table 3: Admissible ranges of disconnection times according to IEC 1008-1 standard Type RCCB 5I *...
  • Page 22: Test 3: Trip Out Current (I) At Tripping Time (T)

    5.2.4 Test 3: Trip out current (I) at tripping time (t) How to carry out test 3: 1. Connect the test cords with the instrument conform the circuit diagram of attachment 2. 2. Set the rotary switch to [Trip out current (I)]. 3.
  • Page 23: Test 4: Voltage (Vl-Pe) Or Frequency (F)

    5.2.5 Test 4: Voltage (V ) or frequency (f) L-PE How to carry out test 4: 1. Connect the test with the instrument conform the circuit diagram of attachment 2. 2. Set the rotary switch to [Voltage (V ) / frequency (f)]. L-PE 3.
  • Page 24: Memorizing Of Results

    5.3 MEMORIZING OF RESULTS Each saved result is equipped with an identification code defined by the customer. The code consists of 2 x 3 characters as follows: Where X.X.X represents a code of a certain measuring place inside the tested object, and YYY. represents a code of the tested object.
  • Page 25: Table 4: Saving The Results Into The Memory

    Table 4: Saving the results into the memory Main result Sub results and parameters Contact voltage I- Nominal fault current - Type of RCD (ordinary or selective) Tripping time I- Nominal fault current - Type of RCD (ordinary or selective) - Multiplier of the nominal fault current - Start polarity of the fault current Trip out current...
  • Page 26: Recalling Of Memorised Results

    5.4 RECALLING OF MEMORISED RESULTS. Each memorised result is equipped with an eventual sub result and parameters of the measurement (see table 4). Each function has an identification number (1 t/m 3 see figure below). The user is able to identify the function where the sub result belongs to.
  • Page 27 Check the other results saved under the same object and measuring place code by using the [↑, ↓] keys. Form of the memory locations under a certain code X.X.X, YYY: Result 1 + sub result; Result 2 + sub result; Result n + sub result For detail information about codes we refer to the user manual delivered with the PATS-W Administration- Software.
  • Page 28: Rs232 Communication

    PATS-W; - set all communication parameters at the PC by using the PATS-W Administration Software that can be supplied by NIEAF-SMITT upon separate order; - set the rotary switch of the ELT-S to the RS232-position, “ ” will be displayed;...
  • Page 29: Figure 11: An Example Of Print Out

    RS232 parameters - baud rate 4800 Baud; - format: 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity; - protocol: X OFF. Nieaf - Smitt B.V. Type Tester Serial. Nr. 9621002 ----------------------------- Date: ------------------- Operator: ---------------- Place: -------------------- Note: -------------------- Object: 001 Place: 001...
  • Page 30: Erasing Of Results

    5.6 ERASING OF RESULTS In order to avoid confusion, it is advisable to erase all stored results before starting new family of measurements. Sometimes only results stored under a certain object number or measuring place of the object are to be erased, or even only a recalled result has to be erased To prevent confusion it is important to follow the erasing procedure correctly.
  • Page 31 Only results of a certain measuring place (X.X.X) of the object are to be erased. The rotary switch in any position but the RS232 position. Pressed key Comments The last changed partial code (X.X.X of YYY), used for the recalling of the results, is displayed.
  • Page 32: Reset Of The Instrument

    Nominal fault current 10 mA Multiplier of the nominal fault current If batteries are removed from the RCT-S, exchanged and the tester switched on, then the reset function will be executed automatically. All parameters of all functions will assume their default values.
  • Page 33: Troubleshooting

    5.8 TROUBLESHOOTING Table 6 describes the different displayed fault messages of the tester. For each fault an explanation and cause is given. When executing various tests, various warnings could be displayed. They are having the following meanings: Table. 6. General faults and warnings Display Explanation Cause...
  • Page 34: Calibration And Repair

    It’s to be shown that the tested products are governed by an established test procedure. The calibration will be executed by Nieaf-Smitt b.v.. In the calibration report the results, judgements, town, date and name of the responsible person will be mentioned. There are no user replaceable parts in the instrument (batteries excepted)! For calibration and/or service you can send your tester post-paid to your local dealer.
  • Page 35: Maintenance

    6. MAINTENANCE Don’t replace parts yourself but call technical qualified persons (see paragraph 2.1.2). 6.1 BATTERIES REPLACEMENT Exchange all four batteries. If there are memorised results in the instrument and the “BAT” mark appears then transfer them to an extern printer or PC first. batteries have to be changed within one minute! Disconnect all cables (test cable or RS232 cable) before removing the battery cover.
  • Page 36: Cleaning

    Use the batteries declared in technical specification only. If there is no chance to transfer the results (extern printer or PC not available), then follow the next procedure when changing batteries in order not to loose any stored data: 1. Switch off the instrument. 2.
  • Page 37: Accessory And Replaceable Parts

    7. ACCESSORY AND REPLACEABLE PARTS Supplied standard set: - one test main cable shuko, curly type, 2 m; - one English user manual. Check all the supplied items (enclosure of the instrument as well as the accessories). If there are any damages please return the tester to the supplier for exchange or service.
  • Page 38 Identification of the instrument: Trademark: Nieaf-Smitt bv. Model/Type: RCT-S Nieaf-Smitt herewith declare that the instrument which this declaration refers to is in conformity with the following standards and according to the conditions of following Directives: Low Voltage Directive (73/23/EEG) as last amended. EMC-Directive (89/336/EEG) as last amended.
  • Page 39 Attachment 2 Circuit diagrams Contact voltage (V ) without tripping out RCD Connect the instrument to the test object or installation according to the circuit diagram Utrecht - Page 39 - Ref. 001...
  • Page 40 RCD tripping time (t) Connect the instrument to the test object or installation according to the circuit diagram Utrecht - Page 40 - Ref. 001...
  • Page 41 - RCD trip out current (I) at tripping time (t) Connect the instrument to the test object or installation according to the circuit diagram Utrecht - Page 41 - Ref. 001...
  • Page 42 Voltage or frequency Connect the instrument to the test object or installation according to the circuit diagram Utrecht - Page 42 - Ref. 001...

Table of Contents